Resorting to veiled physical threats now, eh? Another sign of professionalism...
Funny how fixated y'all are on the concept of blowing the boss under his desk. Do you know this from experience?
I'd catch people in the back of cabin service high-lifts or the upholstery room from time to time, but in two decades of working in the airline industry, and a decade at HDQ, I've never actually heard of a real life example of someone going down on the boss. Maybe I just missed out on the all the fun.
I might be a little more informed on what goes on at AA, but the fact is that without those $8000 tickets from people like me, AA's screwed in the long term.
Bob, the leisure market is driven by price; guys like me who fork out $8000 for a full J ticket to/from Europe or $11,000 to Asia aren't as price conscious because quite frankly, it's our money most of the time. A big driver for folks like me are onboard service and elite status. I've got top tier status with AA right now, but I need to do is fax my mileage statement to UAL, and I've got an instant status match. If I do that, then I'll stick with UAL to build up a nice mileage bank there.
So, keep insulting the new seats and hold grudges against the prima donna customers who fly in them. You, too, can go the way of PAA and TWA, both of whom were also legendary for their service at one point, until they started neglecting the onboard product.
1) You stated: "Resorting to veiled physical threats now, eh? Another sign of professionalism... "
I stated: "Given another day and another time; you're bruises would not be rehtorical."
Any attempt to spin is an obvious appeal to the CorporAAte Masters you claim to have left for bigger and better things. The CorporAAte line could be that: "Eolesen left to pursue other interests."
My experience is that those that left for better opportunities seldom dwell on what they left behind; perhaps I am wrong in this case, but, I wouldn't place a bet on it.
The fact is that your typical Union International Offical has lost the taste for actual struggle and is therfore unwilling to place themselves, their home or their perks in the precarious position of the type of action ManAAgement is willing to extend during a labor action.
2) You claim that I have some prediliction for behaviour of a "personal" nature, given frequent reference to that particular performance: again refer to the ususal behaviour of those that left the corporAAtion to pursue other intersts as opposed to my experience with what I have seen and your statement that you missed out on the experience.
3) With respect to my proffesionalism: we are shortly engaged in contract talks after absorbing a 25% paycut and credting the revenue stream by some $700,000,000.00 (7 hundred million) through the actions of myself and those like me throughout the system. In return, for some $1,600,000,000 (1.6 Billion annual concessions) AMR chose to reward themselves beyond our actual profit as a thankyou from transferring the food from my families table to theirs.
The fact that we conduct millions of transactions through the National Airspace without incident is the only answer I need give someone like you that chose to leave: I'm still here doing the job and you are posting on the web about what you used to do.
4) I've never engaged a PAX that was pissed about a daily event: I've never failed to engage anyone about the overall advantage of flying an airline that does what we do.
Again, you have chosen to be a CorporAAte apoligist after claiming to have left for something better. By your own words, you do not have adog in this fight, but you continue to interject in forums where those that are still in the fight discuss/argue about what we need to continue.
You fly whatever bird you are willing to trust your butt on for the price you are willing to fly: I'll still be here doing the deal while you continue to post on these boards about what you used to do.
5) Please explain to us all your emotional investment in something you left, for greener pastures: unless what you really want is to get back in.