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The Great Kerry Usairways Debate

Dea Certe said:

I'd like to hear from Dilligas on this one too.


In reference to our political "choices" ?

I'm not shy, I'll pontificate with the gang! Just not sure which hat you want me to put on before I engage keyboard. I wear so many, ya know.


Don't get too wrapped up in the joy of 'Let America Be America Again.'

Langston Hughes was a devoted Communist and Stalin-admirer. Maybe I agree with the sentiment of the slogan, but to do that we need to junk the current gov't and get back to an actual Republic.

BTW. when was America - America? The New Deal? The Great Society? Teddy Roosevelt? Monroe? Got me.
diogenes said:
I am a huge Edwards fan. I have had the pleasure of dealing with him. . .
Wow, what exactly are you a fan of? His ambulance chasing ways, or is it is rags to riches story. . . And to compare hime to JFk... well, I hope for his sake (and his wefe's) I hope he is nothing like JFK. Most of North and South Carolina ( whom at various times he considers his "home state") really want to claim him. It is a pitiful commentary on the Democratic Party that these two bumblers are the best they could put up to run for President.
Edwards is a lightweight. Kerry was right before he changed his mind, again . . . Edwards isn't presidential material. I guess Edwards must have learned a lot in the last few months . . . . or Kerry's just a two-faced ultra-rich political hack.
4merresrat said:
Wow, what exactly are you a fan of? His ambulance chasing ways, or is it is rags to riches story. . . And to compare hime to JFk... well, I hope for his sake (and his wefe's) I hope he is nothing like JFK. Most of North and South Carolina ( whom at various times he considers his "home state") really want to claim him. It is a pitiful commentary on the Democratic Party that these two bumblers are the best they could put up to run for President.
So I guess we stick to a stammering rich boy who is out of touch with the working class to lead us into, what? Another war, more unemployment, more jobs overseas, more Enrons and CEO's who become billionaires while the working class worries about buying life saving prescriptions.

If you don't own a business then hit the road. You are a second class citizen and all of the policies THEY make are your woes and NOT theirs because it was YOUR choice not to own a business and become one of them.

Bushes money is no better than Edwards ambulance chasing money, and don’t kid yourself!
In regards to Edwards as a Trial lawyer, Heres what JOHN MCCAIN Said about him and his book.

"In Four Trials, John Edwards has written movingly of people who were terribly wronged, and whom he helped seek some measure of justice with great skill, determination, and genuine compassion. He shows a perceptive appreciation in these accounts for the strength of his clients' character. And, in the loving portrait of his son, Wade, and the deeply touching account of his loss, John reveals the strength of his own character and gives the reader a look beyond a political biography into the heart of a good man."
hp_fa said:
I was a Republican until last year. I considered myself a moderate or even liberal Republican, but I discovered there was no room for me in the Republican party as I knew it (with the sole exception of being able to vote for McCain).

I don't see any scenario in which I will vote for Bush.

Think this thought for a second. Ifyou are upset at Bush now, what do you think he will try and do once he never needs to stand for another election?
Profound logic, above, and holds true.
OK....here we go! In PA we have a tax and spend-ocrat governor that raised the state income tax and now has a $500million surplus...what is a guy like that to do with all that money ? He wants to waste it instead of giving me and all the other hard working people our share back in tax cuts. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE WILL END UP WITH WITH WHEN KERRY/EDWARDS OR WHOMEVER HE CHANGES HIS MIND ON GET INTO OFFICE.
Over a year ago I posted on a web forum (not this one) that I gave even odds to Bush coming up with some excuse to declare martial law and cancel the November, 2004 elections. I was soundly ridiculed for having such an absurd thought.

Tonight, NBC TV news in NYC is reporting that the Bush Justice(!?) Department is researching ways to "postpone" the November elections because of the perceived terror threat.

I'm not vindicated yet, but I think the odds just jumped in my favor.

We may not get the opportunity to vote for Kerry/Edwards. Bushie will pull a Ferdinand Marcos if he thinks he can get away with it.
orville said:
OK....here we go! In PA we have a tax and spend-ocrat governor that raised the state income tax and now has a $500million surplus...what is a guy like that to do with all that money ? He wants to waste it instead of giving me and all the other hard working people our share back in tax cuts. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE WILL END UP WITH WITH WHEN KERRY/EDWARDS OR WHOMEVER HE CHANGES HIS MIND ON GET INTO OFFICE.
sentrido said:
Here are the articles related to the "If USAirways should go under, so be it" issue.


Author(s): MATTHEW BRELIS Date: December 8, 2000 Page: D2 Section: Business
Saying the proposed merger between United Airlines, the world's largest carrier, and US Airways Inc., the dominant airline in the Northeast, would reduce competition and increase fares, US Senator John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) yesterday opposed the deal.

Kerry, a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, wrote to the Department of Justice and Department of Transportation earlier this week expressing his concerns saying the merger would result in a consolidation of the airline industry from six major players to three, and that would restrict new entrants and reduce "further the chances that new competition would be successful. In his 2 1/2-page letter, Kerry noted there is "speculation" that US Airways, the nation's sixth largest airline, needs the merger to survive. Kerry said that US Airways executives never suggested that in testimony before the commerce committee, but if the airline has to fail, so be it.

"Even in the worst-case scenario, if US Airways were to shut its doors permanently, the country would indeed be left with five instead of six major carriers," he wrote. "But, unlike the situation that would arise if United and US Airways were to merge, a US Airways' departure from the marketplace likely would not trigger additional mergers."

Instead, Kerry suggested, the airline's routes, slots, gates, and assets would be divided up or sold to a new entrant "spurring more rather than less competition in the airline industry.


Date: December 15, 2000 Page: A26 Section: Letters

As someone who hears from angry constituents fed up with the major airlines, I am troubled by the inadequate competition and poor customer service in the airline industry.

Senator John McCain and I have pushed the airline industry to improve customer service, and it is with consumers in mind that I wrote my letter to the departments of Justice and Transportation opposing the US Airways-United merger. This merger would only exacerbate the problems facing today's airline passengers and leave consumers with fewer choices, higher fares, and even worse customer service. I am also very concerned that this merger would hurt workers in Massachusetts and across the country. I felt the Globe story left the impression that I would be indifferent if US Airways were to shut its doors, causing terrible hardship for thousands of employees who depend on the airline for a paycheck, pensions, and health care. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I have had several conversations with workers at US Airways, and I fully appreciate their concern over the loss of jobs and benefits should US Airways ultimately shut down. As federal regulators review the merger, the fate of US Airways workers must be the primary concern, and I will make sure that their voices are heard in Washington.

I still fear that this merger, and airline mergers that will surely follow, will result in loss of jobs and less power at the bargaining table for workers. Though workers at US Airways have been guaranteed that their jobs are secure for the next two years, there is no guarantee beyond that time, and airlines are notorious for laying off workers to cut costs. The new merged airline could well feel pressure to reward shareholders at the expense of its workers.


Washington, D.C.

I would love to hear all your opinions about this.
Kerry is a friend of the working man....riiiiiiight. I'll take some Heinz ketchup on my burger, please.

I tend to be fairly politically moderate, however the idea of an old school new england (where I'm originally from, nonetheless) liberal in the white house is not a pleasant thought. It's like Dukakias all over again....or Ted Kennedy for that matter. No matter what he says *today* Kerry's historical record is abysmal when it comes to defense issues. He's exactly the type that would want to hold hands with terrorists and "understand them" instead of kicking their rearends. Plus, I can remember how fuming mad I was when I heard his comments about US Airways back then and wondering how any employee who was a Massachusett's resident would ever want to vote for him again. That opinion still stands.

George W. isn't perfect, but I think he'll stay further out of my paycheck than would Kerry. Plus, he'll at least buy bombs and missles with my tax dollars rather than handing it to the less than motivated amongst us. I hate nothing more than standing in line behind a welfare dolee buying food with foodstamps and beer and cigarettes with their money.

A Few Opinions for the night 🙂

Jon C.
JonC said:
Kerry is a friend of the working man....riiiiiiight. I'll take some Heinz ketchup on my burger, please.
Huh? What does ketchup have to do with anything?

Kerry's historical record is abysmal when it comes to defense issues.
Really? Of which votes are you speaking? You cite this as fact, but provide no evidence.

He's exactly the type that would want to hold hands with terrorists and "understand them" instead of kicking their rearends.
Really? What's your evidence?

Plus, I can remember how fuming mad I was when I heard his comments about US Airways back then
What was it that was so wrong about his comments? He said it was better to have five airlines than three. Would you prefer that there be three? Or is it that you prefer that the government encourage your airline to survive at the expense of, say, DL or NW or AA?

George W.'ll at least buy bombs and missles with my tax dollars
Far better that your taxes be used to kill people than help people, eh?

Few Opinions for the night
...and fewer facts
Lets get this one back on the US/Kerry debate or it will join the rest of the political threads in Just Conversation.

PineyBob said:
I heard Ted Kennedy was gonna run. His Slogan is "A Blonde in every pond"

Perhaps the moral oracle Cavelier can enlighten us as to the difference morally speaking of an Irish family gaining wealth and prestige by making their family fortune bootlegging during Prohibition from that of the Columbian drug cartels or La Cosa Nostra?

Yet mssrs. Kennedy, Clinton, JFK and others with the same frat boy morality continue to be the darlings of labor and the Democrats. But somehow in the twisted logic Howard Stern is villified for merely saying the type of things that the others actually have done.

And for a little more hypocracy how about the N.O.W gangs silence on Paula Jones? Is sexual haarrassmnet law only for the intellectual ferment crowd over at the Dartmouth Community College or does it apply to the Trailer park too? Apparently not in the trailer park when the accussed is the darling of the N.O.W gang and a sitting President.

BTW I just joined M.E.A.T - Mammals Eating Animals Today
You know, what you said is exactly what I've said to my spouse. She rants about Howard Stern and his obscene talk and I say "How come you don't complain about Clinton who actually does/has done all the things Stern talks about. The total hypocrisy of the NOW clowns who support/defend Cinton 100% even though the guy treats women like brainless sex objects, pulls out his pecker to wave at them, gropes them, even, in the case of Juanita Broaddrick, rapes them. And not a word of criticism from NOW, which supposedly opposes such abysmal behavior. How would these liberals like to have their sister/wife/daughter's boss grope and proposition them or flash them? Not too appealing a thought. Yet Clinton gets a pass. He has his minions put up their "nuts and sluts" defense. Don't the libs wonder how come Clinton had all these charges made by numerous women, but other Presidents didn't? Oh yeah, I forgot, the "vast right wing conspiracy". It must be nice to be a liberal and apparently not give a damn about a candidate's character.
AgMedallion said:
You know, what you said is exactly what I've said to my spouse. She rants about Howard Stern and his obscene talk and I say "How come you don't complain about Clinton who actually does/has done all the things Stern talks about. The total hypocrisy of the NOW clowns who support/defend Cinton 100% even though the guy treats women like brainless sex objects, pulls out his pecker to wave at them, gropes them, even, in the case of Juanita Broaddrick, rapes them. And not a word of criticism from NOW, which supposedly opposes such abysmal behavior. How would these liberals like to have their sister/wife/daughter's boss grope and proposition them or flash them? Not too appealing a thought. Yet Clinton gets a pass. He has his minions put up their "nuts and sluts" defense. Don't the libs wonder how come Clinton had all these charges made by numerous women, but other Presidents didn't? Oh yeah, I forgot, the "vast right wing conspiracy". It must be nice to be a liberal and apparently not give a damn about a candidate's character.
First of all if someone does not care for Stern you have a choice in this country not to listen.

And I have never seen Clinton investigated, indicted, convicted and sentenced for raping anyone.

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