You are usually "spot on", but I would n't trust one single word Laura spews. She is the Queen of lies and exaggertions. I have caught her often times adding to a story to suit her needs and twisting the facts, or just forgetting the facts and presenting information as if it were fact.
I've learned in my dealings with Laura, whatever she states, its the total opposite. Her and Luther were one of a kind and why, why, why PHL would vote her in as President at the time, instead of Roger Holmin who was running against her is beyond anyones logic and comprehension. At least with Roger, he was sincere, committed and would try his best to give the f/a the best he could offer.
Laura didn't respect the group and used them to enhance her financial situation.
If Andy didn't want to work with her, its because she was basically worthless as a rep and I'm sure, without knowing Andy, he didn't want to be guided by her inept leadership.
No truer words have been spoken.