Analyst said:
Hey Pitbull:
USA320Pilot is correct with his comments. While your posting did paint a positive picture on the meeting with management, you continue with the negative diatribes how the AFA will not doing anything until management changes. Guess what? WN and the LCC could care less if CCY changes or how they treat the employees. US will become another BK carrier if the unions do not change their attitude. The LEC Pres in my area has gone on record that he will listen to the company and then make his decision. You know this president to be a fair person. I do agree with your comments about the PAX on this board but I believe they appear to fall in the business category. There are millions of WN PAX that are looking for the lowest rock bottom fare and could care less about amenities. There could be change in the PIT LEC.
LOL.... for you, that PIT election won't happen fast enough to give you want you want. . She will be in office until JUly. There just maybe a change in your base with your president. Let's see which pres will be reelected. True gage of democracy and personal "report card".... Management has options. These options are not just for labor; managment can address these cost free items or let their arrogance rule their day.
Its not a question that SW and LCC care whether this mangement culture change, what managment needs to WORRY ABOUT, is that without that "change" guess what, nadda, kapish? Its the reality of what's out there. Why are you in fear?
Main issue is Dave has a plan that WILL work, but only if labor subsidizes the difference in lower fares for the customers. HE told AFA, the price difference has to come from somewhere. Same with Bronner, he doesn't care how Dave turns a profit as long as his share value increases for his investment.
So, labor needs to decide if they are willing to subsidize this business plan. As far as AFA is concerned, its not the concessions from what PIT local members have written out, but rather, the day to day issues that jeopardize their jobs on a daily bases for the smallest infraction that keeps their spirits low and places them in "distress".
THAT MUST CHANGE FIRST. Mangement's decision. Personally, I am for whatever the members can live with. I know that the Local President will support what they want and will bring that to the table at the MEC meeting. The rollcall will be used this time for the first time on this issue of concessions. Absent of a ballot from the members to permit the negotiating committee to go to the table with mangement, Local 40 will be
no. That is why it is imperative that you must have permission from the membership to open the contracts up.
That is why it is imperative that management put a "plan" in place ASAP to address the employee's issues, morale, spirit, anxiety and distress, build confidence and trust, and build that bridge. That's their responsibility. How important is this "new plan" to them and Bronner? What's it worth? Just takes a little humility and a little decensy.
If its too much of an effort for this management, and they just want to skip that step and attempt to go to "point C", they will have to live with the decision of our members, we all will. And life will go on, it does for the 20,000 already out on the streets for the past 2 years.