Sounds like good old american politics. You raise funds you make your pitch, The voters decide! What's wrong with that.
Life isn't fair, get over it.
I wish it were that simple in 'merica. Your analogy, that is. Raising money for an election is more often a vehicle for corruption, witness the U.S. system over the last six years.
Your analogy breaks down because, in this case, one does not 'normally' raise funds from the voters, YMMV.
A better analogy for you would be for "good ole politics" to buy access to a channel normally reserved for governement business, wouldn't it? Even that may breakdown because, as it used to be before allowing campaigners to piggy-back on "official communications", for instance, a union bulletin board was off-limits to non-union business, meaning any business not directly associated with a union. No campaigning.
An issue with using the "e-line", among many, is, who gets "best product placement"? and, in the case of multiple "e-lines" who determines whether "your" message goes on the first "page" or last. In the case of individual posts, who determines who goes first? What if an e-line bouces? Is the sender notified? Can a committee person have regular access to the e-line where a "grunt" does not? Who regulates what gets sent? Can someone send a screed highly critical of those presently in office, without fear of being edited to death. If accused by one aspirant, does the accused get an opportunity to respond via e-line, even after they already "posted"? Much, much, more.
Never expected life to be "fair", whatever that means......however, I do cherish the "vote" as it used to be, verifiable and accountable. You know, transparent.