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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Why settle for parity with IAM counterparts when there is much more to be gained for both LAA and LUS members? If that is all the LAA members are after then I suspect the next comprehensive proposals put forth by the company in negotiations will be that and only that. With the exception of the LUS medical and changes to the current LUS MOU concerning scope. We're allowing ourselves to be boxed in with this picketing idea. An idea that was not discussed among the entire NC; but put into play none the less. Demonstrates a lack of communication and solidarity even within the NC. Not a good message to send to the company at this time IMO. Informational picketing, on the surface seems to be an effective strategy, yet when done at the wrong time and lacking coordination and full support, can be very counter productive to the better good of the entire group. BTW... the traveling public could care less. IMHO
I disagree about the picketing. Its an opportunity to build up the solidarity of the association and its very powerful as an image that we need to see but also the company needs to see. The pics from the dfw meeting today was impressive. But participation is the main way to build solidarity and speak the same language. The twu forced the picketing so we must join in. If clt or phl dont picket then all will see that as a negative.
And peeps gotta get on the same page in negotiations. The opening proposal seemed spot on where we asked to enhance lus medical. Is the twu not on board with that now?
Lus doesnt have to compromise anything we already have. For who? We are in position to gain...Big League!
We are in position to take. In bankruptcy we were in position to give. In the meantime, we have the best job protection. Some contracts have no layoff protection but we have no displacement. The company is the one with its nuts in the vice. Twist the vice hard!
A lot of "we's" in there Tim. I understand why you are a fan of the Association, can't say I blame you.
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Ok some people are back to talking about IAM and TWU as living breathing entities instead of a collection of "People"

One TWU "Person" who signed that letter is a fairly newly elected Fleet Service President. Did this MAN "Person" open his mouth (He has a historical problem in this area) and express the courtesy (Solidarity) to inform his IAM counterparts that this event was coming??????

Did even the other TWU Fleet Presidents know about it?????

i was told that he intended to contact the iam but also told that " i doubt they'll show up." it's been clear to me there is no solidarity and there won't be until the iam faces the threat of layoffs. they are full of igm'ers
I'm inviting you to join us on the 26th at DFW. Heck, why don't you bring Mr. Samuelson Too! I've invited him to come speak to us at DFW/DWH. So far nothing. See ya on the 26th CB.

you got a better chance of spotting bigfoot than seeing this guy or his sidekick prez in dfw on the 26th!
I understand your upset about the association. I agree with you. If I was the larger union ( by far ) I would have to ask why did we agree to the association. If you think about it, that kind of speaks volumes as to why the larger union felt like they needed to form an association.

only an imbecile would ask that question. another guy proclaiming to be a leader, smh. this assgroup is in real trouble
only an imbecile would ask that question. another guy proclaiming to be a leader, smh. this assgroup is in real trouble
How many times can someone put his foot in his mouth in like 16 words
yeah, cb are you that deluded/?. If that's the tone right now holy cow. Trumka single handily killing unions 2 at a time.. f-you and your officer pension that's not part of the greater good proletariat. albert, the mx guys working by the rules got us the raise last year. Imagine if Horton and the board get involved now. Due diligence. Dear God, someone better not make that pension mandatory in any of the contracts except for Weass, he can start a petition for himself all us twu will sign for him to join. hopefully he gets in the officer one.
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yeah, cb are you that deluded/?. If that's the tone right now holy cow. Trumka single handily killing unions 2 at a time.. f-you and your officer pension that's not part of the greater good proletariat. albert, the mx guys working by the rules got us the raise last year. Imagine if Horton and the board get involved now. Due diligence. Dear God, someone better not make that pension mandatory in any of the contracts except for Weass, he can start a petition for himself all us twu will sign for him to join. hopefully he gets in the officer one.

I would think working in Mia and since solidarity is so strong with you twu guys, you would know exactly what's going on?? You mean to tell me you don't? Wow that's surprising.

We don't claim this body, tag it John Doe.
Personally, I`d hope LAA move towards the better LUS medical. LUS should not have to lose that and LAA could certainly use the improvement to our plan.

That would be great and most of us would run towards that. However, the Company has worked very hard to get everyone else into the same and current LAA. It seems unlikely they would let the last group out of the plan while also giving an opening to other unions and work groups to argue for an alternative in subsequent negotiators.

Doubt anyone in the TWU hopes for the IAM to be forced into the LAA plan, but they also don't want what they see as inevitable to slow things down even further. It has to be expected for the NC to try and keep the LUS medical, but how much time they get to invest to reach that goal would be a debatable time line.
Speaking for fleet. I do wish the TWU guys would get more on board with demanding a better Insurance. Other than WeAAsles it seems most if not all are content on here with the current Laa insurance. I can assure you that it will take all 12 people at that table to have any chance of getting a better insurance than the LAA crap. And I don't uderstand why you have posters on here hell bent that we are going to the LAA insurance. Anyone that's been around for any length of time should know that once you give up insurance, your never getting it back. Why agree the the LAA insurance when this company is making billions. I just don't get it.

I've said it before, most in LAA would love to get the LUS medical and it is perfectly logical for the IAM to try and keep it.

The issue is that most of us in the LAA side have seen years of fighting to keep what we had go for naught.

Other unions, like the APA, APFA, CWA have already agreed to the LAA medical as did the TWU. All of us agreed to it during the AMR BK (CWA kept the door open with a letter they keep looking for an alternative but in the meantime they'd used the LAA plans) but we faced the same questions during years of mediated negotiations prior to the BK.

It seems the IAM could hold onto that piece for years to come in protracted negotiations, as we would do if the roles were reversed.

That last piece is where the TWU Members find their frustration since an extended fight on that means we can't recover other items the IAM currently enjoys, such as some of the double-time OT payment language, more holidays and enhanced holiday pay, ect., ect.

Please don't categorize the TWU Members as not caring as both sides have not done an adequate enough job to understand each other's point of view.
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