MCI TWU Local 530? removes their president?


Aug 20, 2002
It is interesting that the members of Local530 MCI ousted their president. They appear to be on the correct course. Now if they would just rid themselves of the TWU????

Union at overhaul base shuffles leadership

The union representing mechanics and machinists at Kansas City's endangered American Airlines overhaul base has lost its president in a sudden and unexplained leadership shuffle.

With Butch Sponaugle no longer holding the top job at Transport Workers Union Local 530, First Vice President Gordon Clark has become acting president, officials said. The organization represents about 1,800 workers at the base east of Kansas City International Airport.

Secretary-Treasurer Orville Gerard declined to comment on the leadership change, as did Vice President David Tellefson, but Sponaugle apparently did not resign.

Neither Sponaugle nor Clark could be reached for comment.

The shakeup comes at an awkward time for the TWA-built overhaul base, which could be closed as American evaluates its performance compared with two other bases equipped for massive refittings of the airline's passenger jets.

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