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Local 70 race gets childish

Not Andy Perkins, He's busy having a cat fight on this board with Laura. How adult.
Respectfully Bob,
I don’t want the flight attendants making a decision based on misinformation and some nameless person’s opinion. We have seen what that can do in this base. If anyone has a question they are welcome to give me a call or send over a note.
What I noticed about CD at that meeting was reminiscent of watching TG speak at any meeting. She would interrupt, most times off point, and was far to emotional to make a strong point…anyone who was there to hang LA was there for the wrong reason…I don’t act on HEARSAY I wanted to see proof that she was doing what she was being accused of and brought a motion forward, that was approved unopposed, that prevented it from happening again and gave the f/a’s the ability to see how the dues were being spent.

Something else that stands out about CD in her letters she admittedly tried to jump ship (nursing school) when she thought it was sinking…is she going to do the same if it gets to tough as LECP? I have been in PHL for 10 years, have no plans of leaving…have been involved and focused for 10 years and that cannot be denied by anyone.
Many who have had me as their rep during a F/A supervisor meeting will tell you that the “biting dog†in me shows it’s teeth when it needs to…a highly trained calculated dog that will bite!

Don’t be fooled by fluffy emotional letters/candy and magnets that don’t even have a personal contact on them. Don’t make an emotional vote based on what others tell you and get the facts…please vote.


You seem to be somewhat emotional!! (read "concerned")

Your motion did not pass. What you were requesting is already available thru FPL records that LA had with her and is required to have with her at the meeting.

She did not try to jump ship, working AND attending school is admirable. Something you may want to aspire to after this election.

She has sacrificed her schooling to try and help this Local find direction.
She could have easily continued to work and go to school.
Her passion has always been with the FA's.

Her contact is on the E-line, just like yours.

Please don't attempt to convince me you have any bite, it's just not plausible.
Piney continues trying to disaffect Labor with his constant delusive diatribes. If I were labor, you would be the last person that I would seek counsel.
Piney continues trying to disaffect Labor with his constant delusive diatribes. If I were labor, you would be the last person that I would seek counsel.

Is that you?
Thought you left in 2006.
We know you're not Labor so keep your own "delusive diatribes" to yourself.
Bob, Which side of your mouth are you trying to talk out of here?

So which one of you is gonna tell Jerry Glass to "F__K OFF Hoser"?

Not Andy Perkins, He's busy having a cat fight on this board with Laura. How adult.

You think any of the above have it in them?

or is it.....

You've been VERY respectful and professional on these boards and it's admirable given some of the stuff we've seen.

Hmm.. Maybe he is childish, but respectful? I for one was impressed at the level of maturity in AP's letter; to the point, and not a lot of name calling, etc....


She is the only one out of the group that has the guts to do it.

As witnessed at the recall meeting of LA. She was the ONLY one who stood up and spoke her mind while TG stayed mute and AP was worrying about some asinine form of communication. I was there. As was I. CD left the room to make a phone call to further her point, and never came back. Actually, she wasn't at the second meeting, either. Remember? :unsure:

So your right Bob, TG doesn't have it. She caused enough harm in helping overthrow Teddy, much to the delight of our illustrious leader MF.
They would kneel together.

AP doesn't have it, his contribution seems to revolve around refreshments at Local meetings. Please explain???
For some reason the reserves seem to believe he will further their cause.
I assume this is because he is a reserve. Has nothing to do with it....
Hell, CD had been a reserve for more than 13 years, longer than Andrew has been a FA.

FA's I talk to say she'll help the reserves and block holders alike. So does AP....

She's about unifying the Flight Attendant group not dividing. So is AP....

She understands the reserve system; both LTO and the old seniority order, she lived them both. So has AP....
She understands what it's like to be displaced, and furloughed and to commute.
She's done them all! What does understanding furlough have to do with being a great leader?
So if reserve's think she doesn't understand, they're wrong. I think she understands, I think AP does too....

And in regards to ganesha's post. I did receive an e-line from CD and a letter in my mail box along with a magnet.
Her e-line had a picture of her dog, Rudy.
He looks like he's ready to take a bite out of somebody's a##, from the looks of him I don't think anyone could stop him. Is her dog running?
Could be Glass's, maybe she'll take him to negotiate.

She is the top contender. In your eyes, yes. Good luck to all!
So which one of you is gonna tell Jerry Glass to "F__K OFF Hoser"?

Not Laura Albert, she's to busy getting AFA to pay her parking tickets and protecting her LODO hubby's interests.

Not Terry Graf, she's to busy plotting Teddy Xidas's and later LA's overthrow for reasons known only to herself.

Not Andy Perkins, He's busy having a cat fight on this board with Laura. How adult.

Flores in CLT has shown the not so unique ability to kneel.

And on and on it goes.

Who's is gonna say to Glass "Don't tell me what the contract language means, tell me what it says and exactly when you plan to comply? I'm perfectly willing to let an arbiter decide!"

You think any of the above have it in them?

Wow! Just returned from the latest corporate koolaide infusion, did you? Did you oral it or, like a suppository, take it otherwise?
While CD was gone from the room that's when LA and TG resigned. I believe the meeting was over after that.
There was nothing to come back in for, members began leaving. TG came up to her just outside the room and told her they just resigned. However, contrary to what you say she did come back into the meeting room. She and Mike were discussing their opposite views on the "Profit Sharing Issue".
Were you not there?
While CD was gone from the room that's when LA and TG resigned. I believe the meeting was over after that.
There was nothing to come back in for, members began leaving. TG came up to her just outside the room and told her they just resigned. However, contrary to what you say she did come back into the meeting room. She and Mike were discussing their opposite views on the "Profit Sharing Issue".
Were you not there?
That was not CD; that was the woman sitting on the right side, and she had some good points as well... anyone know who that was? Someone said it was GG who is running, but I am not sure.

Not saying anything negative about CD, just refuting Wolf's points that CD has shown herself to be that much more "in the know" than AP. I don't see it, and haven't seen it. For the record, I do not know either of them personally, but I will tell you that if you have a question for AP, call him and he will answer it for you. I plan on asking TG and CD as well before I cast my vote, but so far am impressed with AP and his ideas.

Oh, and I do like the respect he gives local management; we need that to continue. (One reason I continue to like TG, she is always respectful with mgmt face to face, and can pull things out of that contract that I could not believe, gotta love the experience!) The new officers need to be hard and steadfast, but the militant approach ain't gonna get us nowhere. Never has, never will. Just ask LA.
I think we need someone who can pull a line out of the contract and bring it to the table but with a firm delivery. This management WALKS no RUNS all over this membership and we all know it. Being polite and "by the book" though proper doesn't work. JG will laugh at you if you do not walk in there without the mentioned "F@#$ OFF" attitude. The "Nice" attitude will not work as we have seen. Ask MF how much respect HE gets. Say what any want about TX but she made them practically Sh!t their pants and was as vocal and visual as they come. NOBODY since her has made an impression. I couldn't even tell you what MF looks like if I had to pick him out of a lineup.
I think we need someone who can pull a line out of the contract and bring it to the table but with a firm delivery. This management WALKS no RUNS all over this membership and we all know it. Being polite and "by the book" though proper doesn't work. JG will laugh at you if you do not walk in there without the mentioned "F@#$ OFF" attitude. The "Nice" attitude will not work as we have seen. Ask MF how much respect HE gets. Say what any want about TX but she made them practically Sh!t their pants and was as vocal and visual as they come. NOBODY since her has made an impression. I couldn't even tell you what MF looks like if I had to pick him out of a lineup.

If you are referring to my post about respect for mgmt, I was referring to our local officers and the respect they should have for LOCAL inflight management, not JG or MF or any of that. Believe me, a lot more gets done in the office when you have a respect for each other, and there is no yelling and screaming. TG does this work so well, and in addition, knows the contract and its "loopholes" like the back of her hand.

With regard to JG and negotiations, I agree, that will have to get ugly. And hopefully, it happens sooner rather than later. I for one am socking my $$$ away now, you never know when things are going to get "chaotic" around here. It's time.

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