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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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That would be great and most of us would run towards that. However, the Company has worked very hard to get everyone else into the same and current LAA. It seems unlikely they would let the last group out of the plan while also giving an opening to other unions and work groups to argue for an alternative in subsequent negotiators.

Doubt anyone in the TWU hopes for the IAM to be forced into the LAA plan, but they also don't want what they see as inevitable to slow things down even further. It has to be expected for the NC to try and keep the LUS medical, but how much time they get to invest to reach that goal would be a debatable time line.

Thankfully you have ZERO influence or voice for anything having to do with these Negotiations anyway, so.

Mr Irrelevant.
I've said it before, most in LAA would love to get the LUS medical and it is perfectly logical for the IAM to try and keep it.

The issue is that most of us in the LAA side have seen years of fighting to keep what we had go for naught.

Other unions, like the APA, APFA, CWA have already agreed to the LAA medical as did the TWU. All of us agreed to it during the AMR BK (CWA kept the door open with a letter they keep looking for an alternative but in the meantime they'd used the LAA plans) but we faced the same questions during years of mediated negotiations prior to the BK.

It seems the IAM could hold onto that piece for years to come in protracted negotiations, as we would do if the roles were reversed.

That last piece is where the TWU Members find their frustration since an extended fight on that means we can't recover other items the IAM currently enjoys, such as some of the double-time OT payment language, more holidays and enhanced holiday pay, ect., ect.

Please don't categorize the TWU Members as not caring as both sides have not done an adequate enough job to understand each other's point of view.

The understood point of view is that you are more than willing to continue to give up and give away whatever you can to see this concluded. No. TWU members do not think like you even though you want them to.

BTW why can't you get this through your THICK as HELL scull?

The AMR Management is NOT here at AA anymore.
This Airline is now AAG not AMR. We are NOT Bankrupt anymore. Tom Horton is not the CEO and your buddy Del Valle who knows, who cares where he went.

You just want to be right so badly that you don't care how much it costs TWU Members. You WANT to keep our Medical costs just because your ego couldn't handle being wrong again if we don't.

You're a real sicko.
Stay on point, your childish and personal remarks contribute nothing.
The understood point of view is that you are more than willing to continue to give up and give away whatever you can to see this concluded. No. TWU members do not think like you even though you want them to.

BTW why can't you get this through your THICK as HELL scull?

The AMR Management is NOT here at AA anymore.
This Airline is now AAG not AMR. We are NOT Bankrupt anymore. Tom Horton is not the CEO and your buddy Del Valle who knows, who cares where he went.

You just want to be right so badly that you don't care how much it costs TWU Members. You WANT to keep our Medical costs just because your ego couldn't handle being wrong again if we don't.

You're a real sicko.
If NYer is right then what would be the catalyst for the IAM to accept on giving up their cheap healthcare or will they drag negotiations to a stand still??
If NYer is right then what would be the catalyst for the IAM to accept on giving up their cheap healthcare or will they drag negotiations to a stand still??

If the number is 7% and 21% of the Medical cost as President Peterson stated in his video, then there's a 14% area of wiggle room available as I see it.

If NYer is right then what would be the catalyst for the IAM to accept on giving up their cheap healthcare or will they drag negotiations to a stand still??
The medical benefits are a hard topic here. Very easy to see the difficult problem with 2 different arrangements. I may be wrong but to my knowledge medical costs have not even been talked about in negotiations. Here it has been a year and a half and major issues not even discussed. Kcat, I think a stand still is for sure in line if we ever progress to negotiating the medical issues,.Here the company is like a cash register with wings and they leave us at 5 holidays and 5 sick days. I can't wait to hear the company's view on healthcare.
Heard Sito had a "shiat fit" and tossed a barbie tantrum. Sito is pro management and prolly ran to management assuring them that the iam has its back. Twu getting a good dose of the lame iam right now. Sito may put out a letter from what i heard as pressure exposes him as a company shill.
Gotcha thx for that. I still hope the IAM steps up to show unity.

And pay no attention to WeAAsles, he just wants me to work till Im 80.
Many on here no longer do pay any attention to him. It helps to use the ignore feature for him and 2 others out here.

I told you but you dont listen. Sito is with management. Sorry.
It's cool Tim, I believe you...
Gotcha thx for that. I still hope the IAM steps up to show unity.

Many on here no longer do pay any attention to him. It helps to use the ignore feature for him and 2 others out here.

It's cool Tim, I believe you...
Imagine inviting yourself over someones house where you are clearly not wanted and then ignoring them. That's balls, you must have a set like a Baboon
There isnt any convincing reason to give those things up. And our picketing would be our voice that we dont wanna give those things up but to gain.

But if the iam stands down and disses the twu then it will come back to haunt them. Believe me. And giving up health care, etc, would be the exact sorta thing id expect from a leadership that doesnt have the decency to participate against management. Members wont be to blame.
I agree, it will haunt them. They may forget the TWU members way out weigh the IAM side when the time comes.

Personally, I`d hope LAA move towards the better LUS medical. LUS should not have to lose that and LAA could certainly use the improvement to our plan.
Hog, I would think that this asso. would want and at least TRY to get the best of both contracts into this JCBA. For reasons that I can't see the IAM willing to give up the larger parts that they have, and the TWU would want what they have the larger parts of. But it seems as I have already read that this asso. NC is willing to cater to the lower end side of the TWU contract in the JCBA which is just pathetic and sad. In these record times of profits I would think the members would want the best of both contracts in the JCBA.
Imagine inviting yourself over someones house where you are clearly not wanted and then ignoring them. That's balls, you must have a set like a Baboon

I've heard that there's a card drive that's started up over at SWA to oust AMFA and it's been gaining a lot of steam.
Good response to not answer my question. i thought we were on the same page up to this point. We have had very detailed discussions and I would say up to this point have a very good contract in the making. My point is that several TWU posters have asked where is the IAM and the solidarity. So my question to you again is. Do you consider it solidarity if the TWU never brought this to the table to the IAM side?? Simple question imo.
Do you really think this item of info picketing needs to come to the negotiating table? It does not belong at the negotiating table. Now I will agree with you 100% that who ever organized this picketing should have put calls out to the IAM, pres. to pres. and start a monolog on getting this thing organized from both sides. That's what SHOULD have happened. Now that it is set up and ready to go with dates and everything, I think it would be in the best interest for the IAM, TWU and the asso. for the IAM side to get involved. It would not be good for the IAM not to join in. The IAM could end up paying for it in the long run if they don't get on board. JMO.
Why do people continue to call the association dysfunctional, it was created to only anchor the two unions together, nothing more. A facade , with no departments, no association workers, no emblem , no home and no true identity! What is dysfunctional are the two unions from the very start in trying to work with each other?
Because it is dysfunctional. Every 2 years a change in who is in control. That's just suicidal. If the co. doesn't like the way one side is negotiating then the co. will drag out nego's just to get the other side back into control. With 2 very different unions taking turns of being in control every 2 years is VERY DISFUNTIONAL...
Because it is dysfunctional. Every 2 years a change in who is in control. That's just suicidal. If the co. doesn't like the way one side is negotiating then the co. will drag out nego's just to get the other side back into control. With 2 very different unions taking turns of being in control every 2 years is VERY DISFUNTIONAL...

swamp you're being called out and challenged in your own thread in your own house and you ran away like a little girl. Go defend and debate your position.

Stand up proud for your Union man. WTF?
Tell you what CB, LAA will get on board and demand that we get the very best Health insurance in the industry, even better than the LUS insurance, right here, right now.
American is making so much money, they don't know what to do with it.
I'll start:
This should be THE watershed contract, across the board.
Now, how about we start to hear you and ever other member of the NC to start demanding an industry leading 401K Contribution for every member that wants it instead of the IAMPF?
The 5.5% match is bankruptcy language, it's now time to march forward in the era of record profits in the billions yearly. Should be nothing less than a 10% Contribution and really should be 12%. That would be commensurate with Americans dramatic improvement in their financial position.

I have to admit, you have some serious stones to ask this , as if to say , all of TWU was down with joining the association.
Jim Little = ONE PERSON, did this to us, without any vote.
If there was a vote, very likely both the IAM and TWU would be gone.

And btw, you are correct, the larger union should have been the one to stay, just like the pilots and FA's did it.
Consider yourselves very fortunate there were enough corrupt folks at the top to make the Association happen.
No offence tray, but it would not be professional for him to nego. on here. But I will say you are correct. Why isn't this asso asking for industry leading everything? As promised by Parker.
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