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Man the lifeboats...............

Say what you want about unions mate, but there is a reason why unions are going the way of black and white t.v.'s.

Yes, it's called class warfare and corporate greed. Corporations use legislation to destroy worker rights and standard of living so people like you can get a cheap seat.
How hard did you applause Gov Walker of Wisconsin when he busted the teacher's union? Did you lose your voice cheering for him?
A good reason to join a union...

The history of Delta/employee relations has its roots in keeping employees happy so they would not need to join a union in the first place. This philosophy goes back to 60's where airline unions dominated the industry.
I see nothing at AA that leads me to believe management would treat us any better. Higher wages? Not always the case....No pensions are the case as are in paying more of the lion's share for medical coverage.

Say what you wan't about unions....But there is equality and pay for memebers regardless of race, religion, and sex...

No matter the skill level....
No matter the skill level....
... and the fact some individuals are "more equal" than others.

Add to that many are engaged in functions that should be the company's territory WHILE WE ARE PAYING FOR IT - it's rather evident why the company would fight to retain our so-called "representation".
Just screwed my courage to the sticking place, and entered AMR in a stock quote field on a financial page. Now at a low for the day...$4.84/shr. Should I cash in my stock options now? :lol:

In case you are wondering, I'm the guy that when the stock hit $40/shr a few years back said, "When it hits $45, I'm going to sell." :blink:

P.S. I guess it's time to sing that line from the old limbo song, "How lo-o-o-w can you go?" Any bets on a bottom?
No matter the skill level....

Not what I meant...A mechanic, say starting at a line station as an A&P, will receive the same starting pay and incremental increases regardless of the mechanic being a woman, man, or minority....
It is up to the company to weed out those who are not equal in skill and ability during probation, not the union.
Yes, it's called class warfare and corporate greed. Corporations use legislation to destroy worker rights and standard of living so people like you can get a cheap seat.
How hard did you applause Gov Walker of Wisconsin when he busted the teacher's union? Did you lose your voice cheering for him?

I thought it was all about working hard and the United States being "the land of opportunity"..my dad came to the United States with only $10 half a century ago. He worked the day he landed. Except for weekends, he has worked 6-7 days/week and 14-16 per day for the past 50 years. He still works every weekends, even though he's in his 70's and can retire and set his own work rules and hours. I can't recall this past 1-2 generations where unions have espoused such a hard work ethic.

People work hard and those who have the extra "oomph" get to the top.

"Arpey received a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in 1980 and an MBA in 1982, both from the University of Texas at Austin. He also holds a FAA Multi-Engine Instrument Pilot Rating and is an avid private pilot."


IIRC, Arpey started doing odd jobs while going to school and supporting his future/career.


While I think the "buddy-buddy" system of corporations is corrupt, its "how the game goes". I do believe changes are needed so that the CEO/Chairman aren't so close to the board-i.e. the Board of Directors should be completely independent and transparent.

No matter the skill level....


... and the fact some individuals are "more equal" than others.

Add to that many are engaged in functions that should be the company's territory WHILE WE ARE PAYING FOR IT - it's rather evident why the company would fight to retain our so-called "representation".

I don't see the forcing you to stay with their company. If you don't like it, quit the company.
So using your understanding AA engaged in union busting through the RPA? Again, none of the existing unions at DL, NW, UA, or US were decertified through bankruptcy. Concessions were imposed but it wasn't union busting.

I'm glad someone brought up the issue of "IMPOSING" terms and failing to honor the duration of the M&E contract of 2001 that amended in 2004. Maybe the TWU should break contracts with AA when the company posts profits and impose wages and benefits competitors like WN pay their mechanics. I think it's only fair, don't you Josh?

I got a better idea....how about having something to that affect proposed by Bob Owens in August "once the company posts profits, whether on a quarterly or yearly basis, the wages shall equal WN, UPS and Fed Ex mechanics.

Sounds good to me!
... snip

I don't see the forcing you to stay with their company. If you don't like it, quit the company.

Spoken as a true company shill - considering how recently you "joined" the board, that was the general consensus.

I have every intention of leaving this football bat of a corporation and retiring in the not-so-distant future as I have my own business started. To my favor, I'd like to say I didn't use FMLA for 2+ years to start it as another individual in my shop attempted to do and got fired for his trouble.

I'll have to work a bit harder than at American (even though I was willing to do just that AT AMERICAN) but that's fine as your type will have the company to ruin for your own personal benefit while hosing those you claim to rely on, as you see fit.

So you see, you're preaching to the choir, telling me "If you don't like it, leave" - you company/union (one in the same) twits are predictable in your responses, at least.

... and, in my own good time, I will retire and leave the company.

All the friggin' in the riggin' has caused the company and union to become hopelessly inbred with no chance of recovery - I prefer to watch the implosion from a distance.

Oh yeah - you just made my ignore pile, company boy.
I'm glad someone brought up the issue of "IMPOSING" terms and failing to honor the duration of the M&E contract of 2001 that amended in 2004. Maybe the TWU should break contracts with AA when the company posts profits and impose wages and benefits competitors like WN pay their mechanics. I think it's only fair, don't you Josh?

I got a better idea....how about having something to that affect proposed by Bob Owens in August "once the company posts profits, whether on a quarterly or yearly basis, the wages shall equal WN, UPS and Fed Ex mechanics.

Sounds good to me!
The company did have a few honest "bad years" and as much as the resident airline geniuses (not referring to Eoleson as he actually has basis to speak) try to say otherwise, any profits will be eaten up by accounting measures for quite some time allowing the bastards to claim poverty while enriching themselves via stock "per their employment contract".

As much as Horton hates overhaul, he realizes there is a time thing involved re: get aircraft fixed and knows very well to get the aircraft repaired on AA's schedule by someone else will cost a helluva lot more bucks than the present situation with TULS, AFW, and DWH. A sale of the overhaul business with AA being the exclusive customer is far more likely.
Maybe we should go for a new B-Scale at every contract negotiation renewal?
didn't the old TWU regime.....the ones that got booted out....accept Airline Support Mechanics???? It's out there Buck, and you will sign for their work, and if you don't, YOU ARE OUT OF ORDER, BROTHER! lol
Spoken as a true company shill - considering how recently you "joined" the board, that was the general consensus.

I have every intention of leaving this football bat of a corporation and retiring in the not-so-distant future as I have my own business started. I'll have to work a bit harder than at American (even though I was willing to do just that) but that's fine as your type will have the company to ruin for your own personal benefit while hosing those you claim to depend on, as you see fit.

So you see, you're preaching to the choir, telling me "If you don't like it, leave" - you company/union (one in the same) twits are predictable in your responses, at least.

All the friggin' in the riggin' has caused the company and union to become hopelessly inbred with no chance of recovery - I prefer to watch the implosion from a distance.

Oh yeah - you just made my ignore pile, company boy.

1)Name calling such as "shill", "twits", one would think we can have a bit of a better adult/intellectual discussion... 🙄
2)I have my own investment company - which puts me out of the "company shill" department.
3)Recently joining this website is rather irrelevant, especially considering I'm a "veteran" on many other boards.
4)Unlike you, I "call it as I see it". If you bother to read my comments intently, you would have figured out I'm not the biggest fan of current the management either. You glossing over doesn't change it.
5)Its actually loyal customers like me who year-after-year pay a premium to fly AA (over its competitors) which has been paying for your salary, retirement, etc.
didn't the old TWU regime.....the ones that got booted out....accept Airline Support Mechanics???? It's out there Buck, and you will sign for their work, and if you don't, YOU ARE OUT OF ORDER, BROTHER! lol
I guess if I were to be placed in that position, with the FAA changing it's position on only signing for the work you accomplish, I would not have much of a choice.

Brother I have been "OUT OF ORDER" practically since I walked in the door.

I have not been one of the "Brothers" for the same amount of time. I am one of the original "B-Scaler's", so I took it in the shorts upon entry. I know when I walked in I could of just as easily walk out, so I accepted my fate. The "BROTHERS" before me did not have a problem with a "B-Scale" so I say two wrongs will make it right. Maybe three wrongs or four wrongs.......
Say what you want about unions mate, but there is a reason why unions are going the way of black and white t.v.'s.
I still watch Black and White reruns, movies and sitcoms on my big screen. Point, the TWU will be here for a long time, yet to come.....
1)Name calling such as "shill", "twits", one would think we can have a bit of a better adult/intellectual discussion... 🙄
2)I have my own investment company - which puts me out of the "company shill" department.
3)Recently joining this website is rather irrelevant, especially considering I'm a "veteran" on many other boards.
4)Unlike you, I "call it as I see it". If you bother to read my comments intently, you would have figured out I'm not the biggest fan of current the management either. You glossing over doesn't change it.
5)Its actually loyal customers like me who year-after-year pay a premium to fly AA (over its competitors) which has been paying for your salary, retirement, etc.
we're not big fans of Arpey & Co., either!!

I call it like I see it too, and right now AA has a huge problem with employee morale and discontent, and it's something that management, and the flying public obviously ignores. In a safety sensitive environment like aircraft maintenance it's definitely not smart to have discontent and unhappy AMT's working on airplanes. As a frequent flyer, such as yourself, I would convey those concerns to management the next time you answer AA's survey.

Remember, as a passenger flying 500mph in an aluminum tube, and coming soon to your station "the carbon fiber tube 787", you get what YOU paid for.

AA has money to invest in passenger luxuries like powerports, in-flight entertainment and lie flat seats, but doesn't have the money to invest in the professionals taking care of the planes or the planes themselves.

Now, you know where WE are coming from. Enjoy your flight, sir!
1)Name calling such as "shill", "twits", one would think we can have a bit of a better adult/intellectual discussion... 🙄
2)I have my own investment company - which puts me out of the "company shill" department.
3)Recently joining this website is rather irrelevant, especially considering I'm a "veteran" on many other boards.
4)Unlike you, I "call it as I see it". If you bother to read my comments intently, you would have figured out I'm not the biggest fan of current the management either. You glossing over doesn't change it.
5)Its actually loyal customers like me who year-after-year pay a premium to fly AA (over its competitors) which has been paying for your salary, retirement, etc.

It's an unfortunate thing that even though I have you on ignore, that when another chooses to address your tripe your comment shows up.

I don't give a damn how much a "veteran" you are on other boards or this one, for that matter (showing up around contract time says volumes), or if you actually do have your own investment company, even if it's only for yourself (a wise move). Your "importance" just doesn't matter to me and many others on this board.

I only care about what you say here - supporting a company, in any fashion, for destroying its morale is rather reprehensible to me, to say the least - kinda like offering aid and comfort to known terrorists.

Being a "loyal customer"? I won't fly on any airline again, mainly because of the TSA and having no desire to land in Federal Prison because I won't tolerate being molested. There are other GOOD reasons I refuse to fly nor will I get tickets for family as well. You might want to think about that for a while.

In short - if you desire to defend AMR in any way (having no basis in the industry), you will be called a shill and numerous other things on this board. Many, unlike me, won't place you on ignore as they enjoy an argument - I don't, at least not about labor vs: greed.

By the way - It's people like me that have been subsidizing your cheap tickets with our pay (a 30% hit) since 2003.

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