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Local 70 race gets childish

Yah, well. No new information was added. It was stupid cards. Not respecting my time is a good way to have me ignore somebody.

Somehow, I don't believe your time is deserving of respect.
I don't thing your ignoring someone will ever have any consequence.
Not in your lifetime.
I admit I hung up on two people while I was in office, I did so to those that were screaming and demeaning me. Since then, in 2001, I have ended calls and hung up while I was being screamed at with obscenities and name calling, but I always said this call is over. Now if you can spin that into hang ups, go ahead. No one should be subject to the way flight attendants yell and scream, and I for one will not take it.

I never, never used AFA money for my gain. The months I worked the weekends, I only claimed 5 hours a day for the days I was in the office. Why didn't you come into the office to see the FPL?

As you state above, you could not take it. You did the right thing to resign. You only won the election with a total of 287 votes out of 2,000 possible votes. You knew you could not tolerate the phone calls from f/as with their issues and didn't have the patience. You are known to be way too management minded. Wrong business for you.

With regard to your fpl. There was a f/a that went in to see you fpl at the MEC that you submitted for Dec while you were off. You claimed 90 hours. What is known is that you did not claim sick time that month, when you were out for 2 weeks at least. You had told f/as that you conducted business from your hospital bed. I find this very strange behavior (if true, which I don't believe) being that you had at least TWO very capable folks you were paying in the office to conduct business. Having a conference call 1 day from your bed with the MEC does not constitute 90 hours of fpl. But, then again, the entire problem with your representation and leadership centered around your credibility.

Nuff said.
I am biased.

But, there is a principle involved here. Spending money on the e-line to politic for your attention is tantamount to buying votes. It buys special access, a general fee to run, as opposed to a democracy where debate is encouraged without monetary hurdles. It means someone who cannot afford the money cannot participate. It may also mean the person running that refuses to participate counts their dollars, which may be a good thing.

Personally, using your dues money to allow others to advertise their campaign is not good democracy. Maybe I am old-fashion, but it seems a travesty.

(Yes, I know your MEC voted "for" it, but that does not make it "right")

Actually, the MEC did not vote to charge $75 for use of the elines. After all, the e-lines are owned by the membership. What the MEC did (not knowingly) is hand over their f/a e-mail addresses to AFA International. Why? I have no idea except maybe they just didn't want to handle the deletion of bad addresses and putting new ones in daily. In PIT, we did it every day, and it took only a couple of minutes if you kept it up everyday. But, heck, we were wiritng out on our e-lines everyday. Sometime last year, the LECPs got talked into using AFA International' "GET ACTIVE", and the f/as have to pay $75 to send a campaign letter out.

The new LECs can always revert back to handling their own E-lines going forward, hoepefully they will.

You make a good point though...it all comes to how much money someone has to spend on campaigning. Sort of like the U.S. presidential election. The candidate who receives the most campaign contributions usually can win the election just on exposure and ads.

From my experience, copying 2,000 plus \copies costs about $180, and if its two sided, around $287 (which was my cost for the first mailing) and that's for each letter there after. Our entire ticket contributed, so there was a sharing of expenses. If you buy magnets ($900), or stuffing mailboxes repeatedly for "name recognition", it can go into thousands...and there is normally no one who gives you a contribution.

Sounds like good old american politics. You raise funds you make your pitch, The voters decide! What's wrong with that.

Life isn't fair, get over it.

When you campaign its important to repeatedly put flyers out there for "name recognition". It works for Congress and the president, and it works in local elections.

That's the method of campaigning.
Sounds like good old american politics. You raise funds you make your pitch, The voters decide! What's wrong with that.

Life isn't fair, get over it.

I wish it were that simple in 'merica. Your analogy, that is. Raising money for an election is more often a vehicle for corruption, witness the U.S. system over the last six years.

Your analogy breaks down because, in this case, one does not 'normally' raise funds from the voters, YMMV.

A better analogy for you would be for "good ole politics" to buy access to a channel normally reserved for governement business, wouldn't it? Even that may breakdown because, as it used to be before allowing campaigners to piggy-back on "official communications", for instance, a union bulletin board was off-limits to non-union business, meaning any business not directly associated with a union. No campaigning.

An issue with using the "e-line", among many, is, who gets "best product placement"? and, in the case of multiple "e-lines" who determines whether "your" message goes on the first "page" or last. In the case of individual posts, who determines who goes first? What if an e-line bouces? Is the sender notified? Can a committee person have regular access to the e-line where a "grunt" does not? Who regulates what gets sent? Can someone send a screed highly critical of those presently in office, without fear of being edited to death. If accused by one aspirant, does the accused get an opportunity to respond via e-line, even after they already "posted"? Much, much, more.

Never expected life to be "fair", whatever that means......however, I do cherish the "vote" as it used to be, verifiable and accountable. You know, transparent.
The new LECs can always revert back to handling their own E-lines going forward, hoepefully they will.

My participation in this thread is just my input on this process. If anyone else agrees it is simply coincidence.

While I understand allowing Natl to have the emails, who "owns" the E-line? As email servers are a low cost, very secure, no-brainer, would it not be better for the local to handle messaging?
As email servers are a low cost, very secure, no-brainer, would it not be better for the local to handle messaging?

Yes it would and (should be).
Full autonomy in every base in paramount.
Remember that both the MEC and International levels are there to service the locals,
not govern or dictate to them.
And so it begins! The company inserting themselves in AFA business. Is the AFA MEC listening? They are testing the waters my friends. WAKE UP! :angry:
Date: Wednesday, 14 February 2007 18:20 ET
Subject: AFA Elections and Campaiging

As the special election for our AFA LEC Local 70 officers
approaches, I would like to remind everyone that AFA
campaigning in the crew lounge is only permitted on
a "one on one basis", tables/formalized campaigning
is not permissible.

The use of company mail files for such campaigning is
only permitted after the approval by base management.

Your compliance with these guidelines is appreciated.

Angela Pellouchoud
PHL InFlight Services

You are usually "spot on", but I would n't trust one single word Laura spews. She is the Queen of lies and exaggertions. I have caught her often times adding to a story to suit her needs and twisting the facts, or just forgetting the facts and presenting information as if it were fact.

I've learned in my dealings with Laura, whatever she states, its the total opposite. Her and Luther were one of a kind and why, why, why PHL would vote her in as President at the time, instead of Roger Holmin who was running against her is beyond anyones logic and comprehension. At least with Roger, he was sincere, committed and would try his best to give the f/a the best he could offer.

Laura didn't respect the group and used them to enhance her financial situation.

If Andy didn't want to work with her, its because she was basically worthless as a rep and I'm sure, without knowing Andy, he didn't want to be guided by her inept leadership.
if roger was running . i would vote for him in a heart beat !!!
Cant wait for the mutiny... I've never seen people so afraid of "the reserves"!!!!
So which one of you is gonna tell Jerry Glass to "F__K OFF Hoser"?

Not Laura Albert, she's to busy getting AFA to pay her parking tickets and protecting her LODO hubby's interests.

Not Terry Graf, she's to busy plotting Teddy Xidas's and later LA's overthrow for reasons known only to herself.

Not Andy Perkins, He's busy having a cat fight on this board with Laura. How adult.

Flores in CLT has shown the not so unique ability to kneel.

And on and on it goes.

Who's is gonna say to Glass "Don't tell me what the contract language means, tell me what it says and exactly when you plan to comply? I'm perfectly willing to let an arbiter decide!"

You think any of the above have it in them?


She is the only one out of the group that has the guts to do it.

As witnessed at the recall meeting of LA. She was the ONLY one who stood up and spoke her mind while TG stayed mute and AP was worrying about some asinine form of communication. I was there.

So your right Bob, TG doesn't have it. She caused enough harm in helping overthrow Teddy, much to the delight of our illustrious leader MF.
They would kneel together.

AP doesn't have it, his contribution seems to revolve around refreshments at Local meetings.
For some reason the reserves seem to believe he will further their cause.
I assume this is because he is a reserve.
Hell, CD had been a reserve for more than 13 years, longer than Andrew has been a FA.

FA's I talk to say she'll help the reserves and block holders alike.

She's about unifying the Flight Attendant group not dividing.

She understands the reserve system; both LTO and the old seniority order, she lived them both.
She understands what it's like to be displaced, and furloughed and to commute.
She's done them all!
So if reserve's think she doesn't understand, they're wrong.

And in regards to ganesha's post. I did receive an e-line from CD and a letter in my mail box along with a magnet.
Her e-line had a picture of her dog, Rudy.
He looks like he's ready to take a bite out of somebody's a##, from the looks of him I don't think anyone could stop him.
Could be Glass's, maybe she'll take him to negotiate.

She is the top contender.

She is the only one out of the group that has the guts to do it.

As witnessed at the recall meeting of LA. She was the ONLY one who stood up and spoke her mind while TG stayed mute and AP was worrying about some asinine form of communication. I was there.

So your right Bob, TG doesn't have it. She caused enough harm in helping overthrow Teddy, much to the delight of our illustrious leader MF.
They would kneel together.

AP doesn't have it, his contribution seems to revolve around refreshments at Local meetings.
For some reason the reserves seem to believe he will further their cause.
I assume this is because he is a reserve.
Hell, CD had been a reserve for more than 13 years, longer than Andrew has been a FA.

FA's I talk to say she'll help the reserves and block holders alike.

She's about unifying the Flight Attendant group not dividing.

She understands the reserve system; both LTO and the old seniority order, she lived them both.
She understands what it's like to be displaced, and furloughed and to commute.
She's done them all!
So if reserve's think she doesn't understand, they're wrong.

And in regards to ganesha's post. I did receive an e-line from CD and a letter in my mail box along with a magnet.
Her e-line had a picture of her dog, Rudy.
He looks like he's ready to take a bite out of somebody's a##, from the looks of him I don't think anyone could stop him.
Could be Glass's, maybe she'll take him to negotiate.

She is the top contender.

She is the only one out of the group that has the guts to do it.

As witnessed at the recall meeting of LA. She was the ONLY one who stood up and spoke her mind while TG stayed mute and AP was worrying about some asinine form of communication. I was there.

What I noticed about CD at that meeting was reminiscent of watching TG speak at any meeting. She would interrupt, most times off point, and was far to emotional to make a strong point…anyone who was there to hang LA was there for the wrong reason…I don’t act on HEARSAY I wanted to see proof that she was doing what she was being accused of and brought a motion forward, that was approved unopposed, that prevented it from happening again and gave the f/a’s the ability to see how the dues were being spent.

Something else that stands out about CD in her letters she admittedly tried to jump ship (nursing school) when she thought it was sinking…is she going to do the same if it gets to tough as LECP? I have been in PHL for 10 years, have no plans of leaving…have been involved and focused for 10 years and that cannot be denied by anyone.
Many who have had me as their rep during a F/A supervisor meeting will tell you that the “biting dog†in me shows it’s teeth when it needs to…a highly trained calculated dog that will bite!

Don’t be fooled by fluffy emotional letters/candy and magnets that don’t even have a personal contact on them. Don’t make an emotional vote based on what others tell you and get the facts…please vote.

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