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Cwa Meeting 7/28/04

Just heard that CWA walked out of the meeting today. I don't know if this is fact or fiction.

Also just heard that there is a group of foreign (Indian and Korean type) people "visiting" PIT Res bldg today looking around and possibly double jacking. Heard nervous agents were told they were a group of students from DC. On a "field trip"?????? If so, isn't INT a lot closer or another airline res center closer?
Also, last week a group from head quarters at other PIT Res building looking around with no explanation.

Hmmmmm very suspicious!!!!!!
They should have walked from meeting yesterday...

This (your) company is tanking.....

Why do some VP's draw larger salaries than the CEO ?????

Just asking...curious.....
You ole farts haven't figured it out YET! They don't want you around any more. This is the companies way of saying don't let the screen door hit you on the way out! 😉
$crew them!!!

12 mos of medical...bite me...

VOTE NO<VOTE NO>>VOTE NO>>>>> :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
:stupid: That's obvious...The last person leaving ..turn out the lights..

Wait a minute..it's already pitch black.
President Morton Bahr mbahr@cwa-union.org

Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Easterling easterling@cwa-union.org

Executive Vice President Larry Cohen lcohen@cwa-union.org
This B.S. will lead to BK...................I find it hard to believe that they are offering what we can get on the street. What's is the point of voting for something like that. To make less and put up with the stress, no thanks. That managers job at Cinnabon is looking really good now.
Get ready for USA320 to say its a bitter pill to swallow , but do it for the sake of those who want to stay........ LIKE HIM! Savy :down:
bobcat said:
Just heard that CWA walked out of the meeting today. I don't know if this is fact or fiction.

Also just heard that there is a group of foreign (Indian and Korean type) people "visiting" PIT Res bldg today looking around and possibly double jacking. Heard nervous agents were told they were a group of students from DC.
CWA did not walk out. The meeting was very professional.

There were about 20 students who are in our summer intern program. They are spending the day in PIT learning about an airline's operation. They visited RIDC and went through OCC, other ops offices and res. They will also be visiting the CLT training center.
Hawk said:
There were about 20 students who are in our summer intern program. They are spending the day in PIT learning about an airline's operation. They visited RIDC and went through OCC, other ops offices and res. They will also be visiting the CLT training center.
Hey, if you guys took any marketing or management majors thru, you could turn over the suite at CCY and increase profits right off the bat!

Let the interns run the weakest part of the organization, after all.
Hawk said:
CWA did not walk out. The meeting was very professional.
So I take it Jerry wasnt there to swear at anybody today then? :shock:
Wow, got the whole enchilada from another employee who ran it off cwa site. Personally speaking the tone of the negotiations to me is just that ho hum. Seems like there is a distinct possibility alot of the customer service areas, res etc, will be wondering south of the border to Alabama, so the rumor mill floats. I personally think the company has plans for the res, customer service, etc and it doesn't include any of the current employees. Reality says they have to know that this more then likely will not float, however, don't forget there are people who just want away from this situation. They won't out, and they want out now. I can't see the situation at usairways getting better. For those who do, I say stick it out and pray for a better day. I would in all honesty take the 15000, the yr medical (screw the flying privileges) and unemployment if they would offer it. Especially the unemployment, would see me through the task of getting retrained in about 12-18months and finding a job where the daggers don't stick out so profusely from my back and where my longevity is not a liability to the company. Sad, Sad times my friends, but here they are. Every person has to decide if the war is going to be won. Unless someone knows a good reason to stick around and can honestly say the times will get better, management will get smarter, other employee groups will get more compassionate and it will not be like working in a coal mine, I will gladly stay. I have 20 yrs with this company and only wish those who try and stick it out all the luck in the world. You're sincerely going to need it. Thanks for the memories.
"Management "reserves the right to contract out any or all work covered by the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement), if by doing so, the Company is able to accomplish the work more economically"

If that is truly what management says, then why bother signing a CBA? The minute they can get it for less, and I am sure they are looking, it is all done!

With that out of the way................

I'm glad I wasn't at the meeting or else I would have out done Jerry Glass with profanities never heard of. I would call them simpletons - heck I'll call them that anyway- BUT they know what they are doing. They want to farm out everything possible. So why not make an offer unacceptable?

My days are numbered and I can't wait!!!!! Bring it on! Close the doors you demeaning, belittling, self-absorbed, "I want more" jagoffs. Remember - if it closes your jobs are on the chopping block too! Oh, I forgot! no worries for management - their pockets are already lined.

BTW, Hawk, you rarely take the time to post to correct any other rumors. Why pinpoint the one today about our visitors? Are you trying to cover up something? Say what you will. All I have seen from management is deception. Why should I believe anything you say.