Work by the Book?

What cracks me up is that there is ample evidence available that the TWU International owns the contract, the TWU International is in control of negotiations, the TWU International does not want to and will never engage in a fight for an Industry Leading Contract, and yet the membership still acts shocked and pretends as if a fight is going to happen soon, even though every member is waiting for the same Leadership to tell them to take a stand. What a dysfunctional union, with a large number of co-dependent members.

Give it up man, it aint gonna happen. How long can you hold on to a dream that is nothing more than a fantasy?
Hopefully 19 more fantasy years?????? 9 would be a dream????? Winning the lottery today would be FANTASTIC!!!
The letter was directed at Fleet, "bearer of bad news". Maybe you might want to direct your remarks at them, but then you would be wrong.

My mistake - the screen names I recognized are I thought maintenance. However, the theory is the same for any group that has "a book" to operate by, be it pilots, fa's, mechanics, ramp, or whoever. If "going by the book" results in slowing the operation down you're admitting one of two things, neither of which produce good results no matter which group you're in. Get real, a "book operation" has been used as a way of saying "slow down" for longer than I was in the industry and that goes back to the late 70's. So you're fooling no one except maybe some of the passengers.

My mistake - the screen names I recognized are I thought maintenance. However, the theory is the same for any group that has "a book" to operate by, be it pilots, fa's, mechanics, ramp, or whoever. If "going by the book" results in slowing the operation down you're admitting one of two things, neither of which produce good results no matter which group you're in. Get real, a "book operation" has been used as a way of saying "slow down" for longer than I was in the industry and that goes back to the late 70's. So you're fooling no one except maybe some of the passengers.

So be it....the next time I do an operational test of the autopilot I won't follow the MM verbatim, and I'll placard the systems inop, and then you'll have to earn your money, for a change.

AA can't have it both ways. Go around and preach to follow the manuals VERBATIM, and then expect me not to follow it VERBATIM, as management watches from the sidelines while the FAA "throws the book at me". Not gonna happen!!
So be it....the next time I do an operational test of the autopilot I won't follow the MM verbatim, and I'll placard the systems inop, and then you'll have to earn your money, for a change.

AA can't have it both ways. Go around and preach to follow the manuals VERBATIM, and then expect me not to follow it VERBATIM, as management watches from the sidelines while the FAA "throws the book at me". Not gonna happen!!

You have to go by the book for that as well-the MEL.

Most pilots do earn their money but BB is full of it. Like we are all supposed to believe that when a plane flys four legs all the items are generated on that final leg into a maintenance station. ;) ;)
So be it....the next time I do an operational test of the autopilot I won't follow the MM verbatim, and I'll placard the systems inop, and then you'll have to earn your money, for a change.

Lol...won't be me - I retired from US nearly 5 years ago. FWIW, though, I've flown jets without the autopilot. Not something to jump for joy over but doable for those of us who aren't astronauts.

Nothing wrong with doing things the way the book says - that should always be a given. But notice what I said instead of what you want to argue against - IF the operation gets slowed down as a result, it means you and your workgroup peers weren't all following the book before. If everyone follows the book all the time, there will be no change in operations from a book operation.

You're right about management too, and that's for all airlines. As I've said countless times, they really say "safety is the highest priority as long as it doesn't cost too much or mess up the operation".

Nothing wrong with doing things the way the book says - that should always be a given. But notice what I said instead of what you want to argue against - IF the operation gets slowed down as a result, it means you and your workgroup peers weren't all following the book before. If everyone follows the book all the time, there will be no change in operations from a book operation.

I agree!
The problem is we have very few in management that even knows the book or the airplanes....
If management is that bad at AA why not help them to manage. I would think it would be in every ones best interest for the company to succeed. You and all the smart guys on this site could probably run AA. Step up and take a risk I think you have six months to return back to the union.
If management is that bad at AA why not help them to manage. I would think it would be in every ones best interest for the company to succeed. You and all the smart guys on this site could probably run AA. Step up and take a risk I think you have six months to return back to the union.

You must be one of the fools that believed in the "Working Together' BS.

Their jobs and they pay themselves quite well for not doing them correctly. I certainly wouldn't want to screw up that arrangement for them - why do you?
They hired several consulting firms for that,you see where that got us...Just 10,20 million dollars more in the hole.....
Some of the management left are capable,but not allowed to make any decisions,they are not even allowed to manage time and attendance.We have a whole new department and managers vp's etc just to do that Imwithstupid....This place is doomed on current path..."Working Together' not hardly. "Working as dictated ask no questions" more like it....
If management is that bad at AA why not help them to manage. I would think it would be in every ones best interest for the company to succeed. You and all the smart guys on this site could probably run AA. Step up and take a risk I think you have six months to return back to the union.
Let us know when the CEO job opens up. B)
"By the book" has become a code word for an illegal work slowdown. That's why the TWU guy said don't do it. It will hurt us far more in the long run if we get hit with penalties. By the book sounds nice and ethical, but it is really just a code name for illegal work stoppage!
"By the book" has become a code word for an illegal work slowdown. That's why the TWU guy said don't do it. It will hurt us far more in the long run if we get hit with penalties. By the book sounds nice and ethical, but it is really just a code name for illegal work stoppage!
I guess you didn't have to take the CBT re: "VERBATIM".

That's what we were told to do without exception.