Point, the TWU will be here for a long time, yet to come.....
Highly unfortunate.
It's an unfortunate thing that even though I have you on ignore, that when another chooses to address your tripe your comment shows up.
I don't give a damn how much a "veteran" you are on other boards or this one, for that matter (showing up around contract time says volumes), or if you actually do have your own investment company, even if it's only for yourself (a wise move). Your "importance" just doesn't matter to me and many others on this board.
I only care about what you say here - supporting a company, in any fashion, for destroying its morale is rather reprehensible to me, to say the least - kinda like offering aid and comfort to known terrorists.
Being a "loyal customer"? I won't fly on any airline again, mainly because of the TSA and having no desire to land in Federal Prison because I won't tolerate being molested. There are other GOOD reasons I refuse to fly nor will I get tickets for family as well. You might want to think about that for a while.
In short - if you desire to defend AMR in any way (having no basis in the industry), you will be called a shill and numerous other things on this board. Many, unlike me, won't place you on ignore as they enjoy an argument - I don't, at least not about labor vs: greed.
By the way - It's people like me that have been subsidizing your cheap tickets with our pay (a 30% hit) since 2003.
1)Using terms as "tripe" with your rhetoric doesn't change the fact you are nothing short of boorish IMHO. Which is fine by me.
2) I stated a FACT which is paying pax pays your salary (and no need to get "technical" with the fact its AA which "signs" your checks) and many other of your colleagues. If you start your own company I hope you aren't as truculent to your potential customers as you are on this board.
3)The "terrorist" comment is a joke. The APA practically said the same thing about AArpey-going as so far to calling him a "killer". Ostensibly, bullying, name calling, is rather the ethos of unions - your comments, amongst others prove my point. I support AA because I have an interest in seeing the company succeed. I have no family or friends associated with AA. On the contrary, a few of my clients are United Pilots. Certainly it would behoove me to see AA go under and allow UA to thrive even more at places such as ORD, LAX, etc. Regardless, I wouldn't like to see unemployment go up even more. At the end of the day however, AA is a business and it must pay its bills and be competitive. This should be axiomatic (which unfortunately it doesn't seem to be by many on this board).
4)I fly enough to know how to deal with the TSA, etc. I don't know what your point is anyway.
5)"Subsidizing"...now that's a strange way of seeing things. You think I should pay even more than 20% to support your lifestyle? I don't purchase priceline.com tix (i.e.bidding). I fly when I need to -be it discount or full fare. Maybe you should learn (and understand) what the term "market forces" means. Judging from your comments, you are quite oblivious to it.
In other words, your losing your arse on AMR stock because of those greedy labor unions that saved our airline from bankruptcy. You should have shorted at 7 sucker, AA is not willing to negotiate in good faith, and your gonna be stuck in the high 4's/low 5's for a while. 😱
I'm sure you meant "in other words, I have no idea what I am talking about because you don't have any stock in AMR", but lets not let facts get in the way.
My sentiments exactly.
The line of thought would seem to be:
"Maybe if I get on their discussion site and twist their toes and scare them a bit the stock will go up a bit and I'll have enough to take the old lady out for New Year's".
Then again, maybe he's got a boyfriend ... who knows?
Yup, making groundless and baseless accusations..why am I not surprised...?
Please tell me exactly why you just happen to show up. Seriously, I would like to know your motive.
Also, as much as you and the other "I pay your salary fliers" like to deny it, we most definitely subsidize
your cheap flying. I don't care what you pay, $500 or $5000, you can bet your "I pay your salary" ass
that my givebacks have allowed you to fly cheaper than what you would have been paying.
1)Simple, I have been following this board for a while and I wanted to make some comments/opinions. Last I recall, this is an "airlines/aviation forum" and is open to people who so wish to discuss about airlines and aviation Also, unlike others, I don't need to stoop down to name calling or making derogatory remarks.
2)There is no motive. You are not subsiding my flying. In fact, because of AA's bloated salary structure, I actually pay more for practically the same services some other company can give me at a lesser price. Maybe you should take (or retake if you have already) "econ 101" in college to understand how market forces work. I will not explain it to you.