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Management Out To Get Senior Agts

mweiss said:

My mistake I wasn't talking about the attendance but about how much the weather compounded the operations on top of the normal higher rate of sick calls then a non holiday period. then you can throw in the baggage system there to.
Certainly the weather and baggage systems compounded the problems. I'd never suggest otherwise. Obviously, there was what is sometimes referred to in pilot training as "a conspiracy of coincidences," which led to a particularly ugly experience.
Exactly. Now we have to stop this or people will get the wrong impression. We're not supposed to agree on anything, remember?
mweiss said:
Of course. But, as was noted by many, the attendance rate wasn't any worse this year than in many, many years past. So, apparently, the recent rounds of beating haven't affected performance on this metric.

Good point. But I imagine that many of the folks who were there weren't as willing to go the extra mile this year.

I would hardly be surprised to hear complaints along the lines of "money being wasted on these things when I took a paycut," had they spent the money on expensive TVs at all locations. Do you disagree?

Possible. Perhaps it would have been better to raffle off rewards that didn't look "cheap" -- like gift certificates for dinner at a nice restaurant, tickets to sporting events (and a guarantee of scheduled time off to use them), etc. -- or just a bonus payment to eveyone with perfect attendance
PineyBob said:
NO ONE earns the right to be hostile to a customer, EVER! Funny thing is with a few notable exceptions I am amazed at the professionalism displayed by the folks who wear the US Airways uniform that I encounter.

Just as no one earns the right to be hostile to an employee, right BOB?

You are correct--there is no excuse for hostility--either way. However there is no excuse for the sense of entitlement felt by a small number of employees who show up slack off and collect a check either. You come to work, you work. I have personally intervened on more than one occasion on the behalf of employees being subject to abusive customers.

I am continually amazed and proud of the 99.999% of employees I come in contact with during my travels who absolutely continue to shine and represent the best this industry has to offer, despite the current situation. I can only imagine what it would be like if they were HAPPY!!
FFOCUS is working hard to recognize these folks, and we are showing our appreciation as often as possible.

On the other hand, there is no excuse for some of the behavior of others--although a tiny group, their effects are felt too. I am tired of pulling into a gate area, having the captain announce that there is no one to park the plane, but there are 6 rampers sitting at the next gate having coffee and reading the paper because it isn't their zone. This is ridiculous and unacceptable. If they won't do their job get someone who will....and if management sets the zone rules, CHANGE THE RULES. It does not matter who does the work--the work must be done. If you want efficiency create the rules which will allow the efficiency.

I am NOT placing blame, unfortunately there is plenty of that to go around--and I am NOT singling out one group or the other--but something has to give. Placing blame is useless--getting change started is the FFOCUS.

We want to see a vibrant and growing US Airways, retaining the best employees in the industry, and recruiting the future best...it ain't political, we are not taking sides, we are looking at the BIG picture. We want to see those who want to work keep their jobs, and those who don't move on...

My best to you all....
Art at ISP said:
On the other hand, there is no excuse for some of the behavior of others--although a tiny group, their effects are felt too. I am tired of pulling into a gate area, having the captain announce that there is no one to park the plane, but there are 6 rampers sitting at the next gate having coffee and reading the paper because it isn't their zone. This is ridiculous and unacceptable. If they won't do their job get someone who will....and if management sets the zone rules, CHANGE THE RULES. It does not matter who does the work--the work must be done. If you want efficiency create the rules which will allow the efficiency.

I am NOT placing blame, unfortunately there is plenty of that to go around--and I am NOT singling out one group or the other--but something has to give. Placing blame is useless--getting change started is the FFOCUS.


When you talk about pulling into gate and the workers in next zone what exactly are you saying if you aren't placing blame?

You know what really amazes me about this situation? You say nothing about the person who should have met the aircraft in the first place. Where is he? What if he is slacker? What if the other employees are tired of covering for him during their break time because he is upstairs shooting the crap?

Oh but it doesn't matter who does work because it has to get done. So time to cover for that slacker again and cut your break short nevermind the 200 bags you just loaded and your next flight is in 30 seconds and now you will be late to park that one.
PineyBob said:
It would only have to happen once or twice and then the poor slug would find himself locked in a cargo bay "Involuntarily Transferred" to another airport.
Incentives like the above work.
So now you are advocating violence, kidnapping and breaking the law?

What you suggest is criminal and you should be treated like one if the above ever happens.
Agreed I meant to comment but didn't. It is to late to add violence to his list of things he advocates or uses.
PineyBob said:
I have never understood the person who proceeds to berate a T/A or G/A.

I have never understood someone who proceeds to berate TSA as an occupation, the employees on here and the use of vicious name calling on this board.

Case in point, You.
No, you need to grow up for even suggesting the idea, you are the one who posted it not I nor UVN.

And since you don't and never had worked for an airline, you would not know that people have been locked in cargo bins before and was flown to another city before they got out.
Your rights?

Go read the Homeland Security Act or the Patriot Act, you have no rights, and don't blame the TSA employee for following the law, rules and regulations that the President, Congress and other Government officals set up, they are just going by what they are told to do, they are trying to make a living just like everyone else.

And your Uncle at Normandy line is getting very old and does not mean anything in regard to the topic at hand.
PineyBob said:
Because the TSA is an arm of a government out of control, the staff is made up of the same wannabe cops you see working security at the mall.

The individual rights of average citizen is trampled under the guise of security of which little or none is provided.

You go to the airport and see a security line. I see what my uncle landed on Normandy to prevent.
So you rather have nothing. You don't even realize you life may have been saved by these wannabe cops a few times over. You can't stop coming up with new names can you?

No actually when I see a line at airport security I don't think of me and take it personally as you do . I see it as one way to try prevent another 9-11 happening. Full proof? No. Better then nothing? You may say no but if you were on the next one to slam into a building you wouldn't be around to answer yes. Would you?