Mine too, Sparky.
She's got what it takes...sincere, smart as hell, has great instincts, a belief system that is "core" union, protection, representation, takes no bulll shittt form managment or the MEC OR the International. She dives into the issue until she knows the entire issue inside/out, and then strategically plans on how to forumulate the argument. When she's right; she knows she's right and has the ability to intelligently present why she is right; and when she is wrong, admits it and seeks to correct.
PHL has the power vote. The LECP if articulate, methodical, and smart has the ability to convince others on a position, specifically the MEC....YOU WILL SEE EFFECTIVE CHANGE IN YOUR WORK CONDIDTIONS.
I have no dog in this fight. But, in my opinion, and my experience...Celine is it!
I'm sure the company will have to sit up straight and take notice if she gets in. And guess what? So will the MEC!