1)Name calling such as "shill", "twits", one would think we can have a bit of a better adult/intellectual discussion... 🙄
2)I have my own investment company - which puts me out of the "company shill" department.
3)Recently joining this website is rather irrelevant, especially considering I'm a "veteran" on many other boards.
4)Unlike you, I "call it as I see it". If you bother to read my comments intently, you would have figured out I'm not the biggest fan of current the management either. You glossing over doesn't change it.
5)Its actually loyal customers like me who year-after-year pay a premium to fly AA (over its competitors) which has been paying for your salary, retirement, etc.
It's an unfortunate thing that even though I have you on ignore, that when another chooses to address your tripe your comment shows up.
I don't give a damn how much a "veteran" you are on other boards or this one, for that matter (showing up around contract time says volumes), or if you actually do have your own investment company, even if it's only for yourself (a wise move). Your "importance" just doesn't matter to me and many others on this board.
I only care about what you say here - supporting a company, in any fashion, for destroying its morale is rather reprehensible to me, to say the least - kinda like offering aid and comfort to known terrorists.
Being a "loyal customer"? I won't fly on any airline again, mainly because of the TSA and having no desire to land in Federal Prison because I won't tolerate being molested. There are other GOOD reasons I refuse to fly nor will I get tickets for family as well. You might want to think about that for a while.
In short - if you desire to defend AMR in any way (having no basis in the industry), you will be called a shill and numerous other things on this board. Many, unlike me, won't place you on ignore as they enjoy an argument - I don't, at least not about labor vs: greed.
By the way - It's people like me that have been subsidizing your cheap tickets with our pay (a 30% hit) since 2003.