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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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The Association...a fine oiled machine running on all cylinders. CB, you have come on here in the past and stressed how well you guys get along and how you all are striving for the same thing. That comment above says otherwise. Sorry sir, many of us on the board called it from day one. Now a hint of "blame game" seeping out...I'll just chalk it up to frustration! 🙂
Leaders change. Maybe samuelson or the new dfw guys werent around 2 months ago. Ill take CB at his word. He is good for it. We got time to square it up.
Ok some people are back to talking about IAM and TWU as living breathing entities instead of a collection of "People"

One TWU "Person" who signed that letter is a fairly newly elected Fleet Service President. Did this MAN "Person" open his mouth (He has a historical problem in this area) and express the courtesy (Solidarity) to inform his IAM counterparts that this event was coming??????

Did even the other TWU Fleet Presidents know about it?????
Good response to not answer my question. i thought we were on the same page up to this point. We have had very detailed discussions and I would say up to this point have a very good contract in the making. My point is that several TWU posters have asked where is the IAM and the solidarity. So my question to you again is. Do you consider it solidarity if the TWU never brought this to the table to the IAM side?? Simple question imo.
Valid point.
Ok some people are back to talking about IAM and TWU as living breathing entities instead of a collection of "People"

One TWU "Person" who signed that letter is a fairly newly elected Fleet Service President. Did this MAN "Person" open his mouth (He has a historical problem in this area) and express the courtesy (Solidarity) to inform his IAM counterparts that this event was coming??????

Did even the other TWU Fleet Presidents know about it?????
Peterson and fa clearly said this was from samuelson. But whatever the case, it can be worked out where both picket at all gubs including phl and clt.
Good response to not answer my question. i thought we were on the same page up to this point. We have had very detailed discussions and I would say up to this point have a very good contract in the making. My point is that several TWU posters have asked where is the IAM and the solidarity. So my question to you again is. Do you consider it solidarity if the TWU never brought this to the table to the IAM side?? Simple question imo.

Nope. No solidarity at all. It's just another indicator of how big a failure the association is. I'm sorry you did not get a golden invite to the activities on the 26th. Maybe you should be asking your people why that is. Solidarity huh? While the IAM continues to reap the benefits of this merger and enjoys a better can. You want Solidarity? We want parity. We want to be treated equally as our IAM counterparts.
The Association...a fine oiled machine running on all cylinders. CB, you have come on here in the past and stressed how well you guys get along and how you all are striving for the same thing. That comment above says otherwise. Sorry sir, many of us on the board called it from day one. Now a hint of "blame game" seeping out...I'll just chalk it up to frustration! 🙂
You can chalk it up to whatever you want. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I know what I have posted before about the association. The TWU guys have some great guys. The problem is your team has changed 4 times since we have been in negotiations for the fleet side. I said on here before, and I'll say it again, one of the sharpest guys you had on the team was Brian Oyer and he was voted out. I get along fine with all the TWU guys. BUT!!! A couple of twu local presidents planned this info picketing on their own with no mention on the fleet side anyway to the negotiating team. And then people want to get on here and ask where is the IAM. Doesn't sound to me like they wanted to include the IAM. Maybe you should ask your own guys. Like I said. I mean what I say. I thought we all did get along. Maybe the twu guys feel different. I guess you'll have to ask them. But I can tell you this with 100% certainty. The IAM would have never planned a info picket without bringing it to the table and the association first. Imo that's solidarity.
Nope. No solidarity at all. It's just another indicator of how big a failure the association is. I'm sorry you did not get a golden invite to the activities on the 26th. Maybe you should be asking your people why that is. Solidarity huh? While the IAM continues to reap the benefits of this merger and enjoys a better can. You want Solidarity? We want parity. We want to be treated equally as our IAM counterparts.
I understand your upset about the association. I agree with you. If I was the larger union ( by far ) I would have to ask why did we agree to the association. If you think about it, that kind of speaks volumes as to why the larger union felt like they needed to form an association.
I understand your upset about the association. I agree with you. If I was the larger union ( by far ) I would have to ask why did we agree to the association. If you think about it, that kind of speaks volumes as to why the larger union felt like they needed to form an association.

The association came about from fear. Fear of losing members and most importantly dues. This illegitimate unelected association was Trumpkas baby. He was more concerned with dues and membership numbers. Than he was with what those members wanted. Until there is an legitimate election. We will have these issues. Now is not the time for that or infighting. Now is the time to focus and get this jcba done. LAA had to get over our flex vc being taken away arbitrarily. Now you can get over the lack of a golden invite to the 26th. I'm inviting you to join us on the 26th at DFW. Heck, why don't you bring Mr. Samuelson Too! I've invited him to come speak to us at DFW/DWH. So far nothing. See ya on the 26th CB.
Nope. No solidarity at all. It's just another indicator of how big a failure the association is. I'm sorry you did not get a golden invite to the activities on the 26th. Maybe you should be asking your people why that is. Solidarity huh? While the IAM continues to reap the benefits of this merger and enjoys a better can. You want Solidarity? We want parity. We want to be treated equally as our IAM counterparts.
That explains everything. Your group is shooting low and asking for parity with us. Why would we sign such a ridiculous thing when we arent wanting to spin wheels but gain millions?
That explains everything. Your group is shooting low and asking for parity with us. Why would we sign such a ridiculous thing when we arent wanting to spin wheels but gain millions?

Parity is but a starting point Tim. Nowhere to go but up for all.
The association came about from fear. Fear of losing members and most importantly dues. This illegitimate unelected association was Trumpkas baby. He was more concerned with dues and membership numbers. Than he was with what those members wanted. Until there is an legitimate election. We will have these issues. Now is not the time for that or infighting. Now is the time to focus and get this jcba done. LAA had to get over our flex vc being taken away arbitrarily. Now you can get over the lack of a golden invite to the 26th. I'm inviting you to join us on the 26th at DFW. Heck, why don't you bring Mr. Samuelson Too! I've invited him to come speak to us at DFW/DWH. So far nothing. See ya on the 26th CB.
Sorry I'm in negotiations the 26th or I would be there. Look, I'm not trying to bring division. But as a district officer for the IAM that's at the negotiating table, I'm not going to let the IAM take all the heat about no solidarity. Maybe we have a different opinion on what solidarity is. I respect your commitment or you wouldnt even be on here posting. I'm just saying imo opinion it was handled wrong to solidify the association or solidarity. But I do believe we will get passed this. But to the TWU guys on here, Dont you have to wonder why when you had the majority of the numbers by far, that you felt the need to form an association. Yes I know the reasons for the asssociation. But if I was confident in my union, and I had the surperior numbers, I wouldn't have needed an association. But who Knows? Let's chalk it up to Trumpka pulling the strings.
Why do people continue to call the association dysfunctional, it was created to only anchor the two unions together, nothing more. A facade , with no departments, no association workers, no emblem , no home and no true identity! What is dysfunctional are the two unions from the very start in trying to work with each other?
Sorry I'm in negotiations the 26th or I would be there. Look, I'm not trying to bring division. But as a district officer for the IAM that's at the negotiating table, I'm not going to let the IAM take all the heat about no solidarity. Maybe we have a different opinion on what solidarity is. I respect your commitment or you wouldnt even be on here posting. I'm just saying imo opinion it was handled wrong to solidify the association or solidarity. But I do believe we will get passed this. But to the TWU guys on here, Dont you have to wonder why when you had the majority of the numbers by far, that you felt the need to form an association. Yes I know the reasons for the asssociation. But if I was confident in my union, and I had the surperior numbers, I wouldn't have needed an association. But who Knows? Let's chalk it up to Trumpka pulling the strings.

Hey man you're biting down a little hard now. Let's be fair here. BOTH sides had plenty of reasons (good and bad) to want and maybe even in many ways "need" to form this Association.

There's a LOT of potential it can have. Totally up to all of us to figure that out though.

(BTW I'd bet "anyone" here $1000.00 that good old Jerry Glasses is either reading or getting a nice full report)
Why do people continue to call the association dysfunctional, it was created to only anchor the two unions together, nothing more. A facade , with no departments, no association workers, no emblem , no home and no true identity! What is dysfunctional are the two unions from the very start in trying to work with each other?

Actually it's more like us Human Beings who are occasionally a little dysfunctional.
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