Mechanic & Related Mediation

If I recall, TWU Local 562 was sued in Federal Court, by AA, for violating the RLA status quo provisions.

The case was TWU Local 562, Kreuz v. AA.

An electronic .pdf file with pictures scanned of each page of the Arbitrators' decision would do a fine job of relaying that decision to the membership and thus setting the legal boundaries for the conduct of the exercise of the certificates that an FAA certificated A&P Mechanic can perform without being disciplined by the company.
Voice of reason will play out when all 10,000 AMT's decide to do their jobs with integrity and professionalism, and as a team. This can only be done by strict adherence to MM, GPM & Workcards to the letter.

That ain't gonna happen. You know it. I know it. The Company knows it, and the Union knows it.
[quote name='Rogallo' timestamp='1305381725' post=

That ain't gonna happen. You know it. I know it. The Company knows it, and the Union knows it.

Then let's stop wasting time....and accept concessionary deals. Plus, let's go non-union, so I can save $600 a year, and I can negotiate my own deals with management. That's the only alternative, isn't it??????????
TWU vs Non-Union. Huh???
Well, here is the situation......AMP is obviously no closer to having an election than we are to a contract.....the TWU is no closer to getting us a deal than May 1, 2008....despite collecting dues for 3 years.....there's not a chance in hell that AA will gives us squat......there's not a chance in hell of getting any other union to back, I will take it in the ASS, but will not contribute any more to a spineless labor organization. KAPPISH!!!! for those Sopprano means understand.
Here's the company's sugar coated side!

Notice how they eliminated even the puny retro from the rejected TA.
And the Wage Adjustment provision because they know this is a bottom of the industry proposal. This would put us at the very bottom by 2015. Their reasoning as far as justifying an offer with less holidays, less vacation, less sick time, less IOD time, more out of pocket for medical etc etc was that "This is a very rich package" because they employ more mechanics than any other carrier. They feel that because they employ more they should get to pay us less. That you are no different than a pork belly and that they should get a discount by purchasing in volume.
let's go non-union, so I can save $600 a year, and I can negotiate my own deals with management. That's the only alternative, isn't it??????????
Yep...exactly what our true problem is, people that negotiate their own deals and undermine what little bit of unity that we have had. Talk about being led to the slaughter. We have a intl union led by concessionist, local leaders trying to do the right thing with no intl backing, an organizing drive to get rid of the union, deal cutting on the floor being promoted, an nmb that doesn't care, and a company that is sitting back playing off of all of this. Why would the company bargain with the union when everytime they bring back a worse deal they know that someone is going to be on this forum saying that just got me some more AMP cards, like starting over from square one is going to frighten this company when they know that it will add at least 3 more years to the process. Better yet, can you imagine the high fives at headquarters from this anti-union comment..."let's go non-union, so I can save $600 a year, and I can negotiate my own deals with management. That's the only alternative, isn't it??????????"

It's either you back your negotiators, not saying the intl union, just the negotiators, or expect the process to continue for a long time. I don't expect this company to give us anything when you have people in the breakrooms openly proclaiming how they will cross a picket line, or saying that the union will never strike, so why not buy a new $45k truck. And I certainly don't expect anything from the company when you have people saying "let's go non-union, so I can save $600 a year, and I can negotiate my own deals with management. That's the only alternative, isn't it??????????"
Yep...exactly what our true problem is, people that negotiate their own deals and undermine what little bit of unity that we have had. Talk about being led to the slaughter. We have a intl union led by concessionist, local leaders trying to do the right thing with no intl backing, an organizing drive to get rid of the union, deal cutting on the floor being promoted, an nmb that doesn't care, and a company that is sitting back playing off of all of this. Why would the company bargain with the union when everytime they bring back a worse deal they know that someone is going to be on this forum saying that just got me some more AMP cards, like starting over from square one is going to frighten this company when they know that it will add at least 3 more years to the process. Better yet, can you imagine the high fives at headquarters from this anti-union comment..."let's go non-union, so I can save $600 a year, and I can negotiate my own deals with management. That's the only alternative, isn't it??????????"

It's either you back your negotiators, not saying the intl union, just the negotiators, or expect the process to continue for a long time. I don't expect this company to give us anything when you have people in the breakrooms openly proclaiming how they will cross a picket line, or saying that the union will never strike, so why not buy a new $45k truck. And I certainly don't expect anything from the company when you have people saying "let's go non-union, so I can save $600 a year, and I can negotiate my own deals with management. That's the only alternative, isn't it??????????"
Very good!!
I don't expect this company to give us anything when you have people in the breakrooms openly proclaiming how they will cross a picket line.
To whom it mAAy concern, I have never in my 21+ years with AA heard anyone say anything remotely akin to crossing a picket line although I have heard many express their disrespect and hatred for a few known Eastern scabs on the property.
They feel that because they employ more they should get to pay us less. That you are no different than a pork belly and that they should get a discount by purchasing in volume.

That is one funny analogy!

And after they got their volume discount, then they would want to buy out the highest paid using a 25K and 15K carrot, and then outsource more work via modification in Scope Language so the volume of work would diminish and they then end up with less employees at the volume discount.

They offered the 25K and 15K voluntary seperation for employees in Title II that would be impacted by outsorcing their work, but I see no such offer in exchange for the desired open ended contracting out (scope) change that would negatively impact Title I
Yep...exactly what our true problem is, people that negotiate their own deals and undermine what little bit of unity that we have had. Talk about being led to the slaughter. We have a intl union led by concessionist, local leaders trying to do the right thing with no intl backing, an organizing drive to get rid of the union, deal cutting on the floor being promoted, an nmb that doesn't care, and a company that is sitting back playing off of all of this. Why would the company bargain with the union when everytime they bring back a worse deal they know that someone is going to be on this forum saying that just got me some more AMP cards, like starting over from square one is going to frighten this company when they know that it will add at least 3 more years to the process. Better yet, can you imagine the high fives at headquarters from this anti-union comment..."let's go non-union, so I can save $600 a year, and I can negotiate my own deals with management. That's the only alternative, isn't it??????????"

It's either you back your negotiators, not saying the intl union, just the negotiators, or expect the process to continue for a long time. I don't expect this company to give us anything when you have people in the breakrooms openly proclaiming how they will cross a picket line, or saying that the union will never strike, so why not buy a new $45k truck. And I certainly don't expect anything from the company when you have people saying "let's go non-union, so I can save $600 a year, and I can negotiate my own deals with management. That's the only alternative, isn't it??????????"
No, your problem is that you have spineless negotiators, and Intl union guys that aren't too worried about you & me. They make good preachers, but are inept as union leaders & negotiators. You and me are paying for a service that the TWU has not and will not provide, but are good enough to collect on. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to sit here and give these guys an out. It's the same song and dance with these guys.....aren't you tired of the same song and dance? At this point, how do you want me to feel after 8 long years of NOTHING! I don't think there's any other union guy in this country that can even remotely come close to what we LOST. We are the red-headed stepchild of this industry. We set the standards.....whether it's half-pay for sick time or cross utilization or SRP & OSM's, we created this mess. Now, you want me to sit here and listen to some baffoon tell me to write the NMB..... when I don't see him doing anything proactive to get me any closer to RESTORING what I lost!!! Yes, my only alternative is to file a DFR against the union; get rid of this union for another union that has??????????; or de-certify the TWU and go non-union like Delta mechanics? It will take an act of God to accomplish the first two, so my only alternative is non-union!
No, your problem is that you have spineless negotiators, and Intl union guys that aren't too worried about you & me. They make good preachers, but are inept as union leaders & negotiators. You and me are paying for a service that the TWU has not and will not provide, but are good enough to collect on. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to sit here and give these guys an out. It's the same song and dance with these guys.....aren't you tired of the same song and dance? At this point, how do you want me to feel after 8 long years of NOTHING! I don't think there's any other union guy in this country that can even remotely come close to what we LOST. We are the red-headed stepchild of this industry. We set the standards.....whether it's half-pay for sick time or cross utilization or SRP & OSM's, we created this mess. Now, you want me to sit here and listen to some baffoon tell me to write the NMB..... when I don't see him doing anything proactive to get me any closer to RESTORING what I lost!!! Yes, my only alternative is to file a DFR against the union; get rid of this union for another union that has??????????; or de-certify the TWU and go non-union like Delta mechanics? It will take an act of God to accomplish the first two, so my only alternative is non-union!
Gotta love guys who call me a spineless buffoon while they hide behind an alias!
To whom it mAAy concern, I have never in my 21+ years with AA heard anyone say anything remotely akin to crossing a picket line although I have heard many express their disrespect and hatred for a few known Eastern scabs on the property.
Thanks for letting me know that I can have more faith in those you work with in Tulsa than those who work at various shops and docks on the Rock. It is said here often, and implied even more by their reckless spending habits during a time that we should be saving our money.
Yes, my only alternative is to file a DFR against the union; get rid of this union for another union that has??????????; or de-certify the TWU and go non-union like Delta mechanics? It will take an act of God to accomplish the first two, so my only alternative is non-union!
Are you clueless, because you obviously have no clue as to how negotiations are under the RLA. A DFR for not getting a contract...good luck with that one. Calling Bob Owens spineless when he is the only one who has provided us information is simply wrong. You want Bob, the baffoon as you called him, to call for an illegal action knowing full and well if he was to do such a thing that AA would have the union and many mechanics in court tomorrow. You want an illegal action to be called so that the union gets fined hundreds of millions and we get stuck paying off the fine in more concessions for years to come. You are either in magement or are just a complete idiot, or both.

I have a suggestion for you since you have no clue of how to be a union man...go into management so that you can be nonunion. They are hiring, and unless you are already a manager, you will fit right in with their nonunion ranks.
Ladies & Gentlemen

There is no end in sight, it is time to jettison the TWU and get the lawyers involved we have no chance as long as the Intl want back us. sign the cards or go down with the ship quietly your choice.

And the Band played on!!!
