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Someone said that the Director of the IT dept was in phl
to fix PHL....how can he suggest on how to fix PHL,:down:
Since he did ratherly poorly in getting the technology to work when he was in his office, perhaps the concept is to get him on the road and let others take over directing technology.
We should just throw him on a plane to China with a F.I.M., oops, they don't accept F.I.M's abroad !
By the way, we give them F.I.M.'s daily because share won't re-issue an international ticket!
We should just throw him on a plane to China with a F.I.M., oops, they don't accept F.I.M's abroad !
By the way, we give them F.I.M.'s daily because share won't re-issue an international ticket!

Actually Shares will reissue an international ticket, but the fare has to be stored and the stars have to be aligned for it to happen. We reissue intl tickets all the time (and they even work right once in a while!) :up:
Ctrl T F2, reissue even. You can adjust the endorsements to show Invol 735D (but the fare has to be stored.) Its not hard to store a fare, but depending on the fare calc line, it can be very time consuming to do. We were told to show the Orig FOP as XX also so as to not confuse the computer to add a $3000 ticket into your cash ACO! 🙄

As far as the IT guy being in PHL. Get him to come work some flights with you. At least you have them in station within arms length. Make a stink that you want HIM personally to come help you do an oversold international with reroutes and see what he's created. Maybe that will get the consultants attention as well.
We should just throw him on a plane to China with a F.I.M., oops, they don't accept F.I.M's abroad !
By the way, we give them F.I.M.'s daily because share won't re-issue an international ticket!

Perfect Justice :lol: If any are antique enough to recall "Charly on the MTA"..."but did he ever return?..No; he never returned..and his fate is still unlearned...." :lol:
The smirking face of fixing SHARES is Tim Lindeman.

He is the proud owner of a picture of a drunk and a goat.

Lindeman is just as much a victim as we are. He really does care but there is only so much he can do since he works for Mr. Mule.
If it would work the way they tell us its supposed to fine. I tried 6 -count them 6- times today to send a QIK/FIX to get them to freakin ADD TPA-CLE CO into the availability (another airline that runs on Shares and it isnt in the freakin availability) and it shut my machine down every time I tried. This, of course, is after the "host link down- previous entry not entered" and "aco link down- retry" after each attempt. Busy, busy, timeout and this crap for trying to send in a simple PLEASE FIX IT that should be there to begin with. You WILL NEVER convince me this crap is workable in its current state. You cant even get the computer to work right to tell them it isnt working right! :down: :down:
And I'm still waiting for all those "know it alls" to come work with me for a week and see just what crap we have to put up with to checkin and ticket our customers. Aint gonna happen I know it cause you dont have the b***s to come stand next to me for 8 hours a day and tell me things are working as they are supposed to be because you and I both know its A LIE!
I too sent a qik fix in for CLETPA to be loaded back in....it is odd that now in availability you can not pull it up in either direction...happened with the last update on the 7th of July
The problem with your scenario, PB...(and as an ex-IT person, I know whereof I speak)

The IT people do not know how to operate the system. They only know what their code/specs/chicken entrails tell them the system is SUPPOSED to do after someone on the front end pushes the buttons.

Based on my experience yesterday with the IT department at my bank, they've also learned a really condescending, offensive phrase that seems to start every sentence, "What you probably did wrong is...". This said BEFORE you've even finished a description of the problem.
PB it couldn't have been said better! Your Martin Luther King, "if I had a dream" hit it right on the head. i would like to include the top brass and IT working all the bottom gates on b and c con. In my dream the senior agents would be monitering their performance in front of the passenger holding their clipboards, saying faster , faster , faster! Then each and everyone of them would be dragged into the office at the end of their shift (the norm) and be written up like babies because they just couldn't go as fast as we asked and be put on a level 3 for perfomance. "if I had a dream".
The problem with your scenario, PB...(and as an ex-IT person, I know whereof I speak)

The IT people do not know how to operate the system. They only know what their code/specs/chicken entrails tell them the system is SUPPOSED to do after someone on the front end pushes the buttons.

Not true in this case. Todd the IT guy in charge of the conversion worked as a CSA, CSR and F/A at West