Kerry And Usairways

When Bush and Gore were running against each other last time, I thought it was pretty SCARRY. I didn't care for either of them. Thought them both weak and idiots. Then 9/ll happened and I thought Bush really rallied and was acting like a Presidant should be. He sold me on everything, even my Mother became a loyal fan. She who has NEVER voted Rep. in her life.

And here we are! I feel I am having deja vu. Bush is really sinking in my book and Kerry is just plain sickening to even watch.

Last election didn't bother me so much. Que sera sera. But this time around is definately different since our world has been so drastically changed. I for one, feel very nervous. :(
PineyBob said:
Well following YOUR logic wasn't it OK with the American people who did elect Geo W. Bush.
Umm, Bob, hate to burst your bubble, W did not win the popular vote and under the US Constitution, the general public vote to tell who the Electoral College votes for.
The Bush twins were the kids that got busted for underage drinking more then once.

Gore Jr got busted for speeding, the daughters did not get in trouble.

And I do not agree with Tipper's stance on the PRMC.

And Bush got busted for DWI, Gore did not.

Get the facts straight.

And like I said, the the Gore won the popular vote, not Bush, that is fact.

So try again.
Oh lets just let Florida TRY TO GET IT RIGHT THIS TIME !!!! :lol:
Maybe this time they'll realize they Voting not playing BINGO !!!
Ohh, a political fracas! Wild horses could not stop me from contributing my 2 cents!

IAM endorses Gephardt, not the least of which is because he was the leading light against NAFTA. Gephardt folds like a cheap suit, so IAM
endorses .................Kerry, who not only is an elitist (they teach you at IAM school you can't be a good unionist AND an elitist) SOB, but voted FOR................NAFTA!

How come? Because the Dem powers-that-be, among them the AFL-CIO, after telling their membership this is the most critical election of our lifetime ( I actually happen to agree) are conducting business as usual.

Rather than consider a very electable but not solidly leftist Edwards, the Dems would rather be 'right' and lose with Kerry.

Bush will eke out a victory over Kerry because;

1. Kerry has a voting record more liberal than Teddy. Yeah, that's gonna play well in the South and the West. Oh, that's right, Kerry has already written off the South! :angry: Note to JFK. While it is mathematically possible to win the Presidency without the South, it has not been done in modern times. "You sir, are no JFK."

2. Business as usual is killing the working class. The 8% of swing voters up for grabs will see Kerry has no compelling vision for their economic well-being, and vote for a standing commander in chief. Or just stay home.

3. The Dems are talking as if just opposing Bush will carry the day. WRONG! They must be FOR something. A sure recipe for disaster.

4. Republicans are playing like a team - united, on message, aggressive. Dems are, as usual, divided. Think about this perfidy. Hillary wants to run in 08, hence Bush must win '04, and all Dems bloodied. Her play is Bush screws the pooch SO badly, even she is electable (I'd call it delusional). The only Dem she fears long-term is Edwards, soooooooooo, the Clinton machine, advisers and $$ guys support Clark. Think about it. With no Clark, Edwards wins a few more states, like Oklahoma, and is in striking distance of Kerry. Another perfidy. The country club Dems, like the DNC, don't particularly like Edward's populism (geez, we'd actually have to deliver). So, rather than let the primaries play out, all the Dem big guns are now supporting Kerry, to suck away the oxygen from Edwards and dry up the money.

Here's a little pop-quiz. Did any of the labor groups, or any other Democratic institution, poll their members as to their preferences, prior to endorsing Kerry?

With all due respect to my union, I have been paying attention to politics since I was 10 years old, and am quite capable of making up my own mind. After careful observation, I took it upon myself to meet with Edwards well before he announced, and well before the media began speculating about such an announcement. I told him then he was my guy for President. I have seen or heard nothing to change my mind.

I mailed another contribution yesterday.
I saw Senator Edwards on MSNBC (I think) and he was rather impressive. I agree, he seems very electable to me as well. Maybe he can still be part of the ticket. I also agree that this is a very important election, and that the true state of things will reveal itself AFTER the general election. I also hope that my fellow airline industry employees of all category remember what this industry was like before, and how GW and his buds did all they could to "steal" the pensions and benefits from them.
Subject: A Reporter on Kerry

Regardless of our politics, this article as a lot of good points regarding Vietnam Veterans.

Now that U.S.Sen. John Kerry(D-Mass.) is claiming the verteran vote based on his ward record, both sides of the story shuld be told. To appreciate the dark side of Kerry's war record, you should know a few things about Vietnam Veterans.

The public and the press make a mistake when they divide us into decorated veterans like Kerry and then all the others. We like to think of ourselves as brothers-those who fought the enemy directly in combat and those who provided vital support in protected areas that were in many cases exposed to attack.

Even today, when two Vietnam veterans meet for the first time, they might say, "Welcome home, brother!" because many were never welcomed home. They met the cold shoulder of an ungrateful nation on their return. Those of us whose job was combat feel and even deeper sense of brotherhood.

We learned to trust our brothers on the ground, on the water and in the air to do the right things to protect one another, a bond that cannot be fully explained in words. We quietly feared dying in battle, but there was something we feared even more.

We, knew if we should panic under fire and fail to do our job, we might lose our brothers' trust or we might lose their lives, and this we feared more than anything. Like, Kerry, I have a couple of medals, but who has what medal among combat veterans doesn't make a dime's worth of difference between us. What matters is that we are, for the rest of our lives, brothers who kept faith with one another in a miserable war.

A young Kerry, however, broke faith with his brothers when he returned to the United States. With the fanancial aid of Jane Fonda, he led highly visible protests against the war. He wrote a book that many considered to be pro-Hanoi, titled "The New Soldier".

The cover photo of his book depicted veterans in a mismatch of military uniforms mocking the legendary image of Marines raising the American flag atop Mount Suribachi in the 1945 battle for Iwo Jima, holding the American flag upside down.

Kerry publicly supported Hanoi's position to use our POW's as a bargaining chip in negotiatins for a peaceagreement. Kerry threw what appeared to be his medals over a fence in front of the Capitol building in protest, on camera of course, but was caught in his lie years later when his medals turned up displayed on his office wall. Many good and decent people opposed the Vietnam War. Many of us who fought it hated it, too. I know I did.

But like Fonda's infamous visit to Hanoi in 1972, Kerry's public actions encouraged our enemy at a time they were killing America's sons. Decades after the war was done, interviews with our former enemy's leaders confirmed public protests in the United States, like Kerry's, played a significant role in their strategy.

Many of us wonder which of ur brothers who died young would be alive today had people like Jane Fonda and Kerry objected to the war in a more suitable way. Now that it serves his ambition to be president, Kerry reminds the public of his war record daily. But the dark side of that record is not being told.

Many Vietnam veterans have taken notice, and many of us will vigorously oppose Kerry's election to any office.

Terry L. Garlock of Peachtree City GA was a Cobra helicopter pilot in Vietnam.

He received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Distinguished Flying Cross.
while we are back on the subject ...
CWA union endorsed Kerry after this statement...

Remember how he cares about usairways employees when its time to vote in New York, Mass and Philly..

time to hand out against him...

Anyone but Kerry ...all employees of Usairways..tell families and friends who can vote to give Edwards the nod..or hell vote for Dean or Sharpton or the K man

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