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Mechanics to get Hose Again!


Just like Bagsmasher with his infatuation with the TWA deal, your political banter is getting old. Why not blame Bush for cancer while you're at it!
On 2/8/2003 1:40:36 AM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

"Hey Dave"'
This has got to be really "frosting your cookies"
More specifically,
Thank all those Republican, "Okie" union brothers, who kept you guys from AMFA, by voting for the "weak sister" TWU.

Your right. You AMT's are(unfairly) going to bear the brunt of the $660M !!!!!!!!!

Keep voting GOP. Not to worry, Dumbya, Carty, etc. will always look out $$$ for you guys.
"Yeah Right" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


???Please tell me more!

What "cookies" are you talking about?

What does my political party affiliation and President Bush have to do with the $620 Million and how it will be divided?

And, I did not know anyone was paying Carty two hours pay per month to protect their interest?

Where did you learn the philosophy, "That all cost, find someone else to blame"?

Maybe if the Democrats would let the President's economic stimulous package get through Congress and give tax relief to the "evil business men", those same men would again start flying our aircraft and you and I wouldn't be facing such adverse conditions. You are far more attached to business men than you will ever admit! Now run along and join the next anti-war, anti-gun, pro-abortion, gay rights, tax and spend parade with your "Non-OKIE Union Brothers".
Bagsmasher wrote:

Do quality work per FAA requirements and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. WN contracts out their heavy maintenance to people who make half as much as you with less benefits, and I don't see their planes falling out of the sky. Earn about $73,000 if you work just 40 hours per week, and have off all Holidays.


You are finally getting close. There are several contract companies who we can farm the unskilled work (ie. throwing bags) to. If the technicians of this company would just pull together and realize there is a reason a plumber makes the wages he does then maybe we can save this company some money and make a little more ourselves. The trade schools are open bags, they have been for many years. Quit complaining and put that GED to work.
"Drop out of high school, avoid military service, do a few drugs, throw a few bags and make $50,000."

High school graduate required. Many FSC's come from the military, or are on reserve. Do a few drugs and fail a piss test, and you're on the street. $48,000 IF you happen to be both topped out, and FULL-TIME. $24,000 if you are topped out, and PART-TIME. "throw a few bags" my ass. Load these POS TWA short-belly MD-80's full of BX bags going to India, is more like it. Many FSC's have bad knees, hips, and backs long before retirement age. So if you would feel good about paying them nothing, go for it.

"Put on a pretty face, gain a little weight even (no one can say anything), serve a few drinks and earn $50,000."

You forgot, and hardly ever see your home and family.

Shoot an approach through pea soup in London, earn 20% less than industry standard, shut down the engines then walk away your liability with that aircraft is done.

"Troubleshoot and repair systems (turn a wrench) that could easily kill hundreds yes hundreds at one time. Sign your social security number to a repair and live with that repair (refer to above where pilot shut down aircraft and walked away, liability over) for the life of the aircraft and earn maybe $60,000."

Do quality work per FAA requirements and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. WN contracts out their heavy maintenance to people who make half as much as you with less benefits, and I don't see their planes falling out of the sky. Earn about $73,000 if you work just 40 hours per week, and have off all Holidays.

"Bagmasher, FA Mikey the sky is blue, yes blue. Some how I am sure you can find argument with this."

I put down my joint on my G.E.D. long enough to look outside, and dang, you are right the sky IS blue. Why haven't I noticed that before? No argument here.
Why does every thread on this bulletin board that refers to mechanics get corrupted into a childish debate by non-mechanics?


Start your own threads about your pitiful life, your pitiful union, and your pitiful co-workers. I have heard enough of it also!
On 2/8/2003 11:52:50 AM j7915 wrote:

With interst rates close to zero, and companies able to avoid paying taxes through loop holes, just what will any further reduction in either rates bring us?

A very large percentage of the elderly retired population was counting on the interest on their savings to live on, now they are eating up the principal, that the baby boomers hoped to inherit. All this will drives down the economy. Home refinancing is also slowing down as most folks have milked their home equity for all it is worth.

Those "evil businessmen" have in fact not flown the majors at full cost or at all, for a long time. They use SWA for the local traffic, and wonder why it costs so much when they want to go thru a major hub on international flights, they took the profit right out of the major carriers feeder routes.

Face it, Carty is right when he said we are facing the walmartizing of the airline industry, and just as Wal Mart drives everyone's cost in the retail business, the discount carriers will drive down the price and cost at all other carriers.

The only thing that the Bush economic package will stimulate is the wealth of the upper 1%. Judging by Jack Welsh's investement style, VERY SAFE Government bonds the wealthy are not going to stimulate anything with their money, they made their wealth with other people's money, which is not there right now, see above.

I'll pass on the anti-gun etc stuff. ";Non-OKIE Union" if you are implying that AMFA is an OKIE unon then that explains a lot.

Hopeful: might as well blame cancer on G W Bush, considering his stand on the environment. Smoking chimneys mean the economy is doing well, right? That is what they taught at Harvard B.S. Environmental damage is an extenal cost and not the fault of the polluter, do you live down wind from a refinery or petrochemical plant?

What is the last time that any country could afford guns and butter simultaneously?


So your opposed to a tax cut that would give you more money in your pocket simply because a rich guy might get a cut also?

Your class warfare rhetoric is nothing more than liberal fear. In fact nearly everything you just posted is based on fear and negative thoughts.


[blockquote]----------------On 2/8/2003 7:24:29 AM RV4 wrote: [blockquote]
On 2/8/2003 1:40:36 AM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

"Hey Dave"'
This has got to be really "frosting your cookies"
More specifically,
Thank all those Republican, "Okie" union brothers, who kept you guys from AMFA, by voting for the "weak sister" TWU.

Your right. You AMT's are(unfairly) going to bear the brunt of the $660M !!!!!!!!!

Keep voting GOP. Not to worry, Dumbya, Carty, etc. will always look out $$$ for you guys.
"Yeah Right" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


???Please tell me more!

What "cookies" are you talking about?

What does my political party affiliation and President Bush have to do with the $620 Million and how it will be divided?

And, I did not know anyone was paying Carty two hours pay per month to protect their interest?

Where did you learn the philosophy, "That all cost, find someone else to blame"?

Maybe if the Democrats would let the President's economic stimulous package get through Congress and give tax relief to the "evil business men", those same men would again start flying our aircraft and you and I wouldn't be facing such adverse conditions. You are far more attached to business men than you will ever admit! Now run along and join the next anti-war, anti-gun, pro-abortion, gay rights, tax and spend parade with your "Non-OKIE Union Brothers".----------------[/blockquote]

With interst rates close to zero, and companies able to avoid paying taxes through loop holes, just what will any further reduction in either rates bring us?

A very large percentage of the elderly retired population was counting on the interest on their savings to live on, now they are eating up the principal, that the baby boomers hoped to inherit. All this will drives down the economy. Home refinancing is also slowing down as most folks have milked their home equity for all it is worth.

Those "evil businessmen" have in fact not flown the majors at full cost or at all, for a long time. They use SWA for the local traffic, and wonder why it costs so much when they want to go thru a major hub on international flights, they took the profit right out of the major carriers feeder routes.

Face it, Carty is right when he said we are facing the walmartizing of the airline industry, and just as Wal Mart drives everyone's cost in the retail business, the discount carriers will drive down the price and cost at all other carriers.

The only thing that the Bush economic package will stimulate is the wealth of the upper 1%. Judging by Jack Welsh's investement style, VERY SAFE Government bonds the wealthy are not going to stimulate anything with their money, they made their wealth with other people's money, which is not there right now, see above.

I'll pass on the anti-gun etc stuff. ";Non-OKIE Union" if you are implying that AMFA is an OKIE unon then that explains a lot.

Hopeful: might as well blame cancer on G W Bush, considering his stand on the environment. Smoking chimneys mean the economy is doing well, right? That is what they taught at Harvard B.S. Environmental damage is an extenal cost and not the fault of the polluter, do you live down wind from a refinery or petrochemical plant?

What is the last time that any country could afford guns and butter simultaneously?
On 2/8/2003 11:26:53 AM bagsmasher wrote:

$48,000 IF you happen to be both topped out, and FULL-TIME.


Wow, what a coincidence, $48,000 is what an Eagle mechanic makes after 12 years. Of course we have 4 fewer holidays, none of the holidays pay more than double time, we have less vacation, higher cost medical, no pension, the list goes on and on.

Looks like I was an idiot for continuing my schooling when all I really needed was a GED.
RV4 writes:

Why does every thread on this bulletin board that refers to mechanics get corrupted into a childish debate by non-mechanics?


Start your own threads about your pitiful life, your pitiful union, and your pitiful co-workers. I have heard enough of it also!

Boy I guess you told me!!! We are childish because of being lowly FSC's instead of AMT's? Are only AMT's or other PROFESSIONALS allowed to voice their opinion on these boards? The rest of us are just "pitiful" aren't we? Guys like you are what give some mechanics a bad name. You shouldn't have to share the same union as the other low-lifes huh? It's not enough to make 50% more than us is it? You want more like $120k a year don't you? You are a PROFESSIONAL, and deserve PROFESSIONAL pay, but are being held down by a union of lowlifes right? You make me want to puke!

Getting closer. Acceptance is the first step in the healing process. My advice dont start a professional trade bashing you cant finish. There appears to be to many skilled professionals on this site.

I didn't START anything. I'm just not going to back down to someone who thinks they are superior.
A buddy of mine who I graduated with went to work for the UAW. Now he makes $75k on the assembly line. Does that make him better than me? No, he just ended up with a better job.

Getting closer. Acceptance is the first step in the healing process. My advice dont start a professional trade bashing you cant finish. There appears to be to many skilled professionals on this site.

Your right, some of these posts(mine included) are getting "stale".

But just as a reminder(not that you need it, because your(seriously) as "sharp as a tack", and don't forget ANYTHING), of some of my postings , here AND on PB/BB's.

1. I was a lone voice on PB, that supported you guys for AMFA.
2. I NEVER begrudge any union member who makes more $$ than me.(Because if I wanted to I 'could" have become a AMT, or a Pilot. I chose not to.)
3. I detest the "weak sister" TWU.
4. No one,Including the BIG MAN in the sky, will ever convince me that Republicans are TRUE UNION MEN/Women.

Sorry Dave, no matter how you try and spin it, Republicans(OIL) and UNIONS(water) HAVE NEVER, DON'T NOW, and WILL NEVER---"MIX" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your 401K looked a hell-of-a-lot-better, when "Cigar" Bill was in office.

Sorry Dave, "It IS what it IS" !!!!!!!!!!

The recession started in the fall of 2000.
Last time I checked, "PROFESSIONALS" wore suits and ties. You glorified grease monkeys weren't considered "PROFESSIONAL" until AMFA came along to stroke your ego, hoping to get your support.

Don't get me wrong, you guys deserve everything you are getting. But I have a feeling you would like us "NON-PROFESSIONALS" to recieve minumum wage, so the company would have more dollars to inflate your wages to the pilots range. Am I wrong?
On 2/8/2003 5:30:11 PM bagsmasher wrote:

Last time I checked, "PROFESSIONALS" wore suits and ties. You glorified grease monkeys weren't considered "PROFESSIONAL" until AMFA came along to stroke your ego, hoping to get your support.

Don't get me wrong, you guys deserve everything you are getting. But I have a feeling you would like us "NON-PROFESSIONALS" to recieve minumum wage, so the company would have more dollars to inflate your wages to the pilots range. Am I wrong?
Ok bags you win, I am just a glorified grease monkey, your right. Unbelievable the mentality in this industry.

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