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Line Premium

Im a Line guy and I believe we should get line pay due to the fact we work in the freezing cold,the scorching heat, the blizzards, the freezing rain, the windy rainy days. We dont work in a comfortable work environment with a roof over our head. If you still believe line guys shouldnt get line pay your out of ur mind.Id like to see you out there.

As an proponent for a line premium, I can say that a small percentage here in TUL have worked in some inclement weather. As a base mechanic I have to ask how often you do major structure work or perform repairs in the fuel tanks.

Since I am on the subject, how often can you say that you performed the duties of a 737 Avionics Crew Chief sitting in his chair?

The Line Overhaul was my retaliation for some posters here taking stabs at the base. Let's just drop the subject.

It looks like an attempt to ask you to post in the first person. I probably have the same problem sometimes.

As for the Line/OH issue , at least I can try and be a member with them instead of against them.

Yep he tried to get me to do it back in 2003 too when we were on the same side as AMFA organizers .... Didn't work then either cause I'm not a team player ..... Lol
Yep he tried to get me to do it back in 2003 too when we were on the same side as AMFA organizers .... Didn't work then either cause I'm not a team player ..... Lol

He? I am often corrected on this board, mostly for deviations from the topic or becoming to political.

I have learned to do my best to adhere to the subject.
It has nothing to do with being a team player, I have been on his team for a long time, even If he doesn't realize it.

In my mind, line premium is now Geo pay.
I do not post much but I have to say something about Line Pay, I disagree with it completely, and will continue unless some Line Tech can convince me otherwise..
Why exactly is Line Pay even an issue? What does one do on the line that I have not done in A/O for 23 years that deserves more pay? I have installed and adjusted more flight controls, Pneumatic/Hyd Valves, Boost Pumps, ran wires, changed Engines, Brakes than most if not all Line Tech's...The Base pay and Premium should be the same for all AMT/Skilled workers in this industry IMO..

Now as far as Geo pay is concerned I will gladly sign a contract that gives people in NY,SFO,LAX,ORD or any high cost area as much as needed to support living in those areas, but please do not argue that Line work is any more critical than O/H..
Im a Line guy and I believe we should get line pay due to the fact we work in the freezing cold,the scorching heat, the blizzards, the freezing rain, the windy rainy days. We dont work in a comfortable work environment with a roof over our head. If you still believe line guys shouldnt get line pay your out of ur mind.Id like to see you out there.
I have worked both and either can be debated as worth more pay than the other depending on the particular day or shift. There are nights you freeze and days you get scorched and others that you change a lightbulb or a reading lamp. And yes, overhaul is more consistent and predictable but plenty of downtime in both..
The restoration of 10 Holidays would help to start with to help the line guys.
If we are going to pay the hangar guys the same as the line guys like the other airlines do then we can't pay seat mechanics top pay and coffee maker mechanics 2/3rds of that.
Somethings got to give. 6 years for line guys making $5 an hour less than our peers is not going to be a good idea.
Let me reiterate on my opinion, my view is that the term Line Premium is divisive and should be License/Skill premium for everyone who works on critical equiptment and should be upwards of $10 ph.. I agree there are a few differences in Line/OH but none that changes the scope of working on heavy transport aircraft.. As far as working on seats ours are overhauled by OSMs then sent to the docks for installation by AMTs who may have just completed a floor beam repair, where we draw the line on that scope I believe is being debated/negotiated by our greedy union reps. and a management team who have no idea what affect changing it will do to productivity..

Do I receive a Line Premium when an aircraft returns from test flight with 40 logbook items working outside the hangar? No..

You may in fact see me on the line in the future and my opion may change, but I doubt it..
Well there are AMT's in the seat shop at AFW working on First and Business class seats and possibly crew seats. I'm not sure of the number but there are AMT's working on seats as well as OSM's. That AMT makes what you make or pretty close to it for releasing an aircraft to service.
I'm not trying to take anything away from what anyone does but AA wages for a particular job need to be industry standard. That goes for the simplest job the the most technical. I dont see that happening as long as those less skilled jobs are performed by AA personnel.

Line guys have no choice but to vote NO unless they like making $5+ an hour less than their peers.
The difference for OH and line pay is market rates. Line mech market rate is anywhere from $36 to $50 an hour, and a OH mech market rate is anywhere from $17 to $28. That is the difference.

It's nothing to do about the weather conditions or work skills, a line guy goes to TUL eventually gets proficient in what ever job he bids into whether it be seat shop or door rigging, a TUL guy comes to a line a station will eventually learn the systems on all the different fleets (it usually takes a couple of years before they are truly a stand alone asset), but they always do become assets, except for the 10% slugs we all know about, but that's management's problem.
AA pays a mech at DFW to do an ETOPS on a 777 or 767 check sign it off, work on an engine oil leak, sign it off and then watch that plane fly to England for $33 an hour, while a mech in TUL will work in a shop with weekends / holidays off sharpening drill bits for $33 an hour (based on that CNBC documentary). We are not all equal, we do not all do the same job, socialism failed, and USSR is no more. Bread might cost the same in TUL as in LAX but what we do to earn the money is not the same.
AA pays a mech at DFW to do an ETOPS on a 777 or 767 check sign it off, work on an engine oil leak, sign it off and then watch that plane fly to England for $33 an hour, while a mech in TUL will work in a shop with weekends / holidays off sharpening drill bits for $33 an hour (based on that CNBC documentary). We are not all equal, we do not all do the same job, socialism failed, and USSR is no more. Bread might cost the same in TUL as in LAX but what we do to earn the money is not the same.
Im fleet qual on 4 fleet types work in a hangar like lets say a B ck I sign logbooks on outbound, work outside alot and in the 100plus heat all the time so dont lump my ass in with a shop mechanic
Im fleet qual on 4 fleet types work in a hangar like lets say a B ck I sign logbooks on outbound, work outside alot and in the 100plus heat all the time so dont lump my ass in with a shop mechanic

I agree with you iluvaa.

As a soon to be layed off overhauler, fighting for geo pay and a boost in line premium for working the weekends and the majority working mids is one thing. Getting into ignorant comparisons about being more of a mechanic than the next guy is doing nothing to help the cause. There are overhaul mechanics that would be lost on the line for awhile, just like there are line mechanics that would be lost for awhile in overhaul. Bottom line is that both line and overhaul are using their certificates equally in the eyes of the feds. I personally could care less if the line gets a decent boost in premiums for working the weekends, nights, taxiing, etc, and a boost for GEO pay, but I don't see you getting a boost in pay because your ego needs to get stroked because you feel that your more of a mechanic by doing an ETOPS check than a guy who just did a major structural repair. :blink:
This is what is funny as hell to me and your line overhaul fight. I being a Machinist, make an aircraft part, then you clowns fight over who is more worthy to install it....lmfao
This is what is funny as hell to me and your line overhaul fight. I being a Machinist, make an aircraft part, then you clowns fight over who is more worthy to install it....lmfao

Yeah, maybe if we had a Craft Union that spent more time on education, promotion, and advancement of ALL aspects of our jobs and profession, instead of promoting unskilled toilet cleaning workers without testing, making political yards signs, and buying hockey tickets, we might just be more united and proud instead of scrambling like a bunch bees that had their bee-hive kicked over. You laugh about this, but it is a direct result of failed leadership and agenda.
Yeah, maybe if we had a Craft Union that spent more time on education, promotion, and advancement of ALL aspects of our jobs and profession, instead of promoting unskilled toilet cleaning workers without testing, making political yards signs, and buying hockey tickets, we might just be more united and proud instead of scrambling like a bunch bees that had their bee-hive kicked over. You laugh about this, but it is a direct result of failed leadership and agenda.

A Craft Union that spent more time on education, promotion, and advancement of ALL aspects of our jobs? Really Informer? You believe AMFA would do this for us? You a Welder and me a Machinist! You know damn well we would be the bastard step-children of the association. I'm not willing to hand the bee-hive over to AMFA, nor should you....
A Craft Union that spent more time on education, promotion, and advancement of ALL aspects of our jobs? Really Informer? You believe AMFA would do this for us? You a Welder and me a Machinist! You know damn well we would be the bastard step-children of the association. I'm not willing to hand the bee-hive over to AMFA, nor should you....

I tend to agree with you High Speed, as an A&P Mechanic that would be ok with me but I can certainly understand why you feel that way & your sentiment is the prevailing feeling among non A&P Mechanics at the base ( at least all the ones I have talked too ) which is why the Teamsters are more popular there.
A Craft Union that spent more time on education, promotion, and advancement of ALL aspects of our jobs? Really Informer? You believe AMFA would do this for us? You a Welder and me a Machinist! You know damn well we would be the bastard step-children of the association. I'm not willing to hand the bee-hive over to AMFA, nor should you....
I tend to agree with you High Speed, as an A&P Mechanic that would be ok with me but I can certainly understand why you feel that way & your sentiment is the prevailing feeling among non A&P Mechanics at the base ( at least all the ones I have talked too ) which is why the Teamsters are more popular there.

I was invited and testified at the NWA/AMFA PEB as a Welder.

Insteresting to note also that most negative comments regarding Welders and Machinist come from the likes of you two who are both Industrial Unionist.

Not me, I am proud of my skill, I earned my way to be where I am at, nothing was handed to me the way the industrial unionist are destroying your skill set now thouugh. I know how AMFA Leadership has always treated myself and other non-A&P's and if that is all you whimpering types have to hang your hat on, you may as well give up now. The facts do not match your fear and lies.

Amazing that the industrial union is decimating the skills of the machinist and the welders a you two use that as a tool for your side of the belief system.

I can think of a word for someone like that, but it would be considered wrong to use it here and now.

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