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Local 70 race gets childish

Ok why not take this thread to let the candidates know what YOUR definition of a GREAT leader is because truth be told Leadership means different things to different people.

I said I'm not sure, but in my experience, GREAT reporters do not make great LEADERS. Anyway, it will be a fun election to watch.
JM is a talented jounalist, well read, and well spoken. I'm not sure he is a leader.

You may not be sure...but I am...he's no leader, he's no unionist, and he surely is no representative, except if its to serve" self". PHL has been there;done that. I recall that he was so "full of himself" that he thought so much of himself and his newsletters that he thought he could influence PIT fd/a. He wanted to recall teddy xidas and had the mailboxes stuffed with his flyer's to "recall" in 2002. Didn't work. The members closed him off and shut him out! He did that for the sake of LA. THey are thick as thieves.

Funny thing is...he called the same teddy xidas to represent him. Which I hear, he denies now, and states he represented himself using some kind of threats to managment to save his employment. Difintely NOT TRUE.
You may not be sure...but I am...he's no leader, he's no unionist, and he surely is no representative, except if its to serve" self". PHL has been there;done that. I recall that he was so "full of himself" that he thought he could come into PIT, stuff mailboxes to "recall" teddy xidas. Ther members closed him off! He did that for the sake of LA. THey are thick as thieves.
Seriously? I never knew LA and JM were "connected", thanks for the heads up. Is he looking for some sort of revenge? 🙄 Please, we need to get serious. Are a lot of people voting for JM? I received a private email fabout an hour ago from some SENIOR PHL FA saying she was supporting JM in his "fight."
Seriously? I never knew LA and JM were "connected", thanks for the heads up. Is he looking for some sort of revenge? 🙄 Please, we need to get serious. Are a lot of people voting for JM? I received a private email fabout an hour ago from some SENIOR PHL FA saying she was supporting JM in his "fight."

If PHL votes for JM as a majority, then they will get what they obviously deserve...same old crap, different face, and one who can "spin" as well as Mike F.

Good luck PHL.
Share your thoughts.....
i think we need someone new. someone who knows the contract in and out . someone who wants to do the job and do it right. all the candidates that are running are excellent people and flight attendants. i know them personally well except for this celine gal but i am sure she is professional in every way. but we are at a crossroads here .i cannot vote because i know someone well or because i get along with them. i look at the behavior of the candidates and so far the person i have voted for (which could change) has demonstrated to me that he/she can do the job of representing the phl f/a group. that is my opinion . i have to say that this decision was really a tough one . i am sure i made the right choice though .
i think we need someone new. someone who knows the contract in and out . someone who wants to do the job and do it right. all the candidates that are running are excellent people and flight attendants. i know them personally well except for this celine gal but i am sure she is professional in every way. but we are at a crossroads here .i cannot vote because i know someone well or because i get along with them. i look at the behavior of the candidates and so far the person i have voted for (which could change) has demonstrated to me that he/she can do the job of representing the phl f/a group. that is my opinion . i have to say that this decision was really a tough one . i am sure i made the right choice though .
Nice post, etops! (Usually we disagree... B) )

I just feel that since it is such a short term for these people, that I should vote for TG, so she can share some of her experience with the newer people running. I know she was involved in all that past drama, but I firmly believe that she has so much to offer this membership. I have seen her in action with the supervisors; NOTHING gets by her. Nothing. And she carries herself in that office with respect.

Argh, I am torn..... 😱
Ok why not take this thread to let the candidates know what YOUR definition of a GREAT leader is because truth be told Leadership means different things to different people.

OK, I am sure. Great reporters do not make great leaders. Great reporters always get the story. Great leaders sometimes are the story. The greatest leaders just do the best that they can for those they represent.

Mine too, Sparky.

She's got what it takes...sincere, smart as hell, has great instincts, a belief system that is "core" union, protection, representation, takes no bulll shittt form managment or the MEC OR the International. She dives into the issue until she knows the entire issue inside/out, and then strategically plans on how to forumulate the argument. When she's right; she knows she's right and has the ability to intelligently present why she is right; and when she is wrong, admits it and seeks to correct.

PHL has the power vote. The LECP if articulate, methodical, and smart has the ability to convince others on a position, specifically the MEC....YOU WILL SEE EFFECTIVE CHANGE IN YOUR WORK CONDIDTIONS.

I have no dog in this fight. But, in my opinion, and my experience...Celine is it!


I'm sure the company will have to sit up straight and take notice if she gets in. And guess what? So will the MEC!
Whomever it is will need a spine of steel, skin as tough as leather and a very large pair of Iron Balls if there is any hope for your group. Remember this is not Boxing and therefore the Marquis de Queensberry rules DO NOT apply!

Bob, you are so "right on".

Did you notice, we have a visitor from the past cruising the boards...

The flying bird just buzzed by us and noticed your post addressing members of Labor Relations...

You hit a soft spot, once again, with them.

They are hoping Celine does not get in...

Much noise will be coming to a sand castle near you. 😛
Mine too, Sparky.

She's got what it takes...sincere, smart as hell, has great instincts, a belief system that is "core" union, protection, representation, takes no bulll shittt form managment or the MEC OR the International. She dives into the issue until she knows the entire issue inside/out, and then strategically plans on how to forumulate the argument. When she's right; she knows she's right and has the ability to intelligently present why she is right; and when she is wrong, admits it and seeks to correct.

PHL has the power vote. The LECP if articulate, methodical, and smart has the ability to convince others on a position, specifically the MEC....YOU WILL SEE EFFECTIVE CHANGE IN YOUR WORK CONDIDTIONS.

I have no dog in this fight. But, in my opinion, and my experience...Celine is it!


I'm sure the company will have to sit up straight and take notice if she gets in. And guess what? So will the MEC!

That would be nice to see.
I do not know if JM is the forerunner, but I fly a lot of extra positions out of CLT and it seems like every other crew is PHL-Based and everyone tells me that they are voting for JM. Even people who say they never vote say they will vote for JM. As far as what PitBull says about him not being a unionist, maybe he's not. But I never think of that criteria when I vote for our council 89 reps. I think people want someone they can trust and believe in, not who is or who isn't a unionist.

John McC. is absolutely NOT someone you can trust...on any level that i've known him. PHL has a few decent folks running who would be dedicated to the group, not giving a bunch of "spin" in a newsletter.

He's about the worse individual I have ever known run for AFA office. He was worse than Luther. The guy looks to give himself accalaides. His arrogance has created this delusion that he has enough support to take AFA office and get revenge for what the f/as did to LA. Be careful folks...I hope I don't have to write out in 6 months and say "I told you so". Reread all his newsletters. Its all about John, what he thinks he discovered, how he can discredit to get a laugh or embarrass, and how much and hard he can pat himself on the back.

He should stick to what he knows best...flying and writing amateur newsletters for an audience that gives him praise and entertainment while he pretends to be a journalist.
Mine too, Sparky.

She's got what it takes...sincere, smart as hell, has great instincts, a belief system that is "core" union, protection, representation, takes no bulll shittt form managment or the MEC OR the International. She dives into the issue until she knows the entire issue inside/out, and then strategically plans on how to forumulate the argument. When she's right; she knows she's right and has the ability to intelligently present why she is right; and when she is wrong, admits it and seeks to correct.

PHL has the power vote. The LECP if articulate, methodical, and smart has the ability to convince others on a position, specifically the MEC....YOU WILL SEE EFFECTIVE CHANGE IN YOUR WORK CONIDTIONS.

I have no dog in this fight. But, in my opinion, and my experience...Celine is it!


I'm sure the company will have to sit up straight and take notice if she gets in. And guess what? So will the MEC!
Indeed, something to think about.....
"Nice post, etops! (Usually we disagree... )"

yeah we do but that's what makes this forum and interesting one. without people like you me,700uw ,us1yfare,pineyboob,and especially pittbull. this forum would be kinda boring. 😉 have a good night my friend.

oh crap!! i am sorry , i meant pineybob!! my bad !! 😱

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