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Hard Times

golden1 said:

SHe needs to LEARN AND UNDERSTAND to keep her big UGLY mouth shut...

She's has alot of miles on her ,just closely look at her..

Is there a MUCH needed PLASTIC surgeon in the house?

That's a great "family values" and "Christian" comment....don't like the candidate...diss the wife.

What "power" does the first lady yield? Does Laura counsel Georgie on his little Iraq problem? Y'all worried about Hillary, yet for all the fears of this woman (who's character was a constant target of right wing attacks) she didn't' "make policy" for Clinton's white house. Nor did Nancy Reagan, or Roslyn Carter, or Betty Ford, or Pat Nixon, or Lady Bird, Jackie or Mamie. I dont' know about your state, but I didn't have "first lady" on my ballot.
KCFlyer said:
That's a great "family values" and "Christian" comment....don't like the candidate...diss the wife.

As oppsed to "dissin" the kids? then again Ms billionaire is the one who "diss" silver spoonless Lura Bush for "not having a real job". I guess a real job is doalling out your dead republican husbands money and jetting between the mansions that money bought...... 🙄

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