"Don't you get it? Do think Arpey & Co. are sitting around trying to think of ways to destroy the airline?"
After a 5 year concessionary contract based upon "shAAred sAAcrifice" which is in reality the "great lie".
After more than 3 years of the company dragging their feet in offering concessionary t/a after concessionary t/a.
After members of management referring to labor as "bricks".
After management offering $100,000.00 candy bars along with AIP checks.
The answer is YES to your question!
Why is it in reality "great lie"?
AFAIK, there has been progress between the APA and Management - many items have been resolved.
Maybe AA should have filed for Chapter 11 back in 2003 and screwed everyone else much earlier? After all, every other legacy carriers such as DL, UA, NW and US did...with CO doing it twice.
They have tried to make the best of a bad situation.