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I say just let the ramp bid where they work by gate. If you bid gate B1 then you stay on B-1 for your whole shift and you work what ever goes to B-1. By doing this you always have a crew on that gate with the same equipment assigned to that gate there is a sense of order. If there is a big break at any time on that gate so be it. That's the nature of the beast.
Not if they are setting us up to sell. The golden parachutes are in place. No reputable business person would operate a company like this.
It is not possible..it would be best if you focused on how to use it.

If it would work the way they tell us its supposed to fine. I tried 6 -count them 6- times today to send a QIK/FIX to get them to freakin ADD TPA-CLE CO into the availability (another airline that runs on Shares and it isnt in the freakin availability) and it shut my machine down every time I tried. This, of course, is after the "host link down- previous entry not entered" and "aco link down- retry" after each attempt. Busy, busy, timeout and this crap for trying to send in a simple PLEASE FIX IT that should be there to begin with. You WILL NEVER convince me this crap is workable in its current state. You cant even get the computer to work right to tell them it isnt working right! :down: :down:
And I'm still waiting for all those "know it alls" to come work with me for a week and see just what crap we have to put up with to checkin and ticket our customers. Aint gonna happen I know it cause you dont have the b***s to come stand next to me for 8 hours a day and tell me things are working as they are supposed to be because you and I both know its A LIE!
It is not possible..it would be best if you focused on how to use it.

Is that to say that shares is working as it should? With the continuous errors, timeouts, continuous loops that produce nothing, retype retype retype over and over again. Other airlines boarding passes coming from the kiosks that arent even in the same city that the kiosks are in, (UNSOLICITED!), kiosk printing errors that takes an agent to correct, that are supposed to be staffed correctly if SHARES worked correctly. Customers are supposed to experience mind numbing lines, and missed flights due to volume and there is not enough personnel on hand to process them with all the errors in self checkin.
Ok, yeah its because no one is focused. Derrrrrrrr.
Yup, yer on to somethin'. :blink:
Both Parker and Kirby have said we aren't going back to Sabre. My question is WHY NOT? It's not like shares actually works. It has caused more monetary losses and screwups than Sabre would have cost us in 5 years. They keep trying to say that they are comparable systems.... PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything I have seen in 4 months proves shares is pure crap. I want Parker,Kirby, Mule and the rest of the company of clowns to come to PHL,CLT,DCA and work actually using shares to do our job with the amount of training we received. Have them work an oversold flight to LGW with a connection to OA and have a ticketing problem. I would bet they don't have the balls to do it and then tell us shares really works fine. There is nothing that they can say that proves their hypothesis that they are comparable. The proof of the matter is that they are not even in the same universe. Put your legal dept to work and get out of the shares contract. Sabre came to the company 3 times to rework the contract , so you can't say we couldn't have gotten a better deal. Based simply on what shares has COST us , how has this been a good thing. We can do whatever we need to do to get the job done, including the expulsion of shares.
The function of management is to LEAD and DIRECT . Unfortunately all Tempe has done is make excuses and misdirect. Look at their track record Shares,AC Reconfigurations, contract talks. Not exactly a record of stellar accomplishments. Have the testicular fortitude to admit your screwups and correct them. Don't dig yourself into a deeper hole by perpetually continuing the same mistakes. All we are doing by continuing our present path is heading in for a nose first crash... PULL UP PULL UP.
I sent a note to the qik fix people and suggested that the solution to their availability problems was actually pretty simple. Go buy a copy of the OAG and load that entire book because that is what we require and need to have , not this shares induced crap we have now. I don't think they liked my suggestion. If they had listened to the front line in the beginning we wouldn't be dealing with their mistakes now. The bean counters have no idea how to run a customer centered business. They are all for squeezing out the last cent , but will walk past dollar to pick up a penny.
The smirking face of fixing SHARES is Tim Lindeman.

He is the proud owner of a picture of a drunk and a goat.
Because the sandcastle is of the delusion that shares really can and does work and it is really just as good as SABRE. Kirby worked for SABRE , How can he stand in front of employees and continually lie. He knows shares sucks but won't admit it. Who is he afraid of? Wouldn't the BOD rather have a profitable well run operation rather than the rolling disaster we have become because of shares?

well, it's easier for the castle to blame disgruntled agents for not wanting to learn Shares than accept responsibility.

So here's a note to management. Employees are not going to make their lives this much more difficult to spite you. At this point, if Shares isn't working, it's because Shares doesn't work.

I've seen my share of computer cutovers and heard the standard bitching. People cowboyed up and learned it. They had to to move the lines and cut the passenger bitching down - who needs it? SABRE sucked majorly compared to PACER, but at least it worked - it was just more cumbersome

Plus I can assure you - labor is nowhere near organized enough to stage a dumb-out, but y'all already know that.

What is going on is all so typical. Management looked at the acquisition costs of SABRE vs Shares and picked the cheapest one. No analysis of ownership costs, which US management, then and now, is prone to do.

I will be awed if US doesn't revisit BK within the next 36 months. CRS is that important.
Lindeman will be in Phl from what we hear for the next couple of months to get Philly fixed. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Now the sandcastle has moved to Pa!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

"You can't fix stupid!"

Seriously, Doug & co. aren't stupid (just as Bush isn't).

We make the mistake of assuming they share our goals - a better company, or in the case of Bush, a better country.

The metric by which they measure their success is their bank account.

And by that measure, they are doing quite well.

For insight into their mindset, I remind you of the Robber Baron of yore, William Vanderbilt. When told his corporate policies were not in the public interest, the gentleman replied, "The public be damned."
Someone said that the Director of the IT dept was in phl
to fix PHL....how can he suggest on how to fix PHL, if he can't even fix his stupid computer system, now isn't that
a joke......and another thought how can they fix PHL
they can't even run this airline correct. :down:
How can they expect to put and international airline database into a domestic low cost carrier's database computer system? I've had to ask DL to look up schedules for me so I can expedite bags overseas. It is shameful. What ever money they thought they were saving getting rid of SABRE, they've already spent it and then some. Customers are leaving. Getting new Kiosk, (yeah like that's going to help?) and now hiring a bunch of College interns to do a survey for a consulting firm. Right! that is going to fix US. It breaks my heart to see a legacy carrier become the worst airline. And let's not talk about the new uniform. A dress with a zipper on the front.(What are we in kindergarden?)
Thanks for lettting me vent.