If it would work the way they tell us its supposed to fine. I tried 6 -count them 6- times today to send a QIK/FIX to get them to freakin ADD TPA-CLE CO into the availability (another airline that runs on Shares and it isnt in the freakin availability) and it shut my machine down every time I tried. This, of course, is after the "host link down- previous entry not entered" and "aco link down- retry" after each attempt. Busy, busy, timeout and this crap for trying to send in a simple PLEASE FIX IT that should be there to begin with. You WILL NEVER convince me this crap is workable in its current state. You cant even get the computer to work right to tell them it isnt working right! :down: :down:
And I'm still waiting for all those "know it alls" to come work with me for a week and see just what crap we have to put up with to checkin and ticket our customers. Aint gonna happen I know it cause you dont have the b***s to come stand next to me for 8 hours a day and tell me things are working as they are supposed to be because you and I both know its A LIE!