Tim Nelson
I disagree about the picketing. Its an opportunity to build up the solidarity of the association and its very powerful as an image that we need to see but also the company needs to see. The pics from the dfw meeting today was impressive. But participation is the main way to build solidarity and speak the same language. The twu forced the picketing so we must join in. If clt or phl dont picket then all will see that as a negative.Why settle for parity with IAM counterparts when there is much more to be gained for both LAA and LUS members? If that is all the LAA members are after then I suspect the next comprehensive proposals put forth by the company in negotiations will be that and only that. With the exception of the LUS medical and changes to the current LUS MOU concerning scope. We're allowing ourselves to be boxed in with this picketing idea. An idea that was not discussed among the entire NC; but put into play none the less. Demonstrates a lack of communication and solidarity even within the NC. Not a good message to send to the company at this time IMO. Informational picketing, on the surface seems to be an effective strategy, yet when done at the wrong time and lacking coordination and full support, can be very counter productive to the better good of the entire group. BTW... the traveling public could care less. IMHO
And peeps gotta get on the same page in negotiations. The opening proposal seemed spot on where we asked to enhance lus medical. Is the twu not on board with that now?