Work by the Book?

This letter by Gless is just a another nail in the TWU's coffin. American Airlines has heartache with all employees that do their jobs by AA's policies. I'm not surprised that management went crying to their pool toy the TWU to scold the membership. This is a classic example of union leadership being out of touch with their membership, and going to bat for management instead the membership. Gless and anyone within the TWU INTL leadership endorsing this letter needs to be thrown out of the union, and that includes any other union representing FSC, AMT's and all the other workgroups in the future. What a pathetic piece of garbage!

I can't stress enough to all of my union brothers and sisters at AA.....sign an AMP card NOW!!! WE need to get rid of the TWU once and for ALL!

And, I think it's imperative that ALL AA labor groups "WORK BY AA's BOOKS". It's not only your job to follow all manuals, policies and directives VERBATIM, it's in the FARS.
This letter by Gless is just a another nail in the TWU's coffin. American Airlines has heartache with all employees that do their jobs by AA's policies. I'm not surprised that management went crying to their pool toy the TWU to scold the membership. This is a classic example of union leadership being out of touch with their membership, and going to bat for management instead the membership. Gless and anyone within the TWU INTL leadership endorsing this letter needs to be thrown out of the union, and that includes any other union representing FSC, AMT's and all the other workgroups in the future. What a pathetic piece of garbage!

I can't stress enough to all of my union brothers and sisters at AA.....sign an AMP card NOW!!! WE need to get rid of the TWU once and for ALL!

And, I think it's imperative that ALL AA labor groups "WORK BY AA's BOOKS". It's not only your job to follow all manuals, policies and directives VERBATIM, it's in the FARS.

This is the last paragraph in one of those red-stripey sheets put out by QA in June 2011:

"It is the responsibility of the person performing maintenance to follow the requirement listed in the M&E Maintenance Manual System. Any problems or discrepancies noted with these manuals must be brought to the attention of Engineering for resolution. Deviations from published requirements are not permitted without Engineering approval."

AA and the FAA demand we do things by the book. Does Gless have a problem with the language? It's in English.

Again - we had CBT as a condition AA negotiated with the FAA to cut the fine for the wiring bundle "mishap" on the S-80s. Evidently, the international boys needn't keep their quals up to date as do the rest of us bricks.

Gless seems to be just another union ass, promoted to international status only because of his loyalty to little jimmy as his intelligence and knowledge of company requirements are sorely lacking - his stupidity, however, does provide the rabble with continuing entertainment as does the idiocy coming from Centrepork.
Paul Blart
Deputy Security Guard
Noth East Mall 16.00 per hour

Robert Gless
Deputy Director
AA System Coordinator 160,000 per year

Same job fuctions, but more responsibilty for Paul, and Paul had to apply for his job.
I believe that it was VP of Maintenance and Engineering James Ream that said "Compliance before production".

With all of the issues that a A&P is faced with, this is the most important. Maybe Mr. Gless needs to be fined by the membership :eek: for attempting to deviate from this responsibility.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when it comes to labor/management relations you're engaged in a no-win argument. If, and I repeat IF, maintenance functions are being slowed because of "working by the book" you're admitting one of two things - either you weren't working by the book previously because maintenance work was done more quickly (a FAA violation and possibly terminating offense) or that you're now engaged in an illegal job action (a NMB violation and possible terminating offense). The East US pilots are caught in the same trap right now with their safety campaign. The East operation is being slowed down and the pilots are effectively admitting that they weren't being as safe previously or they're involved in an illegal job action using safety as an excuse.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when it comes to labor/management relations you're engaged in a no-win argument. If, and I repeat IF, maintenance functions are being slowed because of "working by the book" you're admitting one of two things - either you weren't working by the book previously because maintenance work was done more quickly (a FAA violation and possibly terminating offense) or that you're now engaged in an illegal job action (a NMB violation and possible terminating offense). The East US pilots are caught in the same trap right now with their safety campaign. The East operation is being slowed down and the pilots are effectively admitting that they weren't being as safe previously or they're involved in an illegal job action using safety as an excuse.

The letter was directed at Fleet, "bearer of bad news". Maybe you might want to direct your remarks at them, but then you would be wrong.
There are plenty of ways to "work by the book" now, tomorrow and in the future. Even OSHA could become involved. Sorry, Jim, but you don't have all the answers for all workgroups from the cockpit!
This is the last paragraph in one of those red-stripey sheets put out by QA in June 2011:

"It is the responsibility of the person performing maintenance to follow the requirement listed in the M&E Maintenance Manual System. Any problems or discrepancies noted with these manuals must be brought to the attention of Engineering for resolution. Deviations from published requirements are not permitted without Engineering approval."

AA and the FAA demand we do things by the book. Does Gless have a problem with the language? It's in English.

Again - we had CBT as a condition AA negotiated with the FAA to cut the fine for the wiring bundle "mishap" on the S-80s. Evidently, the international boys needn't keep their quals up to date as do the rest of us bricks.

Gless seems to be just another union ass, promoted to international status only because of his loyalty to little jimmy as his intelligence and knowledge of company requirements are sorely lacking - his stupidity, however, does provide the rabble with continuing entertainment as does the idiocy coming from Centrepork.

In all fairness the letter was specifically directed at Fleet not Maintenance. I just wonder what book it is they (Fleet) have that they arent supposed to work by? Like I said, it needs clarification, one would expect more from someone earnig $160K.
In all fairness the letter was specifically directed at Fleet not Maintenance. I just wonder what book it is they (Fleet) have that they arent supposed to work by? Like I said, it needs clarification, one would expect more from someone earnig $160K.


We would expect more from someone who EARNED their $160K job because they were ELECTED by the membership. But Bobby "lower your expectations" Gless has nothing to fear from those he "represents" only those he "worships".

By the way, I am glad that you will not have to see Zimmerman in negotiations any more. Maybe he can get himself one of those fancy twu Int. VP slots like his buddy Steve Luis.

We would expect more from someone who EARNED their $160K job because they were ELECTED by the membership. But Bobby "lower your expectations" Gless has nothing to fear from those he "represents" only those he "worships".

By the way, I am glad that you will not have to see Zimmerman in negotiations any more. Maybe he can get himself one of those fancy twu Int. VP slots like his buddy Steve Luis.
My mistake
In an earlier post I wrote that Gless makes 160k a year, I short changed him by 20g's, he makes 180k.
I was thinking of Jim L's secretary Marlene, my bad.
In all fairness the letter was specifically directed at Fleet not Maintenance. I just wonder what book it is they (Fleet) have that they aren't supposed to work by? Like I said, it needs clarification, one would expect more from someone earning $160K.
It's called the LINE CARGO MANUAL for Fleet, and it's called the CONTRACT.

Contractually, I don't have to work overtime, unless white slipped. As far as the D1 goes, the company normally doesn't abide by that either. Many times management will circumvent the agreement by paying the person entitled to the pay, but management doesn't necessarily want that person to crew chief and screw up the operation. They can't have their cake and eat it too.
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I think that we might have to give “BoeingBoy” a break just because he is right. As a FSC and with low time behind me. To say that we should “Go by the book” would admit that we (FSC) shunned AA policy. But the with the complete lack of Union leadership combined with the equally incompetent management, and to add the icing on the cake crew-chiefs that no longer think union, this is a disaster just begging to happen. Trust me , life in a small station is hell and I wouldn’t wish this on any one. And from what I’ve heard from others in a hub, it’s “The land of milk and honey”. The TWU has sold the membership a bill of goods and the sheepeople (membership) are licking it up like little kittens back in 2003. Just the size alone of some of the bigger stations, and the TWU speaking the right words, that’s all it takes to swing a vote. The TWU is clearly not thinking with a clear mind with forward thinking. They claim they are, but “are you betteroff than you were in 2003”. They are trying to protect our jobs but the bottom is that they are only protecting the amount of dues that are generated from our employment.
I think that we might have to give “BoeingBoy” a break just because he is right. As a FSC and with low time behind me. To say that we should “Go by the book” would admit that we (FSC) shunned AA policy. But the with the complete lack of Union leadership combined with the equally incompetent management, and to add the icing on the cake crew-chiefs that no longer think union, this is a disaster just begging to happen. Trust me , life in a small station is hell and I wouldn’t wish this on any one. And from what I’ve heard from others in a hub, it’s “The land of milk and honey”. The TWU has sold the membership a bill of goods and the sheepeople (membership) are licking it up like little kittens back in 2003. Just the size alone of some of the bigger stations, and the TWU speaking the right words, that’s all it takes to swing a vote. The TWU is clearly not thinking with a clear mind with forward thinking. They claim they are, but “are you betteroff than you were in 2003”. They are trying to protect our jobs but the bottom is that they are only protecting the amount of dues that are generated from our employment.

The land of milk and honey for the scam artists, slugs and snitches, and the crew chiefs take good care of the slugs. It's a good ole boy network.

It's not only the crew chiefs that no longer think union. Try 26,000 TWU members. We are sheep and management sits and laughs all the way to the bank!

Who claims "we are better off than 2003"???? Maybe Jim Little, Don Videtich, Bob Gless, Gary Drummond, Joe Gordon, Steve Luis and all the other TWU Baffoons claim they're better off. Sure.

It's all about dues, my friend!
What cracks me up is that there is ample evidence available that the TWU International owns the contract, the TWU International is in control of negotiations, the TWU International does not want to and will never engage in a fight for an Industry Leading Contract, and yet the membership still acts shocked and pretends as if a fight is going to happen soon, even though every member is waiting for the same Leadership to tell them to take a stand. What a dysfunctional union, with a large number of co-dependent members.

Give it up man, it aint gonna happen. How long can you hold on to a dream that is nothing more than a fantasy?
You'd be just as well off investing in fool's gold.