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Local 70 race gets childish

thanks but i already made my choice.

Yea, me too. I'm not saying CD can fill TX's shoes but she is as close as we can get. Witnessed by the fact that "Management" has shown up in this thread.
They don't want her.
WE should.
You may not be sure...but I am...he's no leader, he's no unionist, and he surely is no representative, except if its to serve" self". PHL has been there;done that. I recall that he was so "full of himself" that he thought so much of himself and his newsletters that he thought he could influence PIT fd/a. He wanted to recall teddy xidas and had the mailboxes stuffed with his flyer's to "recall" in 2002. Didn't work. The members closed him off and shut him out! He did that for the sake of LA. THey are thick as thieves.

Funny thing is...he called the same teddy xidas to represent him. Which I hear, he denies now, and states he represented himself using some kind of threats to managment to save his employment. Difintely NOT TRUE.

the good thing you can count on with JM is that if you email him he does reply. I sent a email to him to ask some of what you bring up Pitbull. First he started off by asking why I ever go to this board to begin with. But he told me that he did not have anything to do with the recall of TX and that he never had any mailboxes stuff with any recall flyers. He also said he was on voluntary leave in 2002 so how did he stuff mailboxes? Also, he said that TX called and asked him to go to his meeting with the company and NOT the other way around. He says that TX is trying to take credit for something she couldn't do. He said he provided the information to the company that showed a management person was lying and that the union had no access to this information. Oh and he said that he has never flown with LA and that they are not as close as other people want you to believe. He said LA was a friend like hundreds and hundreds of other flight attendants he knows in Philly. He still has the same email address. Then he asked me, didn't TX leave the company? Did she not get a life? I also asked if he would ever come to CLT and he said no. He has been in Philly forever.
Does anyone have JM's letters that he put out talking about supporting LA when she ran for office back in what was it ‘03? I recall him speaking of his support for her and singing her accolades…sounded personal to me. I keep all that stuff but had to replace the hard drive on that machine so I lost it over Christmas.
Does anyone have JM's letters that he put out talking about supporting LA when she ran for office back in what was it ‘03? I recall him speaking of his support for her and singing her accolades…sounded personal to me. I keep all that stuff but had to replace the hard drive on that machine so I lost it over Christmas.

AP, I checked my files and I do not have any of those letters. I had already left philly by then and a friend of mine says that he sent them to philly f/as and not everybody on his newsletter list. If I remember corectly, JM supported LA over Mollie because Mollie was new to the base and he said that Laura had done a good job as vp under that crazy guy ya'll had, Luther or lUke? Whatever happened to that guy luther. He was weird. Good luck to you too AP, but personally I think JM has your election sewed up. He really has done alot for the f/as and he has never been afraid to take on the company, in public no less. I think the f/as in philly are going to reward him for what he has done for ya'll. heck, not just philly, but all the fas realy. wish he was running for coucil 89.,
One of the things that should be an important criteria IMO is the candidates ability to work with the media and use it effectively to embarass the company as negotiations progress. Also you don't have to be a chair throwing, ranting raving lunatic to appear strong, you just have to be effective no matter what your negotiating style is. When dealing with the "Glassholes" you need to work backward from the assumption they are lieing. Because most likely they are.

That is interesting PineyBob. I never thought about that but it is a very good point. If you are looking for someone who is media savvy then JM is the guy. I would love to see him on the news bash Jerry G. Wasn't JM on CNN a bunch of times? Also, did anyone else hear about JM at the training center here last week? JM was here the day Doug Parker was here. One of our neighbors stood behind JM at the meeting and said there is something going on with JM and Elise Everwine, who is a vp.
Yea, me too. I'm not saying CD can fill TX's shoes but she is as close as we can get. Witnessed by the fact that "Management" has shown up in this thread.
They don't want her.
WE should.

How is it that you are aware that management is surfing this thread? Do you people have no life other then sitting on here day in and day out?

I will agree with everyone that this vote in PHL is crucial. It will effect the entire work group no matter which base you are in. Do your own homework, make your own decision.

Its already fact that TX has had dirty dealing with a particular person in management while she was the President in Pittsburgh, and the MEC President. Her support of any candidate running is an automatic NO vote from me, then again I am not based in PHL so I don't get a vote. She has already voiced her opinion on an upcoming election in my base. She would have better luck getting her choice in if she kept her mouth shut. Then again, that was always her downfall.
That is interesting PineyBob. I never thought about that but it is a very good point. If you are looking for someone who is media savvy then JM is the guy. I would love to see him on the news bash Jerry G. Wasn't JM on CNN a bunch of times? Also, did anyone else hear about JM at the training center here last week? JM was here the day Doug Parker was here. One of our neighbors stood behind JM at the meeting and said there is something going on with JM and Elise Everwine, who is a vp.
I don’t believe that being able to cut and paste others information qualifies JM for being media savvy. I’m off to the gym, have a good day everyone.
I don’t believe that being able to cut and paste others information qualifies JM for being media savvy. I’m off to the gym, have a good day everyone.

AP. Don't start sounding like PitBul. JM's newsletters were not cut and paste. Anyone who read them could tell he put a lot of work into them. Even my mother enjoyed reading them. You cant cut and paste opinion and I do not think management would have read them if he was just cutting and pasteing. Anyway, good luck to all of you in philly. Here's to hoping that council 89 won't have all the drama. 😀
AP. Don't start sounding like PitBul. JM's newsletters were not cut and paste. Anyone who read them could tell he put a lot of work into them. Even my mother enjoyed reading them. You cant cut and paste opinion and I do not think management would have read them if he was just cutting and pasteing. Anyway, good luck to all of you in philly. Here's to hoping that council 89 won't have all the drama. 😀

Good luck to all of us with the PHL race. One can only hope we don't have this much mayhem and drama with Council 89.
the good thing you can count on with JM is that if you email him he does reply. I sent a email to him to ask some of what you bring up Pitbull. First he started off by asking why I ever go to this board to begin with. But he told me that he did not have anything to do with the recall of TX and that he never had any mailboxes stuff with any recall flyers. He also said he was on voluntary leave in 2002 so how did he stuff mailboxes? Also, he said that TX called and asked him to go to his meeting with the company and NOT the other way around. He says that TX is trying to take credit for something she couldn't do. He said he provided the information to the company that showed a management person was lying and that the union had no access to this information. Oh and he said that he has never flown with LA and that they are not as close as other people want you to believe. He said LA was a friend like hundreds and hundreds of other flight attendants he knows in Philly. He still has the same email address. Then he asked me, didn't TX leave the company? Did she not get a life? I also asked if he would ever come to CLT and he said no. He has been in Philly forever.

No. You can't count on John for anything except what will promote him further and his self agenda. That you can count on.

I can sit on this board and tell you as God be my witness the guy is an alright liar. It is LA who notified Teddy of the issue with John Mc and the company suspension. She asked teddy to represent him as he shouldn't go in with the company alone...that they would terminate him and he feels uncomfortable taking in AFA when he was no fan of AFA ever. It was Teddy who told LA to let John KNOW that SHE could not repressent him because he WAS NOT IN HER BASE and it would be a conflict and disrespectful to PHL officers at that time. Mollie McCarthy was the LECP. SO HE DID CALL TEDDY, otherwise she would never have stuck her nose in the deal as she was not in his 'fan club'. Why? Because another base is out of jurisdiction unless the f/a from the resepctive base contacts another LECP for repersentation. A PHL officer accompanied teddy.

With regard to PIT recall in 2002, he had a f/a in PIT stuff the boxes with purple half sheet flyers. He wrote it and his name was signed at the bottom. IT also coincides with the nasty e-mails she got from him during that entire period he was voluntarily furloughed. Again he took a furlough as he was having yet issues with inflight and needed to take off.

The guy is a damn liar and if you believe anything he states at this point, then your just as niaive as those who he is able to brainwash with his dribble.

I've just lost the little respect I had of the guy as a human being. My mistake for the empathy. The issue with the company is that we made an issue that the company was using company computers to sign up for non-company material (John's newsletters which one would have to deliberately volunteer to obtain and sing up). That was the focus the reps tried to use as the argument to take much of the attention and the main issue of anti semitic remarks off John. No threats from Big mouth John Mc. HE was as meek as a mouse in the room and was told to keep his mouth SHUT!!! And trust, he was as humble as a lamb and did what he was told. If you take notice, he never wrote any word negative about AFA since that time in 2004. Not one word. I guess the gratitude wore off and his nasty arrogance is back. I suspect he'll be in hot water with the company again, if he's not already.

If he told you anything else, that he assisted and represented himself, he is outright lying. There was another union rep from PHL there as well. In fact, one week later when they had reinstated him back, he had another issue that was huge, and I am sure if he thinks about it (won't admit it) he was assisted yet a-gain by Teddy Xidas. Tell him to notify teddy...she'll be happy to remind him and point it out for his reference.
HE's another LA and MF. Spin city... diverting the attention of him nt stuffing mailboxes as the issue. THE ISSUE IS HE WROTE THE LETTE FOR RECALL. Read his archive newsletters from 2002, 2003 etc.
No. You can't count on John for anything except what will promote him further and his self agenda. That you can count on.

I can sit on this board and tell you as God be my witness the guy is an alright liar. It is LA who notified Teddy of the issue with John Mc and the company suspension. She asked teddy to represent him as he shouldn't go in with the company alone...that they would terminate him and he feels uncomfortable taking in AFA when he was no fan of AFA ever. It was Teddy who told LA to let John KNOW that SHE could not repressent him because he WAS NOT IN HER BASE and it would be a conflict and disrespectful to PHL officers at that time. Mollie McCarthy was the LECP at that time. SO HE DID CALL TEDDY, otherwise she would never have stuck her nose in the deal. Why? Because another base is out of jurisdiction unless the f/a from the resepctive base contacts another LECP for repersentation.

With regard to PIT recall in 2002, he had a f/a in PIT stuff the boxes with purple half sheet flyers. He wrote it and his name was signed at the bottom. IT also coincides with the nasty e-mails she got from him during that entire period he was voluntarily furloughed. Again he took a furlough as he was having yet issues with inflight and needed to take off.

The guy is a damn liar and if you believe anything he states at this point, then your just as niaive as those who he is able to brainwash with his dribble.

I've just lost the little respect I had of the guy as a human being. My mistake for the empathy. The issue with the company is that we made an issue that the company was using company computers to sign up for non-company material (John's newsletters which one would have to deliberately volunteer to obtain and sing up). That was the focus the reps tried to use as the argument to take much of the attention and the main issue of anti semitic remarks off John. No threats from Big mouth John Mc. HE was as meek as a mouse in the room and was told to keep his mouth SHUT!!! And trust, he was as humble as a lamb and did what he was told. If you take notice, he never wrote any word negative about AFA since that time in 2004. Not one word. I guess the gratitude wore off and his nasty arrogance is back. I suspect he'll be in hot water with the company again, if he's not already.

If he told you anything else, that he assisted and represented himself, he is outright lying. There was another union rep from PHL there as well. In fact, one week later when they had reinstated him back, he had another issue that was huge, and I am sure if he thinks about it (won't admit it) he was assisted yet a-gain by Teddy Xidas. Tell him to notify teddy...she'll be happy to remind him and point it out for his reference.
HE's another LA and MF. Spin city... diverting the attention of him nt stuffing mailboxes as the issue. THE ISSUE IS HE WROTE THE LETTE FOR RECALL. Read his archive newsletters from 2002, 2003 etc.

PitBul. Don't blow a gasket. I'm just wondering if all that you write says more about you then JM. If he wins in PHL, then what will you say? That everyone is wrong about him and only you are right?
AP, I checked my files and I do not have any of those letters. I had already left philly by then and a friend of mine says that he sent them to philly f/as and not everybody on his newsletter list. If I remember corectly, JM supported LA over Mollie because Mollie was new to the base and he said that Laura had done a good job as vp under that crazy guy ya'll had, Luther or lUke? Whatever happened to that guy luther. He was weird. Good luck to you too AP, but personally I think JM has your election sewed up. He really has done alot for the f/as and he has never been afraid to take on the company, in public no less. I think the f/as in philly are going to reward him for what he has done for ya'll. heck, not just philly, but all the fas realy. wish he was running for coucil 89.,

Please cite what John Mc has done for the f/as or even one f/a, pray tell?

I have all day.
I just thin it is interesting how emotional ya'll get in pit and philly over these union elections. honestly. why can't people just say what they feel and believe in and leave personal stuff out of it? if you are a candidate and you take a swipe at someone who is running against you, I just think that says more about you then the person you are taking a swipe at.
PitBul. Don't blow a gasket. I'm just wondering if all that you write says more about you then JM. If he wins in PHL, then what will you say? That everyone is wrong about him and only you are right?

Yes. That is exactly what I will say. PHL has been wrong more than once with who they choose. Let me cite: Luther and Laura. Over 8 year period, they were stuck with two losers for 5 of those 8.

So, Yes. PHL is capable of voting in a loser and paying the price.

IMO, they have one opportunity while they still have the numbers to make changes on the MEC. Putting in "self-servers" with self serving agendas. Folks who have been on DCEP numerous times, run for office and then get voted in, as did Perry H... well, you get what you vote for. And if there is a ground swell of folks voting, it will be telling, or if the turn out is poor... a knuckleheaded, lunitic candidate can win on just a few votes.

This is PHLs opportunity, or lost cause.
Please cite would John Mc has done for the f/as or even one f/a, pray tell?

I have all day.

PitBul, did you not see JMs campaign letter? I was flying in the PHL T/A division before I transferred to CLT. A long time ago, JM sent out a newsletter telling f/as that he had discovered that the company was cheating us out of CSD and Purser pay. He said to look at your trip sheets to remember if you flew CSD or Purser and then check your time and pay report from each month to see if you were paid for those positions. I went back and discovered that the company had cheated me out of hundreds of dollars. Yes, H U N D R E D S. JM wrote how to claim the back pay on the green claim form, and to submit it to inflight. I remember eveyone in the division talking about JMs discovery and everybody I talked to said they were cheted at one time or another when they flew those positions. I was paid for the money that I should have gotten originally and the AFA never said anything about this. Not even national. So, had JM not brought this to my/our attention, I would have never known about it. Yes, it is my responsibilty to check my time and pay report but come on, who really does that. We just look to see our hours and move on. He single-handedly got the company to admit there was a problem and the company obviously fixed it. To this day, I still check my time and pay report carefully each month to make sure I what I earned, thanks to JM. If that is not doing something for all the flight attendants in all the bases, I don't know what is.

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