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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Sorry I'm in negotiations the 26th or I would be there. Look, I'm not trying to bring division. But as a district officer for the IAM that's at the negotiating table, I'm not going to let the IAM take all the heat about no solidarity. Maybe we have a different opinion on what solidarity is. I respect your commitment or you wouldnt even be on here posting. I'm just saying imo opinion it was handled wrong to solidify the association or solidarity. But I do believe we will get passed this. But to the TWU guys on here, Dont you have to wonder why when you had the majority of the numbers by far, that you felt the need to form an association. Yes I know the reasons for the asssociation. But if I was confident in my union, and I had the surperior numbers, I wouldn't have needed an association. But who Knows? Let's chalk it up to Trumpka pulling the strings.
Charlie Brown, don't try to over think on why the TWU did what it did , you'll give yourself a aneurysm. Our way of thinking needs to change for the better or we are doomed.
Hey man you're biting down a little hard now. Let's be fair here. BOTH sides had plenty of reasons (good and bad) to want and maybe even in many ways "need" to form this Association.

There's a LOT of potential it can have. Totally up to all of us to figure that out though.

(BTW I'd bet "anyone" here $1000.00 that good old Jerry Glasses is either reading or getting a nice full report)
Oh I agree that the IAM side had plenty of reasons for the association. We by far had less numbers than the TWU, and we also needed to protect our members seniority as much as possible, along with other issues. I guess what I'm trying to say is I can understand the bitterness some TWU members might have for the association if my union had the superior numbers, meaning over 50% of the combined work group. And I could have petitioned the nmb to be the surviving union of the merged group since I was the only union with more than 50%. There wouldn't have been an election unless the IAM had been able to get hundreds of cards singed in a short period of time. So I understand the bitterness if I'm twu. But yes the IAM had plenty of reasons for wanting the association being the union without 50% of the members.
And yes I'm sure Jerry is getting a nice full report, but just wanted to give the IAM,s side on solidarity, since several post was on here about "where is the IAM ". But I'll get off of here for now, and wish us all good luck in the next two weeks of negotiations.
First signed on here in 2011, but up until the now, or the last 28 posts, the rest has been nothing but chit, garbage, and worthless distructive banter. Post #11000-11028 has been some of the finest post I have seen on this Blog yet! I have been lurking and not really wanting to contribute anything to the many discussion floating from subject to subject, but the subject of the upcoming picket, I do have a opinion.
The optics pointed towards the airlines by the public eye have never looked worse. Ask anyone if they had a bad experience with American, or any airline for that matter, and chances are they can recall within split second, something that will linger with them for a long time. Not to mention that anyone having a bad experience on a airline is public knowledge within seconds. The general public couldn't care less if we have healthcare that is in line with national averages and we find that too expensive, or the fact we make now more that 42.14% more than typical labor nationwide. So what is this
info-demonstration all about? What do you want to convey to the public? If it UNITY! it should start at the heads of the locals first. LAA has a nasty rep for treating outsiders like chit. It's just ingrained in the DNA of anyone that has more that 25 years or more. The TWA clerks have never been treated with an ounce of respect from day one. The point I'm making is that if UNITY isn't made on our own locally, and with good intentions and good faith, this info-picket should not happen. PERIOD! Not until the IAM and TWU agree to do this together with no reservations.

Thank you - I will continue to lurk.
Sorry I'm in negotiations the 26th or I would be there. Look, I'm not trying to bring division. But as a district officer for the IAM that's at the negotiating table, I'm not going to let the IAM take all the heat about no solidarity. Maybe we have a different opinion on what solidarity is. I respect your commitment or you wouldnt even be on here posting. I'm just saying imo opinion it was handled wrong to solidify the association or solidarity. But I do believe we will get passed this. But to the TWU guys on here, Dont you have to wonder why when you had the majority of the numbers by far, that you felt the need to form an association. Yes I know the reasons for the asssociation. But if I was confident in my union, and I had the surperior numbers, I wouldn't have needed an association. But who Knows? Let's chalk it up to Trumpka pulling the strings.
Or , We'll could have had a Big ol Pissing Match about what Union is best. Union Members bashing, trashing, and assaulting each other far worse then what is happening on this forum . CB and I lived that and were Employees @ Will for 8 + yrs . My TWU AA Brothers/Sisters you have never worked with out a Union/CBA and have no idea what that's like. DB/AA with the help of Lawyers,Marketing Firms, and our own Anti-Union Members would spend millions $$$ to get rid of both Unions . BOHICA ! would be the policy on a daily basis. Stay strong CB and F/S Ass. JCBAC. Those of us who have lived it, get it ! and got your back . Carry on CHEERS !
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Sorry I'm in negotiations the 26th or I would be there. Look, I'm not trying to bring division. But as a district officer for the IAM that's at the negotiating table, I'm not going to let the IAM take all the heat about no solidarity. Maybe we have a different opinion on what solidarity is. I respect your commitment or you wouldnt even be on here posting. I'm just saying imo opinion it was handled wrong to solidify the association or solidarity. But I do believe we will get passed this. But to the TWU guys on here, Dont you have to wonder why when you had the majority of the numbers by far, that you felt the need to form an association. Yes I know the reasons for the asssociation. But if I was confident in my union, and I had the surperior numbers, I wouldn't have needed an association. But who Knows? Let's chalk it up to Trumpka pulling the strings.

In negotiations on the 26th? Heck, thats a good enough reason to miss the protest. You guys at the table take care of business. We will do our part to support you guys. I hope the picket will revitalize the negotiating committee. For all the criticism you guys take. it is certainly a job I would not want. As far as division goes, it is built in to the association by structure and the way it was imposed on us. We have division with in the TWU itself, all the way down to the local level. My personal example, I`m making $1.05/hr less on midnights at DWH than my counterpart working midnights at DFW hangar. Same work,schedule and qualification. Yet because we are a maintenance "base", we are compensated less. I trust the negotiating committee will rectify that little disparity. Good luck in the July negotiations CB. Bring this thing home!!! -Hog
DFW peeps, be on the look out for HD rolling bulletin boards as the protest draws near. They should be a great attention getter. I don't think we are going for sympathy from the public. Rather publicly calling out the company to keep their word of an industry leading contract and to highlight the outsourcing of good American jobs to third world countries. See you guys and gals on the 26th!
Speaking for fleet. I do wish the TWU guys would get more on board with demanding a better Insurance. Other than WeAAsles it seems most if not all are content on here with the current Laa insurance. I can assure you that it will take all 12 people at that table to have any chance of getting a better insurance than the LAA crap. And I don't uderstand why you have posters on here hell bent that we are going to the LAA insurance. Anyone that's been around for any length of time should know that once you give up insurance, your never getting it back. Why agree the the LAA insurance when this company is making billions. I just don't get it.
I have to remember to post this when the contract comes out and we have AA insurance. 80-90 thousand people already have the AA insurance doubt they will make an exception for us and to be honest I really don't hear any of those 90 thousand complaining
I have to remember to post this when the contract comes out and we have AA insurance. 80-90 thousand people already have the AA insurance doubt they will make an exception for us and to be honest I really don't hear any of those 90 thousand complaining

Why should you go from paying 7% of the Medical expense expected cost to 21% Al?

Just because others are?
Weez I think something might be off with that. You are saying my costs are going to triple?I would have heard a lot of rumbling from CSA's if that were the case
Did any thought go into picking the 26th for a date? What with earnings on the 28th
Weez I think something might be off with that. You are saying my costs are going to triple?I would have heard a lot of rumbling from CSA's if that were the case

Total cost Al. That includes out of pocket monthly and deductibles.
Weez I think something might be off with that. You are saying my costs are going to triple?I would have heard a lot of rumbling from CSA's if that were the case

And I was informed that PMUS Agents were not under the IAM plans, so they wouldn't have had anything to rumble over.
Picket information meeting at DWH. Held in front of managements Hangar operations center (HOC)
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