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Man the lifeboats...............

Ordering new aircraft has nothing to do with your pay.

If you try to to tie those together as a strategy, you are in deep trouble.
Another 52 week low today, WOW, we'll be penny stock soon.

Delta hit another 52 week low today as well at $8.56 and closed up a nickel from that new low. I'm certain that a certain DAL know-it-all cheerleader will be along with a long-winded "correction" to this, but it looks to me like DAL has shed as much (or more) of its value lately than has AMR. At today's closing price of $8.61, DAL is trading at a value where smart money is fearful of a Ch 11 filing, just like AMR's $5/sh price. People who fear losing it all should never invest in airlines.

Oil is still very expensive, the economy isn't improving as fast as our Kenyan/Indonesian President wants us to believe - no wonder stock prices are tanking. Apparently, the Great Recession (greatest since the Great Depression) is still causing pain despite "ending" a couple years ago.

I agree with tech2101 - new airplane orders have nothing to do with AA's reluctance to increase wages. If anything, new airplanes represent your only hope of ever getting higher wages, if those new airplanes can keep AA out of Ch 11. If/when AA files for bankruptcy, wages will be slashed, just like they were at US, UA, NW, DL and CO (many years ago). If new airplanes can help keep AMR out of bankruptcy court, your wages won't be slashed and there's a chance they might eventually be increased.
<_< ------- $15 Billion, but they can't afford to pay the help!!? My! My! MY! :blink:------ Keep them flying guys! I'll be flying back South here shortly! Got to button my place up in the Carb.for hurricane season!

Here's an idea along this line of thinking:

AA invests $15 billion in new aircraft, and those aircraft give a tangible return on investment in terms of fuel savings over the course of their lives.

If you all want AA to invest in its workforce, what sort of return are you able to give on that investment? Whether it's work rule changes, more productivity, etc... if you want investment you need to be able to demonstrate that you'll provide a return.
If you all want AA to invest in its workforce, what sort of return are you able to give on that investment? Whether it's work rule changes, more productivity, etc... if you want investment you need to be able to demonstrate that you'll provide a return.

An increase in productivity was proposed to our manAAger last year in exchange for not doubling our crew headcount due to an increase in workload. It was soundly rejected. Overtime and downtime have both equally soared since. The Peter Principle at its best.
Here's an idea along this line of thinking:

AA invests $15 billion in new aircraft, and those aircraft give a tangible return on investment in terms of fuel savings over the course of their lives.

If you all want AA to invest in its workforce, what sort of return are you able to give on that investment? Whether it's work rule changes, more productivity, etc... if you want investment you need to be able to demonstrate that you'll provide a return.
Are you accusing the workforce of being "Non-productive"?? Management needs to demonstrate that AA will manage the business properly! It's called "accountability". A word that's NOT in management's handbook.
If you all want AA to invest in its workforce, what sort of return are you able to give on that investment? Whether it's work rule changes, more productivity, etc... if you want investment you need to be able to demonstrate that you'll provide a return.

Oh, do you mean the billions $$ in investment the workers gave to the company in terms of concessions in 2003?
The company still doesn''t want to give us our ROI, now do they?
Instead they want more concessions....in return for what FWAAA???????????? Promises?

Also, I see the company increasing the number of supervisors and managers threefold.....That's quite an investment..

" good meeting with Boeing "- Bloomberg - pushes stock lower, another 52 week low today. $ 5.15

Another 52 week low today, we're going into the drink.

The new week starts off with US, DL and AA setting new 52 week lows.

A glut of seats is making further price increases difficult:

Airline stocks at 10AM MONDAY JULY 18, 2011

UAL 20.02 down .83
LUV 10.42 down .30
DAL 8.01 down . 41
LCC 7.02 down .42

AMR 4.85 down .16
The new week starts off with US, DL and AA setting new 52 week lows.

A glut of seats is making further price increases difficult:


I constantly wonder if any of the Centrepork infestation ever considered running AMR as a real business.
I constantly wonder if any of the Centrepork infestation ever considered running AMR as a real business.

Don't you get it? Do think Arpey & Co. are sitting around trying to think of ways to destroy the airline?

This is exactly why the senior execs get those stock payouts that so many of you complain about every spring. If they don't do their jobs well and get the company into profitable territory the stock goes into the toilet, taking their compensation with it.

Arpey, Horton and the others have every incentive to make AA successful.
Don't you get it? Do think Arpey & Co. are sitting around trying to think of ways to destroy the airline?

This is exactly why the senior execs get those stock payouts that so many of you complain about every spring. If they don't do their jobs well and get the company into profitable territory the stock goes into the toilet, taking their compensation with it.

Arpey, Horton and the others have every incentive to make AA successful.

Completely agree.

Over on Flyertalk, some AA employees (some of whom pretend to be frequent flyers and deny their employment) are bitching and moaning that shareholders should be demanding new management at AMR because of the decline in stock price. Of course, in addtion to AMR, DL, US and WN are all touching new 52 week lows and UA is nearing its 52 week low. Should management be replaced at all those airlines also, since their stock prices are also in the toilet?

Airlines are hurting because of the crappy economy and high fuel prices, things that, just like the weather, nobody can control. So the employees piss and moan about management instead. Like blaming the weatherman when storms hit (and I've lived in those sort of backwaters where the newswench and the sportsdude drone on and on about the rain being the weather guy's fault).

"Don't you get it? Do think Arpey & Co. are sitting around trying to think of ways to destroy the airline?"

After a 5 year concessionary contract based upon "shAAred sAAcrifice" which is in reality the "great lie".

After more than 3 years of the company dragging their feet in offering concessionary t/a after concessionary t/a.

After members of management referring to labor as "bricks".

After management offering $100,000.00 candy bars along with AIP checks.

The answer is YES to your question!

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