She is the only one out of the group that has the guts to do it.
As witnessed at the recall meeting of LA. She was the ONLY one who stood up and spoke her mind while TG stayed mute and AP was worrying about some asinine form of communication. I was there. As was I. CD left the room to make a phone call to further her point, and never came back. Actually, she wasn't at the second meeting, either. Remember? :unsure:
So your right Bob, TG doesn't have it. She caused enough harm in helping overthrow Teddy, much to the delight of our illustrious leader MF.
They would kneel together.
AP doesn't have it, his contribution seems to revolve around refreshments at Local meetings. Please explain???
For some reason the reserves seem to believe he will further their cause.
I assume this is because he is a reserve. Has nothing to do with it....
Hell, CD had been a reserve for more than 13 years, longer than Andrew has been a FA.
FA's I talk to say she'll help the reserves and block holders alike. So does AP....
She's about unifying the Flight Attendant group not dividing. So is AP....
She understands the reserve system; both LTO and the old seniority order, she lived them both. So has AP....
She understands what it's like to be displaced, and furloughed and to commute.
She's done them all! What does understanding furlough have to do with being a great leader?
So if reserve's think she doesn't understand, they're wrong. I think she understands, I think AP does too....
And in regards to ganesha's post. I did receive an e-line from CD and a letter in my mail box along with a magnet.
Her e-line had a picture of her dog, Rudy.
He looks like he's ready to take a bite out of somebody's a##, from the looks of him I don't think anyone could stop him. Is her dog running?
Could be Glass's, maybe she'll take him to negotiate.
She is the top contender. In your eyes, yes. Good luck to all!