Mark Inman
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- Jun 22, 2004
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I have written a letter and forwarded a copy to all American Airlines VP's. The VP's at AA need to know that appeasing the TWU in this election dispute will do irrefutable damage to the majority of the mechanic's opinion of managements goals to pull together. They need to know that letting democracy rule in this matter is the best course of action. The e-mail addresses of all the VP's can be found on JetNet on a terminal at work. Let them know this is not over until there is a vote of the Mechanic and Related craft and class as described by them in the 2002 craft and class determination. I have attached a copy of the letter I sent them and would be very interisted in reading other letters. I have also added a link to look up your districts Reps in congress and the senate. We are down to the dead line guys. When you see the whites of there eyes Fire. To Whom It May Concern :
I am writing this letter in regard to the representation dispute concerning your mechanic and related work force. As you may or may not know American Airlines previously requested and was granted by the National Mediation Board a determination of the break down of the craft and class in relation to American Airlines ground workers, reference: 29 NMB 240, 245 (2002)( ). In this determination American Airlines stated that the break down of the work force was mechanic and related, fleet service, and stores. They also pointed out that each craft and class was covered by their own separate collective bargaining agreement. At that time the mechanic craft and class was determined to be 16,501. As of today American Airlines has stated to the National Mediation Board that there are 18,697 potential eligible voters in the mechanic and related craft class. This position is impossible for American Airlines to explain to the extent of maintaining any acceptable level of respect between AA and more than 75% of the mechanic work force. If you consider the fact that Americans mechanics submitted over 9,250 authorization cards to the NMB requesting a vote on union representation of choice. The over 9,250 cards submitted were signed predominantly by aircraft mechanics. This number of cards represents more than 75% interest for an election by the mechanics and over 60% interest by the mechanic and related work group. It is extremely difficult to understand why American would take the position of trying to dissuade a vote by a group of people who have given so much in an effort to improve the company’s financial outlook. Given the fact that moral is at an all time low, why would American Airlines want to give the slightest indication of leaning one way or another on this issue? If the list were cleaned up and an election was called it would put an end to the dispute with a democratic process which neather side could deny. As you know many airlines have had to go to their employees for concessions in the past. Therefore many of the employees working at American Airlines have history or knowledge of giving concessions to save the carrier at which they previously worked and it did not have the desired effect. In fact many gave concessions time after time only to find out there was no hope of saving the carrier. These same people not only lost their jobs but, also years of retirement benefits they thought were secure. These people in many cases had invested 20 years or more of dedicated service to a company and were left with little or nothing to show for it. The last thing these people need after the considerable concessions given, is to be denied the lawful right to choose their representation.
Please review the attached documents that are a summary of AMFA’s appeal to the NMB related to American Airlines proposed list of eligible voters. If you have any questions feel free to contact myself Mark Inman at 918-810-5089 or you can email me at I would appreciate your consideration in this matter and any help that you might provide would not go un noticed by the thousands of aircraft maintaince technicians Currently seeking a change in representation.
I did not have time to fix all the tabs and spaces on this copy but you get the idea.
With the links above you can locate your state and federal Rep's.
I am writing this letter in regard to the representation dispute concerning your mechanic and related work force. As you may or may not know American Airlines previously requested and was granted by the National Mediation Board a determination of the break down of the craft and class in relation to American Airlines ground workers, reference: 29 NMB 240, 245 (2002)( ). In this determination American Airlines stated that the break down of the work force was mechanic and related, fleet service, and stores. They also pointed out that each craft and class was covered by their own separate collective bargaining agreement. At that time the mechanic craft and class was determined to be 16,501. As of today American Airlines has stated to the National Mediation Board that there are 18,697 potential eligible voters in the mechanic and related craft class. This position is impossible for American Airlines to explain to the extent of maintaining any acceptable level of respect between AA and more than 75% of the mechanic work force. If you consider the fact that Americans mechanics submitted over 9,250 authorization cards to the NMB requesting a vote on union representation of choice. The over 9,250 cards submitted were signed predominantly by aircraft mechanics. This number of cards represents more than 75% interest for an election by the mechanics and over 60% interest by the mechanic and related work group. It is extremely difficult to understand why American would take the position of trying to dissuade a vote by a group of people who have given so much in an effort to improve the company’s financial outlook. Given the fact that moral is at an all time low, why would American Airlines want to give the slightest indication of leaning one way or another on this issue? If the list were cleaned up and an election was called it would put an end to the dispute with a democratic process which neather side could deny. As you know many airlines have had to go to their employees for concessions in the past. Therefore many of the employees working at American Airlines have history or knowledge of giving concessions to save the carrier at which they previously worked and it did not have the desired effect. In fact many gave concessions time after time only to find out there was no hope of saving the carrier. These same people not only lost their jobs but, also years of retirement benefits they thought were secure. These people in many cases had invested 20 years or more of dedicated service to a company and were left with little or nothing to show for it. The last thing these people need after the considerable concessions given, is to be denied the lawful right to choose their representation.
Please review the attached documents that are a summary of AMFA’s appeal to the NMB related to American Airlines proposed list of eligible voters. If you have any questions feel free to contact myself Mark Inman at 918-810-5089 or you can email me at I would appreciate your consideration in this matter and any help that you might provide would not go un noticed by the thousands of aircraft maintaince technicians Currently seeking a change in representation.
I did not have time to fix all the tabs and spaces on this copy but you get the idea.
With the links above you can locate your state and federal Rep's.