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Local 70 race gets childish

I have not received any letters from anyone except AP.. are other peoples being sent out via the e- lines? For some strange reason, I believe that I am not receiving LEC E lines anymore. Can anyone tell me what "letters" form the candidates I have missed? :unsure:

Word out is that many have stuffed the mail files. You may have some f/as who don't want certain individuals to have a fair chance and maybe taking them out of the mail files and throwing them away.
Word out is that many have stuffed the mail files. You may have some f/as who don't want certain individuals to have a fair chance and maybe taking them out of the mail files and throwing them away.
Oh ok, and one more question: Do people think that voting online is as secure (or insecure?) as telephone voting? I voted online because that is what I was encouraged to do.. Thoughts?
Itestwell- Are you using AOL? I hade major issues with getting elines as well. It sent it to the spam folder. If so, try going into the AOL mail and making sure the elines are not labled as SPAM. I have gotten 4 peoples letters so far.
Laura, Wolf thanks for the opportunity to clear this up…

Laura when I worked with you in the office under Luther it was the most miserable time. You were constantly nasty to me and to people who would call…you frequently hung up on people mid conversation…you would drive around the block until you could park your car right in front of the office where you could see it…and then you sat at the AFA computer and played solitaire all day long…you would forget to pay the meter and get a ticket…and then take the ticket and put it in the drawer of your desk and didn’t pay them until the term was up and you charged AFA for them at the tune of $500.+

Also, when I worked in the office during this time we had just ratified a new agreement, and I had only been flying for about 2 years at that time so I was trying to learn the contract…and as my peer it was up to you to teach me…something I know you cannot do and did not want to do because you are the type of person that wants to keep all the information to yourself because you believe it gives you power over people. You also have “YOUR†interpretation of the language that you would force me to tell people and then I would learn that it was not correct. You were a terrible leader and had no reason being in that position.

You see I know you too, and it’s not just me, many people are on to you. Laura remember one staff meeting we had just after 9-11 and I mentioned to you and Luther about LODO language in section 13 and how flight attendants were complaining because AFA and the company were not enforcing the language in the contract about them(LODOâ€S) meeting their trip obligation before they were allowed to pick up any additional time? Remember your nasty response to me? “I cannot support that part of the contract because my husband is a LODO and it would financially hurt my family!†You Laura are a reprehensible self-serving person and you are the only person to blame for what has happened to you. What goes around comes around that’s why you get treated like crap.

If you will recall, I sent you an email asking your side of the story with the whole Terry thing and I told you that if the charges were bogus, you should simply just show the members your pay claims and clear it up…again you responded in typical Laura style with some nasty comment about how they are your pay and you don’t have to show them to anyone. Laura you were an elected representative of this membership, if you or anyone in that position, including myself are ever asked by this body to show us what you got paid from our dues you have an obligation to share the information. You refused!

That is why I brought the motion of disclosure forward but after the circus show at the meeting where everyone resigned the point was moot. I would also argue that if a motion passed at the first meeting and the agenda was split between two meetings that any business passed at the first becomes business added to the second meeting and the LEC body are responsible to bring that forward to the members in attendance. If I am elected I will be sharing my work schedule and pay with the membership, that very motion will be an agenda item that the members will have the opportunity to vote on again…I believe it’s the right thing to do.

Just because you were cleared of charges by the AFA International Kangaroo court means nothing…If memory serves me correctly there was an LEC at UAL that was caught red handed taking LEC monies and gambling with it…the International did nothing, she was forced to resign I think…they don’t like getting involved in Local business that why they made the members go through the petition crap…so it would hopefully stall out and they wouldn’t have to deal with it.

Believe me if I do get elected I am going to investigate the claims against you, I will request your pay records from AFA International and If I find that you misappropriated any FPL or Vacation money from this Local I will bring you up on charges and you will be forced to PAY THAT MONEY BACK TO THIS MEMBERSHIP!

As for the informational picketing and your claim of my using the E-Mail accounts:
I told you that I would try and be there…if I remember you begged me to be there, and at the meeting I spoke to JF and we discussed about getting Hot Coco or Coffee and snacks for the people who came something he hadn’t even considered. He was supposed to call me so we could work out a game plan that night seeing as how the event was the next day…I also recall that you still didn’t have the permits to hold the event as of the day prior, so there was some concern that it would even go off as planned. I never got the call from JF that night, so I assumed that he didn’t need my help or it wasn’t going to happen. That’s why I was not there…

Here is the letter that you claim I sent out via InfoRep group email…

10/03/2006 12:22 PM


You know I would do anything to help support AFA’s interest in working for the flight attendants at US Airways. I spent the past few days considering your offer to assist with the informational picketing the MEC is proposing on October 31st and regret that I will be unable to offer my support at this time.

Your actions while in office have done nothing but undermine what little faith these members had in our Union and I honestly believe that if you should try and have informational picketing in PHL at this time, you will find it difficult to locate many members who would stand with you, (if you were to show up) in support of the message.

You have been brought up on charges, a petition is circulating for your Recall and you have ignored a request to call a meeting so the members of this local can hear and determine if there are grounds for your recall. I have said publicly that this petition and recall should have come from the flight attendant members and I disagree with the way it was brought forward, but your ignoring the request is despicable.

You’ve also forcefully removed ELECTED AFA LEC Officers from an office that is paid for by this membership, and have refused to share your earnings statement to dispute the charges brought against you.

Correct me if I am wrong, but by paying yourself what you are each month, aren’t you fattening your share of any profit sharing the company will offer? Laura you have forgotten that as an elected officer of this membership you answer to us!

Honor the wishes of this AFA Body and call the meeting and clear your name if you can.
Rather, I hope you do what is right and step aside and allow people who really care about the flight attendants to restore the faith in their union.

The letter above was sent out to the 40 or so people who I share information with, flight attendants who have asked me to add there names to my personal list and keep them in the loop, some people who we both know, a couple who are friends of yours, but most are supporters from the previous election and good friends. FYI the InfoRep list has 80+ names on it. And when Brian Morgan jumped down my throat for putting out the dates for the election with the same list, information that he and Kim held on to for a week!, and then accused me of the same action, it was clear that you had spread this gossip. I explained to him that it was not the case and told him that if he wanted me to give the LEC the IR list so they could let someone else do it…I would be more than happy to oblige.

It’s sad that this membership has to deal with people like yourself. Laura you are one of those people who sap the spirit and good from those who want to get involved because they really care about these flight attendants and the profession of being a flight attendant. I feel sorry for you; I don’t know why you are so unhappy with yourself and your life that you feel you need to attack others. I can’t even imagine how you get through the days acting like you do, it’s sad.

Wolf, if you had lived it with me you would also understand…

I am sure there are people out there that may not like me or what I have to say…but they can’t say I don’t care about the flight attendants in Philadelphia and I am only here for the power…I am here because I want to offer my support and help, nothing less.

It would be easy to stay home and enjoy my beautiful house and family, but then I would have to deal with the effects of someone like Laura getting back in the LEC office but I, and the rest of these flight attendants can’t afford that anymore.
A very well, written, sincere response Andy.

There are many f/as that have their own personal f/a e-mail addresses given by the f/a themselves. I don't think you need to ever defind it.

You are right, full disclosure is very important when you are an elected rep. If Laura would have provided her pay stubs to those members that requested it, I don't believe the issue would have gotten so blown out. But, there was a pattern with Laura. Those who either worked with her or needed the local know very well the inept, purposely neglectful officer she was.

That's now in the past, and I don't think she will ever serve an elected position again. Not while you, and those like you are paying attention and make the point to continue to be involved no matter who is in office.
One letter/flyer per person running was fine. I was annoyed with additional material from the same people.
I did not complain, but just pitched the additional material.
I am always amazed at people like Andy Perkins and his selective memory. While working with me under Luther, he remembers only parts of things that happened. Like for instance, the parking problem I had in South Phl. There were no places to park, I drove around for a long time every day looking for a free parking place. I was forced to park in front of the building and put quarters in the meters every 2 hours. This came out of my pocket, as Luther refused to help me get into the pay parking lot for residences and businesses at the corner.

It cost me $8.00 a day, $40.00 a week, and some days, when I was on the phone helping a flight attendant, the meter maid beat me to the parking meter. I ended up paying over $400 worth of parking tickets myself. Finally, I spoke to the International AFA Secretary/Treasurer and he said send the rest in to him and he would approve payment. I sent him a total of $125. If this was illegal to do, why was it approved at the International level?

I admit I hung up on two people while I was in office, I did so to those that were screaming and demeaning me. Since then, in 2001, I have ended calls and hung up while I was being screamed at with obscenities and name calling, but I always said this call is over. Now if you can spin that into hang ups, go ahead. No one should be subject to the way flight attendants yell and scream, and I for one will not take it.

Now for your letter to me, I received cc's e-mails from some of the recipients that demanded you take their name off your list, as they did not approve of you using the AFA e-mail list in the way you did. I never even responded to your e-mail as it was so accusatory. So, how could I have said the things you say. Go ahead, try and find the response. There is not one. Once again, you spin and lie to make yourself look better.

The last I spoke to you prior to the Picketing, you said you would be there, once again a lie?

And the Kangaroo Court at AFA? I did not know any of the 4 Respresentatives that heard my case, the evidence I supplied showed that Terry and Michael lied about everything. It is public record, read it.

As for my pay stubs, I had the Flight Pay Loss that I filed every single month at the office. Anyone that wanted to could come and see it. No one did. I even offered it at the meeting in the Budget Book, and no one came up to the podium to see it. You see, you and all the rest that were so quick to judge, never got the truth, you only were interested in the lies, as it furthered your campaign for President.

I never, never used AFA money for my gain. The months I worked the weekends, I only claimed 5 hours a day for the days I was in the office. Why didn't you come into the office to see the FPL?

One more thing, when we had that discussion with Luther about LOD/O's I remember saying that since my husband was a LOD/O I know about the program and all LOD/O's would suffer if that was changed.
One letter/flyer per person running was fine. I was annoyed with additional material from the same people.
I did not complain, but just pitched the additional material.
Really? I woud like to hear as much as they have to say, the more info the better! What would annoy me is voting in someone who I know nothing about....
I am always amazed

Laura you opened this Pandora’s Box by sending a PM to Wolf discussing your opinions of me. Your personal opinions…if you don’t like me, that’s fine because I don’t care. I don’t really care for you either, but I am a civil adult about it.

This thread was opened because I responded to Blue’s comments because they were incorrect and I felt it important to set the record straight about Inflight trying to keep us out. That’s all…I didn’t bring up your name. I have never posted anything about you here so why are you even involved in the conversation?

Laura it’s not about you anymore, it’s about the election for the flight attendants in Philadelphia at the moment. I feel bad that you conducted yourself in such a manner that people had to lash out at you…but it wasn’t me. Whether the charges are real or not I could care less…I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you turned on me also, something that’s still a little confusing. But it’s not important anymore.

I remember that there were a few folks that really gave Luther a real bad time while he was in office…my guess is you may turn out to be someone like that for me if I get elected. I just want you to know that it’s ok! No matter what you do, you can’t distract me from taking care of the other 2100 flight attendants in this base for the next 15 months and making sure they are safe and enjoy coming to work and are fairly compensated for there contributions to the bottom line.

I’m going to let go now, you should give it a try…take a big breath and move on. If you don’t want to vote for me that’s fine, I respect your right to choose whom you like.

I look forward to the day when you need me to represent you...
Really? I woud like to hear as much as they have to say, the more info the better! What would annoy me is voting in someone who I know nothing about....

Yah, well. No new information was added. It was stupid cards. Not respecting my time is a good way to have me ignore somebody.
I've received several e-mails from several people. For Pres: Andy Perkins, John McCorkle, for VP Michael Elias, and For SEC Janet Linton. Maybe the other's are too cheap to spend the $75. Is $75 really too much to spend to campaign? I think not, it's a few nights of not going out to dinner. Okay, if they don't want to spend the $75 to send elines, or the $50 bucks or so to print out and stuff mailboxes, then why are we voting for these people? Because "I flew with so and so and the are nice". This is the mentality of the F/A group for the most part. This election as well as other's is just a popularity contest. Whomever has the most friends wins the jackpot. I bet the 300 or so people that vote will vote blindly, just because "so and so is nice". And the other 50 will vote for good representation.

Too bad we don't have a F/A group consisting of all TX's or Piney Bob's. Then we would get our fare share.

People, call and talk to the candidates, email them, talk to them, and then vote. Don't vote Blindly. :shock:
I've received several e-mails from several people. For Pres: Andy Perkins, John McCorkle, for VP Michael Elias, and For SEC Janet Linton. Maybe the other's are too cheap to spend the $75. Is $75 really too much to spend to campaign? I think not, it's a few nights of not going out to dinner. Okay, if they don't want to spend the $75 to send elines, or the $50 bucks or so to print out and stuff mailboxes, then why are we voting for these people? Because "I flew with so and so and the are nice". This is the mentality of the F/A group for the most part. This election as well as other's is just a popularity contest. Whomever has the most friends wins the jackpot. I bet the 300 or so people that vote will vote blindly, just because "so and so is nice". And the other 50 will vote for good representation.

Too bad we don't have a F/A group consisting of all TX's or Piney Bob's. Then we would get our fare share.

People, call and talk to the candidates, email them, talk to them, and then vote. Don't vote Blindly. :shock:

I am biased.

But, there is a principle involved here. Spending money on the e-line to politic for your attention is tantamount to buying votes. It buys special access, a general fee to run, as opposed to a democracy where debate is encouraged without monetary hurdles. It means someone who cannot afford the money cannot participate. It may also mean the person running that refuses to participate counts their dollars, which may be a good thing.

Personally, using your dues money to allow others to advertise their campaign is not good democracy. Maybe I am old-fashion, but it seems a travesty.

(Yes, I know your MEC voted "for" it, but that does not make it "right")
I am biased.

But, there is a principle involved here. Spending money on the e-line to politic for your attention is tantamount to buying votes. It buys special access, a general fee to run, as opposed to a democracy where debate is encouraged without monetary hurdles. It means someone who cannot afford the money cannot participate. It may also mean the person running that refuses to participate counts their dollars, which may be a good thing.

Personally, using your dues money to allow others to advertise their campaign is not good democracy. Maybe I am old-fashion, but it seems a travesty.

(Yes, I know your MEC voted "for" it, but that does not make it "right")

What on God's green earth are you talking about?
I do agree the candidates should have access to the e-line without cost.
The candidates paid for the e-line, it did not come out of the dues.
Have another drink.

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