Mechanic & Related Mediation

Now that I exposed my identity......I challenge everyone on this forum to expose your identity! Otherwise, you're a coward!
COME ON......tell me your name, job title, and location for AA or any other company.
Seriously Mr. Ricciardi, you have 200 plus post without you considering it being cowardly to use an alias. And now that you have decided
to expose your identity, you consider everyone else a "coward" if they choose not to do so. <_<
Yes I think we met years ago when we went to New Officer training in DFW.

Ok so you resigned because you felt like the TWU was never going to change, then what? Ken MacTiernan resigned as well but he has chosen to stay in the fight and push for change with a new union, what are you doing?

You think it takes more courage "resign and distance yourself" than to walk into a room of people that you've openly criticized? I dont see it that way, "resign and distance yourself" is another way of saying you "quit and ran away". I never resigned, I was thrown out for five years and sent back back by my coworkers.

You say that you havent changed, yet you were elected once werent you? If they elected someone who would not make deals once why wouldnt they do it again?

You choose to do the right thing at work. good for you. But not everybody goes the way you do, thats reality, deal with it. People have been making deals here long before either of us ever showed up.

The odds were stacked against you, so that means give up? I share many of those same concerns about the undemocratic structure, the lack of accountability and the overly friendly relationship between our ATD and the company. Other Airline locals outside of AA refer to it as the AAtd. It concerns me that our International officials fly on higher passes than station managers, that the frquency of marriages between Union and Company are so high(like your boy Z from ORD, then you wonder why you cant win a case?), that so many from the union jump straight into management when they are voted out. But I'm trying and do something about it, not just complain. I could go on and on but right now my focus is on getting us a better deal, one that we can live with that will make our lives the way it should be.
What did I do? I've stayed on the sidelines; been a past and current AMFA supporter, and walked the AMFA picket line at ORD after my shift, and given the "Bird" by our own union guys and management. Now, as a dues paying member I have the right to #### and moan, and keep my union officials ACCOUNTABLE! That's what I'm doing. I think that's my duty, after all, I pay you (TWU) to represent me. But this also has been one-sided.....TWU collecting and not providing. The TWU seems to forget that you work for me, not the other way around. When a service provider continuously takes my money and provides me little service....I have a right to #### and moan, and either get my money back or find another provider. Now, I know I'm not getting my money back from the TWU, so I'm on board to replacing the TWU. It doesn't mean I have to take a leadership role in doing it, but I'm silently working the sidelines.
Seriously Mr. Ricciardi, you have 200 plus post without you considering it being cowardly to use an alias. And now that you have decided
to expose your identity, you consider everyone else a "coward" if they choose not to do so. <_<
Who are you?????????
... snip

that you are no different than a pork belly and that they should get a discount by purchasing in volume.

The company is simply saying they are only going to pay "X" amount (wages, benefits, holidays, insurance, etc. and et al) to accomplish the "Y" amount of work that is available - period. By inflating the mechanic numbers as the TWU most certainly loves (more dues to collect), the "per capita" distribution of said buck$ is going to fall. The TWU has no intention of taking a cut in pay (much like the corporate boys) therefore, since the feces always flows downhill, guess where it ends up?

Example - $1MM is available to spend on maintenance. Group 1 opts to do this work with 1000 people, making available $1k available per capita to spend on wages and bennies. Group 2 opts to do the same work with 100 people, making available $10k per capita for wages and bennies. Like it or not and with or without the wording designed to piss people off (ie, pork bellies), this is how the company is thinking. This is not to say the process would be any easier - I'm not so ignorant as to think the company would automatically become fair to its people. The TWU most certainly wouldn't care for it as the International boys and girls might not be driving such nice cars, paid for by the membership's dues.

To put it even more plainly, the company is stating that if we want a raise in pay and a boost in benefits, mechanic numbers will have to be cut and those remaining will have to do more. No, I don't want to see people go out the door but the company is looking to hire people now - are they really necessary? The number they want to hire further dilutes the pot available for those already employed at AA and representation that had their memberships' best interests in mind would be thinking along these lines rather than looking for ways to increase their dues take.

Besides fear of losing money and numerous cushy positions, is there some good reason acceptable to the memebership the TWU and its officers aren't stating this rather simple concept?

$600 +/- per years in dues, a continuing pack of lies and new cars for the International - is that all the money bought?

I challenge the company to run itself like a business intended to make money and not bow to the TWU and its demands for more dues.
Seriously Mr. Ricciardi, you have 200 plus post without you considering it being cowardly to use an alias. And now that you have decided
to expose your identity, you consider everyone else a "coward" if they choose not to do so. <_<
Hey, I was fine with keeping everything a secret like the TWU, until Bob Owens called me out.
Here's another one Bob.......How about the documentary on CNBC, I believe it was called " the life at AA" where an ex-Tulsa president, and spokesman for the union, stood next to Carmine Romano and said something to the effect, "we are going to fill this man's pocket with cash, and after 5 years we will stick our hands in his pocket and grab as much money as we can". Well, we all know what we're grabbing.....and it hasn't been cash! Talk about looking like a bunch of fools!
Good luck Guys, with the United airline mech most likely voting yes ain't going to help you at all. Industry is almost over American Airlines will go the way of United and Continental etc. work will be farmed out and mech will be let go. This isn't to scare you, I say vote no and keep on voting no however long it takes. Get all you can now their is no future...
Good luck Guys, with the United airline mech most likely voting yes ain't going to help you at all. Industry is almost over American Airlines will go the way of United and Continental etc. work will be farmed out and mech will be let go. This isn't to scare you, I say vote no and keep on voting no however long it takes. Get all you can now their is no future...
Kudos to the UAL mechanics!!!! You put yourself in a good position because when WE leap frog past you, then you can leap frog past us in 2013. Isn't that how it works? I'm not too worried about the farm outs because whether we agree or don't agree.....AA will get their planes fixed here or abroad. WE do have some control over our pay & benefits, however.
Good luck Guys, with the United airline mech most likely voting yes ain't going to help you at all. Industry is almost over American Airlines will go the way of United and Continental etc. work will be farmed out and mech will be let go. This isn't to scare you, I say vote no and keep on voting no however long it takes. Get all you can now their is no future...

"likely voting yes"?

That is why the vote was delayed so their union could try a hard sell aka twu style? I'm hearing this t/a UAL guys are looking at will die a quick death and for good cause.
<_< ----- It would seem it's not just AA AMT's pushing back to contract's that would anchore wages, and benfits back in the 60's and 70's!!! -------- I can hear them now!!!-------" I'M MAD AS HELL AND AM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE"!!!!! :angry: