Mechanic & Related Mediation

The company is simply saying they are only going to pay "X" amount (wages, benefits, holidays, insurance, etc. and et al) to accomplish the "Y" amount of work that is available - period. By inflating the mechanic numbers as the TWU most certainly loves (more dues to collect), the "per capita" distribution of said buck$ is going to fall. The TWU has no intention of taking a cut in pay (much like the corporate boys) therefore, since the feces always flows downhill, guess where it ends up?

Example - $1MM is available to spend on maintenance. Group 1 opts to do this work with 1000 people, making available $1k available per capita to spend on wages and bennies. Group 2 opts to do the same work with 100 people, making available $10k per capita for wages and bennies. Like it or not and with or without the wording designed to piss people off (ie, pork bellies), this is how the company is thinking. This is not to say the process would be any easier - I'm not so ignorant as to think the company would automatically become fair to its people. The TWU most certainly wouldn't care for it as the International boys and girls might not be driving such nice cars, paid for by the membership's dues.

To put it even more plainly, the company is stating that if we want a raise in pay and a boost in benefits, mechanic numbers will have to be cut and those remaining will have to do more. No, I don't want to see people go out the door but the company is looking to hire people now - are they really necessary? The number they want to hire further dilutes the pot available for those already employed at AA and representation that had their memberships' best interests in mind would be thinking along these lines rather than looking for ways to increase their dues take.

Besides fear of losing money and numerous cushy positions, is there some good reason acceptable to the memebership the TWU and its officers aren't stating this rather simple concept?

$600 +/- per years in dues, a continuing pack of lies and new cars for the International - is that all the money bought?

I challenge the company to run itself like a business intended to make money and not bow to the TWU and its demands for more dues.


Well put. I've said the same thing before, but not in such clear terms. At some point you guys (as in AA's organized labor) need to figure out just what kind of workforce you want to be. Do you want to be in the "1000" group, or the "100" group? I suspect that if given a choice, most would take the latter. Only when that is firmly decided can you clearly map out the way ahead. Frankly, I do not see the TWU being *any* help in that regard, but again, that's a choice for all of you to make, not me....

Thank you for your hard work in negotiations.

It is a pleasure to see our union fighting for us instead of wasting time and money trying to stamp out potential rivals. Maybe they finally understand that you win membership loyalty by focusing on fighting for the membership.

The negotions process will obviously be a long and hard battle but, imho, worth the fight. The company is not used to the TWU actually negotiating. They're used to the TWU taking what is offered and then selling it to the membership.

Bob, don't let them (including the more radical members of our union) wear you down. It may be more painful this time around but the work you and the team are doing will pay off in the future.

I am, and many others of us here in Tulsa are, fans of Bob we appreciate the efforts of yourself and our negotiating team. Your kind of unionism beats surrender monkyism!

Come speak to us at one of our monthly meetings.

Dennis Hayes

Thank you for your hard work in negotiations.

It is a pleasure to see our union fighting for us instead of wasting time and money trying to stamp out potential rivals. Maybe they finally understand that you win membership loyalty by focusing on fighting for the membership.

The negotions process will obviously be a long and hard battle but, imho, worth the fight. The company is not used to the TWU actually negotiating. They're used to the TWU taking what is offered and then selling it to the membership.

Bob, don't let them (including the more radical members of our union) wear you down. It may be more painful this time around but the work you and the team are doing will pay off in the future.

I am, and many others of us here in Tulsa are, fans of Bob we appreciate the efforts of yourself and our negotiating team. Your kind of unionism beats surrender monkyism!

Come speak to us at one of our monthly meetings.

Dennis Hayes
Meeting once a month for 3 years.....and accomplishing nothing, and no closer to an agreement than May 1, 2008....and probably closer to a Yellow Dog contract than a negotiated contract, isn't a waste of time? Isn't it costing US money?

For the green horns out there....Do you know what a Yellow Dog contract is?

I'm predicting that by 2013....AA & the NMB will finally release US and start the 30 day clock.....after 30 days AA can impose a "yellow dog" contract on the scabs that cross the picket line. If you think our concessionary deal of 2003 is a raping....wait until you see this garbage. I'm just saying!