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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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No offence tray, but it would not be professional for him to nego. on here. But I will say you are correct. Why isn't this asso asking for industry leading everything? As promised by Parker.

No offense swamp, but why is AMFA taking 5 years over at SWA and now finally after holding so strong for so long about to roll over and accept binding Arbitration?

What a waste of time on that one.
Because it is dysfunctional. Every 2 years a change in who is in control. That's just suicidal. If the co. doesn't like the way one side is negotiating then the co. will drag out nego's just to get the other side back into control. With 2 very different unions taking turns of being in control every 2 years is VERY DISFUNTIONAL...
They control nothing! The two unions are still independent of each other. So there is no dysfunctional situation. The association collects no dues or has any members
They control nothing! The two unions are still independent of each other. So there is no dysfunctional situation. The association collects no dues or has any members
They run as independents, but they are in fact in the asso. as one as far as the NMB is concerned, and you know this. I am sorry if you cannot see that this asso. thing is totally dysfunctional. But keeping the blinders on will kill the membership in the long run.
They run as independents, but they are in fact in the asso. as one as far as the NMB is concerned, and you know this. I am sorry if you cannot see that this asso. thing is totally dysfunctional. But keeping the blinders on will kill the membership in the long run.
Sorry , you are incorrect! Two unions representative of one work force. The association is hollow
No offense swamp, but why is AMFA taking 5 years over at SWA and now finally after holding so strong for so long about to roll over and accept binding Arbitration?

What a waste of time on that one.
Amfa has accepted binding arbitration? Wow, as you said, what a waste of time.
If we were to go to binding arbitration right now, (just to be clear, not what I'm advocating)
I would bet we get another raise, and , our 401K would be enhanced from the 5.5% match to a contribution of at least some measure as Delta and United both have a contribution/match mix.

There would also be some things none of us would like, hence, the reason, I'm not advocating it.

In this current era of record airline profits, there should not have to be any arbitration, but if that in fact happens at SW, it will be an interesting watch to see the outcome.
Amfa has accepted binding arbitration? Wow, as you said, what a waste of time.
Not sure where you got that. No AMFA has NOT accepted any kind of binding arbitration. AMFA has not even made a comment about it as of yet. Pretty sure they are focusing on the next nego's sessions. And BTW, just to let you know, if we were to enter this new med-arb way of nego. it would not be binding on the membership, the membership would still get the option of voting yes or no on anything the med-arb make a decision on. It's a different style (according to the company) the company has said they will will in fact adhere to whatever the med-arb decision was and we would still get to vote. Our nego's starts up tomorrow thru the 19th. We will se where we go after that.
We all know there are protests planned that seem to be happening on a city by city basis. The premise is that it would influence negotiations as the Company would either feel pressure or want to avoid negative press.

OK. What if the results of this campaign is for the Company to throw us a comprehensive proposal on the table before even having an opportunity to discuss the most important articles in the JCBA which include Scope, Medical & Retirement?

There are only two people on here that I would have 99.9% confidence in that knows for sure what has and hasn't been discussed. That would be P. Rez and CB. I don't say 100% only because they are no longer in the room as the "big boys" are trying to hash it out, Executive Session I believe it's called.
Anything else falls into the he said she said category as we are not fully informed by the Association.
Do you really think this item of info picketing needs to come to the negotiating table? It does not belong at the negotiating table. Now I will agree with you 100% that who ever organized this picketing should have put calls out to the IAM, pres. to pres. and start a monolog on getting this thing organized from both sides. That's what SHOULD have happened. Now that it is set up and ready to go with dates and everything, I think it would be in the best interest for the IAM, TWU and the asso. for the IAM side to get involved. It would not be good for the IAM not to join in. The IAM could end up paying for it in the long run if they don't get on board. JMO.
On the TWU side, they said that they informed the IAM and that the IAM is just Bull Shiating. This confirmed from the DFW locals.
We all know there are protests planned that seem to be happening on a city by city basis. The premise is that it would influence negotiations as the Company would either feel pressure or want to avoid negative press.

OK. What if the results of this campaign is for the Company to throw us a comprehensive proposal on the table before even having an opportunity to discuss the most important articles in the JCBA which include Scope, Medical & Retirement?

The company isn't too fond of continuing the IAMNPF but, to get a deal, I'm fairly sure the company would yield on that one as I can't see Sito signing any deal that doesn't include the IAMNPF continual funding for current participants, and forced participants for all new hires, regardless of TWU or IAM, and a choice for all TWU peeps who are currently employees.

The IAM medical has already been discussed as well. Formally, both Association members have already breached the topic with management. Not sure if anyone in negotiations knows but it has been broadly discussed. Company isn't too keen on having 30,000 leave its medical and join the IAM medical. Not sure how that one will go but I don't think it will be a deal breaker for anyone. LUS will get one more year under the current plan as I've been told that Sito will stall until at least the new enrollment to give some cover for the newly unexpected election. After that, who knows if the IAM medical comes to be. But Sito definitely is going to get rid of our current cost after that, regardless of what any AGC thinks or says. Remember, AGC's don't stand up to Sito. I mean they think they do, but not on the deal breaker stuff.
Who knows about the IAM medical? I mean, just like Blue cross, it depends upon the cost and insurability. Blue cross, Aetna, etc have hundreds of plans just like car insurance, so just beause something says "IAM Medical" doesn't mean squat, the plan could be good or it could be bad. I'll have to read the language as well. Wouldn't want to get on any insurability issues where things have to be whacked or increased like the pension if things go south.

Scope, I know the company wanted a snapshot, i.e. no new stations, regardless of flight activity. Yea, the party line is that they haven't talked about scope yet. lol. Believe me, the company, and the two association members know the deal breakers and the broad subject matter already framed. I don't see the Association taking the snapshot idea. In fact, I'd say that is prolly a deal breaker for the Association. Gosh I hope I'm right on that cuz we need more stations. Company doesn't want to be in the catering business but I gotta think that is a deal breaker for us {Man, hope so], so I think we will keep catering. It survived 2 bankruptcies so it ought to be grandfathered like all small stations that we have. No reason for any current work to be traded off.
Bingo, we have a winner.
I heard in PHX that you are telling peeps that they don't have to worry about the IAMNPF because it is guaranteed. If you are telling peeps that, then did you tell them that only a certain % is guaranteed?

The guarantee is only up to a max of $35 per month by the PBGC. But the PBGC is fixing to run out of money for multi employer plans by 2025 unless the Republicans push for higher premiums. Guess who pays the higher premiums? Yep, the Plan, so that increases liabilities as well.

Now, I don't believe our pension will need any PBGC funds since the Plan Trustees will just cut to the bone and have us fund our 'unfunded status' every 6th or so year. I mean they could let the plan dip below the green but then it loses control on the cuts and triggers another whole mess.

Based on the full time company contribution: they will get the max guarantee of $35. Presently, our full time rate is $1.30 or around $56 monthly benefit.

If Full Time Bobby works 10 years, his pension would be guaranteed at: around $350 a month.

Presently, a full timer would make about $560 for 10 years.

The plan will need a cut within 18 months, maybe as early as 6 months. I think the cut will be to eliminate all unreduced funding policies. That would mean that we couldn't retire with our full pension until we are 65. Airline peeps wouldn't like that. Of course, the other alternative is to create a Schedule C. Who knows but something gotta give. Then something gotta give 6 or so years later, again.
There is no card drive going on at SWA.
We know. TWU tried once Teamsters tried twice and both were sent packing with their tails between their legs. They didn't even get a small amount of cards signed so they just gave up at the lack of interest. But all that was a while back. The lies that there is a current card drive at SWA is just that, lies...

On the TWU side, they said that they informed the IAM and that the IAM is just Bull Shiating. This confirmed from the DFW locals.
Ok. Thx for the heads up. Does not look good to me. Typical BS with having these two very different unions.
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