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The Great Kerry Usairways Debate

mweiss said:
Something that truly baffles me...

The less educated someone is, the more likely that person is to vote for Bush.

Why is that?
i see in true liberal democrat tradition...you never have anything nice to offer. :lol:
maybe someday you'll wise up and see the light. :shock:
You don't even have the beginnings of the foggiest notion of an inkling of a clue about me.

700UW was absolutely certain I was a right-wing ultraconservative. You're equally certain I'm a left-wing pinko-commie liberal. You can't both be right, can you?
mweiss said:
You don't even have the beginnings of the foggiest notion of an inkling of a clue about me.

700UW was absolutely certain I was a right-wing ultraconservative. You're equally certain I'm a left-wing pinko-commie liberal. You can't both be right, can you?
oh...excuse me...you're right....
sniff...sniff...i smell a libertarian.....whoa...wait a minute...they put talcum powder over the wrapper.... :blink:
hey don't go gettin' yer nose all outa joint on my account, DUDE :lol:
Come and join the Crusades.


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mweiss said:
Something that truly baffles me...

The less educated someone is, the more likely that person is to vote for Bush.

Why is that?
That doesn't count all the Dems who are too ignorant to understand voting booth instructions and thus never counted as voting for their candidate. If you include them in your delusional statement of "fact", the Dems are probably 20 IQ points lower than Republicans on average. Funny how the Republican supporters are supposedly filthy rich and corporate bigwigs to boot. The Dems always score big in ghetto areas where the so-called uneducated underclass lives. Yet you come along and say the Dem supporters are the geniuses. Yeah, right.
700UW said:
First of all if someone does not care for Stern you have a choice in this country not to listen.

And I have never seen Clinton investigated, indicted, convicted and sentenced for raping anyone.
I never said Stern shouldn't be allowed to air his humor. I actually enjoy his jokes, tasteless as they often are. I was commenting on how some people can criticize him, yet give Clinton, someone who actually lives what Stern talks about, a pass.

Re Clinton's rape of Broaddrick, the statute of limitations has passed. They can't do anything to him and, at the time he raped her, they never would have because he was the Arkansas AG. OJ was never found guilty of murder, so I assume in your book, he's blameless as well. To be perfectly honest, most Cinton supporters, even if he did admit he raped her, would no doubt still idolize and support him. They don't care about lying under oath because it's apparently okay to lie about some things before a Grand Jury. Selling pardons is also okay. Groping women in the Oval Office...no problem. Pulling your Johnson out and waving it at subordinates, who cares? A governor using his state troopers to recruit some po*ntang, again not offensive.
AgMedallion said:
That doesn't count all the Dems who are too ignorant to understand voting booth instructions and thus never counted as voting for their candidate.
Except for the Broward County Butterfly, most of the disenfranchised votes were relatively uneducated African-Americans. The funny thing is, they really want to be Republican, insofar as most of their opinions, education levels, and background (other than race) line up perfectly with the Republican party. It's just that the Jim Crow wing of the Republican party is noisy enough to scare them off.
mweiss said:
Except for the Broward County Butterfly, most of the disenfranchised votes were relatively uneducated African-Americans. The funny thing is, they really want to be Republican, insofar as most of their opinions, education levels, and background (other than race) line up perfectly with the Republican party. It's just that the Jim Crow wing of the Republican party is noisy enough to scare them off.
My internal B.S. detector just pegged it's needle after reading that statement. Many, probably most, lower class blacks strongly support social engineering programs like affirmative action (i.e. reverse discrimination) and class warfare ideas like sticking it to the most successful by raising their tax rates and/or giving tax rebates to those who pay the least taxes (I never could understand the logic of that idea, mainly because it's totally illogical). That is definitely Democratic Party turf (or is that spelled turd?). The Dems revel in class warfare. They want their voters as dependent as possible on government programs and politicians. The poor, in their mind, are the victims of the rich. People shouldn't be responsible for their own actions. If you do drugs, fine. We have treatment centers for you. If you're pregnant and unmarried, no problem. Just go to the local abortion clinic and we'll get rid of that pesky problem. (I should note here that I'm actually in favor of abortion rights but I see abortion in a more favorable light for those who are raped or are going to have serious health problems, either personally or for their child, if they give birth. The Holy Roller's views that abortions should never be allowed don't appeal to me). If you're a thief/mugger/murderer/whatever, it's not really your fault. You're a victim of society and their discrimination against you, or because your great, great, great, great grandparents were slaves, or because you're mentally ill from lead paint/carcinogens/pollution/stress/you-name-it. Didn't get that job you applied for even though you don't meet the requirements, or have lousy or no references or because the man said you weren''t the best qualified? No problem...it's obviously discrimination and we'll sic EEOC on the fat cats who wouldn't hire you or get an ambulance chaser to sue them on your behalf.

So your statement that poor blacks opinions/education levels/background line up with the Republicans is laughable.
AgMedallion said:
...your statement that poor blacks opinions/education levels/background line up with the Republicans is laughable.
Really? Then why is it that, in public opinion surveys, African-Americans of all types (though less so among inner-city ones) are found to be strongly in favor of:
  • Prayer in schools
  • Making abortions illegal
  • Electing only Christians to office
  • Personal responsibility
  • Lower taxes
  • Strong defense
That list sounds remarkably Republican. What they don't like is the good-ol-boy network, and the Jim Crow support that Thurmond brought to the party.

Of course they don't like the rich sticking it to them. Ask delldude how much he likes having the rich stick it to him. And he's a Republican.
AgMedallion said:
The Dems revel in class warfare.
The Dems revel in whining about class warfare.

The Reps revel in winning the class warfare, and our CiC is Prime Example Uno.

Born on third; acts like he hit a triple.
diogenes said:
The Dems revel in whining about class warfare.

The Reps revel in winning the class warfare, and our CiC is Prime Example Uno.

Born on third; acts like he hit a triple.
Since both Kerry and Edwards are filthy, stinking rich (and Mrs Kerry is filthy, stinking rich to the tenth power), this is disingenuous at best. There are plenty of Dems and/or Kerry supporters who are also in this category, e.g. Soros, Buffet, McAuliff, et al, who take full advantage of tax writeoffs, loopholes, deductions, etc. while hypocritically railing against them.
"Born on third, acts like he hit a triple"? A bitter, sore-loser comment from a bitter sore loser (Ann Richards).
AgMedallion said:
Since both Kerry and Edwards are filthy, stinking rich (and Mrs Kerry is filthy, stinking rich to the tenth power), this is disingenuous at best. There are plenty of Dems and/or Kerry supporters who are also in this category, e.g. Soros, Buffet, McAuliff, et al, who take full advantage of tax writeoffs, loopholes, deductions, etc. while hypocritically railing against them.
"Born on third, acts like he hit a triple"? A bitter, sore-loser comment from a bitter sore loser (Ann Richards).
Edwards, unlike Bush, earned his millions.

And don't start with the "he's a !@#$%$% lawyer" bit. Corporations hire them by the covey, and if you think they are there solely to ward off the Edwards of the world, breach a contract with a transnational and find out.

Loser? When has Bush put any of his chips on the table to lose? NEVER!

I just find it a bit hypocritical of Bush and his ilk to champion the 'marketplace', like they climbed to the top of the totem pole on sheer talent and hard work, rather than connections.

Let's say Bush was born in working class poor circumstances. Would he have made it past dogcatcher of Midland?
mweiss said:
Really? Then why is it that, in public opinion surveys, African-Americans of all types (though less so among inner-city ones) are found to be strongly in favor of:
  • Prayer in schools

  • Making abortions illegal

  • Electing only Christians to office

  • Personal responsibility

  • Lower taxes

  • Strong defense
That list sounds remarkably Republican. What they don't like is the good-ol-boy network, and the Jim Crow support that Thurmond brought to the party.

Of course they don't like the rich sticking it to them. Ask delldude how much he likes having the rich stick it to him. And he's a Republican.
Michael, that tracks with my experience.

I hired out during summers to local farmers when I was eight. Most of the crew were black men, and they were a hard working lot. They would not tolerate a slacker, because we had to pick up the slack.

My first public job was the day I turned 16, at a grocery store. This was where I ran into welfare queens. And it galled me to bag steaks and pork chops they had not worked for, and carry it out to the 'duece and a quarter', while my family was scrimping by on the little bit me, my brother, and mom made.

So at a young age, I learned it takes all kinds. I heard all the BS about how a white man owes the black man - I always figured what I owed him was courtesy and a fair shake. I also heard how black folk, making out like kings on welfare, were the ruination of the country. I never could figure that out - if black folks had such a sweet rice bowl going, why wouldn't my redneck friends marry them, and encourage their kids to marry them, to get in on the action? Chris Rock is right - no white man would change places with him, "and he's rich!" And as I've aged, I am simply amazed that while personal welfare is castigated, corporate welfare is promoted.

Most of the black folk, working class as am I, that I am acquainted with come down on the Cosby side of personal responsibility, and are quite conservative.

And the only three welfare queens I know now are as white as Ivory Soap.

It doesn't matter what color or class one is, to be, as grandma used to say, "triflin' sorry'.

And it wasn't all THAT long ago that blacks voted exclusively Republican.

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