I`m guessing the IAM is fat,dumb and happy. Why rock the boat? They have better holidays,overtime, holiday pay,shift differential and cheaper medical. The TWU membership has had it. We are pushing back and want to, at a minimum, enjoy parity with our IAM counterparts. It`s up to the IAM if they want in this fight. They are certainly welcome to join us at DFW on July 26th. AMTs, FSC, Facilities maintenance,Pilots and Flight attendants are all coming together that day. I`d hope the IAM shows up as well. Will this protest push the company to the table? No, but it is a push in the right direction. It is a building block to help get this thing done. Hopefully it will push the momentum and keep rolling thru other stations. IMHO, ORD got the ball rolling with their heated town hall meeting. I`m looking forward to the 26th. I hope to see our IAM brothers and sisters standing with us. -HOG