Hate to say it Weez he has kept them honest in the past. The world needs ballbusters
You know what WeAAsles......... I agree with you.Tim have you ever stopped to consider this possibility. You sir could perhaps be a megalomaniac?
Hate to say it Weez he has kept them honest in the past. The world needs ballbusters
Weez, your honest view on my team's chances to win the international election? Do you think i even get the required 25 nomination endorsements?C’mon Al. He goes after everybody though. He’s an equal opportunity PITA.
And don’t get me wrong here. He is great for chits and giggles sometimes.
Weez, your honest view on my team's chances to win the international election? Do you think i even get the required 25 nomination endorsements?
This election will immediately affect you. Sito will be eliminated from our negotiations and replaced with charlie brown. You know ill call cb out but i do think he has to have more impact on negotiations. Sito signed lousy united, mcgee, UGE contracts and is management. Districts will finally have their District negotiation teams once again in charge.
In simplest terms, because the iam doesnt want to be seen with the twu since the iam plan's on signing away health care but cant do so now since i forced an election. The deal is done, they just cant bring it back until the election is over.
I have stood with those in the association who are fighting corporate greed and have picketed even though its not politically prudent to do so. Its the right thing to do but i take a political beating when i demand that today is the day to negotiate. The iam has some of its members scared of negotiations thinking that the twu wants to eliminate our health care. Its a mind job how they made the twu the bad guy and not management. Gosh forbid baskett ever be seen at a picket. I work with 1300 twu peeps in ord and they hope to get our health care. Nonetheless our union bosses lie.
It is so sad that all these international officers have to pull all the politics into your union and nego's.
Tim I really do hope you guys will get to a JCBA soon, but I have a strong feeling it will not be industry leading as promised by the asso. as well as by GP in the updates. Keep up the info picketing. And here's to hope we all get new contracts in 2018...
So where is the Association negotiating this week?
Lol. Actually, they ordered the most expensive wine on the menu, so it could have been worse as the price of the wine was only limited by the menu.Does the location serve $1200 bottles of wine?
Agreed rat, it is...but in a tad bit of fairness, with the lack of meetings and progress, there really isn't much to discuss in regards to JCBA Negotiations.If this thread isn’t truly in the toilet it’s really really close
Dude, C'mon man? This thread has been in the toilet since the new asso. took over.If this thread isn’t truly in the toilet it’s really really close
How old is this thread?Dude, C'mon man? This thread has been in the toilet since the new asso. took over.
Dude, C'mon man? This thread has been in the toilet since the new asso. took over.