What's new

Доверяй, Но Проверяй


Dec 27, 2003
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A new beginning is upon us. We have all heard the rhetoric of cultural change, respect for employees(and management), some one to lead rather than react and most importantly...trust between management and employees.
The employees now have the oportunity to lead the way in relations with mangement. We have a new leader. Lets start the relationship by eliminating our old culture and the way we interact with management. We must end the constant cloud of critcism and work with the new management rather than against them.
All this is not to say that we go blindly hand-in-hand with the new team. We do deserve answers to questions, the biggest of which is "whats the plan and where do you want this airline to go?". We need the straight scoop. One lie and the trust is broken. At the same time we have to realize that things change day to day in this industry and for competitive reasons, we can't be told of every business plan of the airline. It will take some trust on our part which will be difficult considering what we've experienced in the past, but...we must make the effort. We have the opportunity to become the most impressive turn around story in the airline industry. We actually have the chance to eliminate "financially stuggling" from our name.
Lets go at this with an open mind and the willingness to work together for the future of the airline....Доверяй, Но Проверяй.
i really question the new begining hypothesis....
alpa is in disarray....
afa isn't talking....
iam won't open the contract...
neither will cwa...
so what is there to look forward too??
i think its sell off time.....we've hit bottom for sure......
A new beginning is upon us....
Not hardly.

Employees are still suffering under several hundred contract violations that are in the grievence process. (some have already been arbitrated and favorably decided in labor's benefit yet mgt still refuses to abide by the arbitrators decision.)

If nothing has changed, then nothing has changed.

Several billion dollars of capitulation by labor has not changed anything (except the lenght of corprate yatchs!)

Don't hope for new promises to buy from the new guy. Just do your job and tell the new guy to quit spending all his time carrying a collection plate to the employees.

They have more than enough tools already.

You said: "The employees now have the oportunity to lead the way in relations with mangement. We have a new leader. Lets start the relationship by eliminating our old culture and the way we interact with management. We must end the constant cloud of critcism and work with the new management rather than against them."

Even though you expressed yourself in a mature and eloquent manner, there are some on this board that will never change. Everything that comes out of their mouth is negative and always blaming someone else for their troubled lives.

I certainly agree with everything you wrote and thank you for quoting Ronald Reagan. The employees certainly have to take the lead and step up to the higher ground. Let us all start being professional about the way we do business and stop criticizing the unknown.
I also have to agree. We all have to go into this with open minds, Most of us on this board, myself included, wanted Dave gone and now he is. I think the Union leadership MUST support
TailSpin said:
The employees certainly have to take the lead and step up to the higher ground. Let us all start being professional about the way we do business..
Read your post again.

Now read it again for comprehension.

Have you been looking at the on time performance numbers?

Have you looked at the safety numbers?

Have you not read all the posts from customers who attest to the friendly service?

Have you any clue how understaffed the airline is yet the employees still slog it out in the trenches and have kept this airline afloat dispite mgts inept planning, forthought, injustices, lies, and trickery?

You say "Start being proffesional."

I say pull your head out, reach into the clue bag, and grab a forutne cookie.

"sanctimonious spitting should be reserved for Chip. No need to duplicate effort."
Think about how many SOB's have tried to run this company, JUST in the last 10 years. I am not trying to be negative, but I really don't think it is up to the employees to PROVE anything at this point. We are like Foster children, being sent from one home to the other in hopes of finding someone to trust and to love us. Would we have an attitude after so many have let us down? Of course.

I would like to see this new fella's face....anyone have a picture on hand??? Hope his face doesn't hit his belly button like Kerry. :lol:
TailSpin said:
...there are some on this board that will never change. Everything that comes out of their mouth is negative and always blaming someone else for their troubled lives.

The employees certainly have to take the lead and step up to the higher ground. Let us all start being professional about the way we do business and stop criticizing the unknown.
I don't consider myself to be one of the ones who "Everthing is negegative & blame someone else". I have said before and I say again, I personally feel IF a real plan is presented to the employees...they will look at it and consider it. Yes, we have some butt holes, yes we have some butt kissers, but the majority of the people working here like the airline business, and I think, have show that with the right leadership they will (have) honestly look and evaluate what needs to be done.
I still say...a real plan has to be presented, or many of the employees will hold firm on their present stand.
One thing to remember, we do not have a new team....we just have a new leader. I hope and pray that good decisions are made.