mweiss said:
Really? Then why is it that, in public opinion surveys, African-Americans of all types (though less so among inner-city ones) are found to be strongly in favor of:
- Prayer in schools
- Making abortions illegal
- Electing only Christians to office
- Personal responsibility
- Lower taxes
- Strong defense
That list sounds remarkably Republican. What they don't like is the good-ol-boy network, and the Jim Crow support that Thurmond brought to the party.
course they don't like the rich sticking it to them. Ask delldude how much
he likes having the rich stick it to him. And he's a Republican.
Michael, that tracks with my experience.
I hired out during summers to local farmers when I was eight. Most of the crew were black men, and they were a hard working lot. They would not tolerate a slacker, because we had to pick up the slack.
My first public job was the day I turned 16, at a grocery store. This was where I ran into welfare queens. And it galled me to bag steaks and pork chops they had not worked for, and carry it out to the 'duece and a quarter', while my family was scrimping by on the little bit me, my brother, and mom made.
So at a young age, I learned it takes all kinds. I heard all the BS about how a white man owes the black man - I always figured what I owed him was courtesy and a fair shake. I also heard how black folk, making out like kings on welfare, were the ruination of the country. I never could figure that out - if black folks had such a sweet rice bowl going, why wouldn't my redneck friends marry them, and encourage their kids to marry them, to get in on the action? Chris Rock is right - no white man would change places with him, "and he's rich!" And as I've aged, I am simply amazed that while personal welfare is castigated, corporate welfare is promoted.
Most of the black folk, working class as am I, that I am acquainted with come down on the Cosby side of personal responsibility, and are quite conservative.
And the only three welfare queens I know now are as white as Ivory Soap.
It doesn't matter what color or class one is, to be, as grandma used to say, "triflin' sorry'.
And it wasn't all THAT long ago that blacks voted exclusively Republican.