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It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

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Last time I checked we still lived in a democracy. If one feels the right to express themselves through a sickout then so be it! Management has, and never will listen to the employees. If a sickout is the answer to get their attention then they have every right. Keep in mind, this is NOT a Union sacntioned event but instead a group who is trying to get Managements attention. Those on here advocate finding other ways to get one's point across, but they never come up with any ideas on how to do that. Why? Perhaps because they know how management is. Things need to change. This economy is picking up, but AA continues to cry WOLF. Flight Attendants continue to be reassigned, work on days off and work under extreme exhaustion. :angry:
Flyboy4u said:
Last time I checked we still lived in a democracy. If one feels the right to express themselves through a sickout then so be it! Management has, and never will listen to the employees. If a sickout is the answer to get their attention then they have every right. Keep in mind, this is NOT a Union sacntioned event but instead a group who is trying to get Managements attention. Those on here advocate finding other ways to get one's point across, but they never come up with any ideas on how to do that. Why? Perhaps because they know how management is. Things need to change. This economy is picking up, but AA continues to cry WOLF. Flight Attendants continue to be reassigned, work on days off and work under extreme exhaustion. :angry:
YOu know, it's a good thing that the FA's who take this step are "protected" by a union, however worthless it or it's leadership might be. Try that stunt in an non-union environment and you'd get management's attention for sure...along with the justly deserved pink slip. The bad part for those who do is this...the alienated customers who are impacted will not be upset with American Airlines...they'll be upset with the UNION, who didn't sanction the move in the first place. It might make the "sick" ones feel good, but in the process, they've hurt their company financially, they've hurt the reputation of their union (and unions in general) because the public will look at this as a labor dispute...and "labor" equals "union", and ulitmately they hurt themselves. You're right...it IS a democracy we're in...and if you're in a service industry that happens to operate airplanes, you might be better served to exercise your right to find other employment rather than muck up your customers plans.
TWAnr said:
Don't delude yourself.

You may not have given your name, but you gave an email address. Every message which you post has your IP address and posting time recorded. That information can be traced to a phone number or a cable connection. It is really quite simple. All the AA needs to do is to issue subpoenas to the ISP and the phone or cable company for their records in order to identify the likes of WRX, who are advocating the sickout. It will not be difficult to persuade a federal district judge in the DFW area to approve such subpoenas. If you use a public computer, the email address you used to register to this site can also provide clues about who you are.

How do you think they identified the parents of the teenagers who are being sued because their kids downloaded music illegally? Surely those computer wiz kids were savvy enough not to provide their true names or their parents' identities.

Big brother is here.
Yeah your IP may be available on this BB. AA can try and do something with it but, it will not go anywhere. This is a BB not owned or operated by AMR. I don't think the people who operate this BB would want to get involved, it would be a waste of their time. If the union doesn't sanction it, then the union is not liable for what its membership does. AA can try and sue each of us, but like Wing said, it would be way to hard. You can't fire, demote or take corrective action against an employee who calls in sick. That would set up for a lawsuit against AA! Besides maybe this "FLU" isn't really going to happen. Have you ever thought that maybe it's a scare tatic by the AA f/a's?

The public will understand why we're doing it, if it happens. Just look at the UFCW workers on strike in Southern California and the MTA employees in Los Angeles. The public is supporting their cause becasue everyone is tired of CORPORATE GREED!
wrx said:
Besides maybe this "FLU" isn't really going to happen. Have you ever thought that maybe it's a scare tatic by the AA f/a's?

The public will understand why we're doing it, if it happens. Just look at the UFCW workers on strike in Southern California and the MTA employees in Los Angeles. The public is supporting their cause becasue everyone is tired of CORPORATE GREED!
Then that would be the most boneheaded tactic I have ever heard of...send customers...read that as MONEY away from your airline with the threat of a sick out and then complain because your airline won't pay you more MONEY, which they have less of because you fools sent business away from yourselves.

Here in redneck Kansas, Safeway employees (members of the UFCW) thought they would "teach" those who shopped Safeway during a strike here by throwing nails around the parking lot. Nobody felt outrage at Safeway's corporate greed, but the union wasn't particularly well liked. FWIW, they closed the stores, sold it to a non union outfit - where they are doing a thriving business today.

MTA's "corporate greed" is the government of LA. But I didn't think mass transit was that important in Southern California.
KCFlyer said:
MTA's "corporate greed" is the government of LA. But I didn't think mass transit was that important in Southern California.
It's to 500,000 people in LA! They say these are the people who only make between $12K and $15K per year. Tons of school kids ride the MTA, because of the way the LA school system is set up. So the answer to your question is, YES it's important to lots of people.
wrx said:
It's to 500,000 people in LA! They say these are the people who only make between $12K and $15K per year. Tons of school kids ride the MTA, because of the way the LA school system is set up. So the answer to your question is, YES it's important to lots of people.
Which corporation in the city do they feel is greedy?
I wouldn't do it if I were you, all of you voted on the concession if you did not want it then you should have voted NO like me, it was voted in so now we must live with it and learn, maybe the next time all of us will vote NO and we won't have to live with the worst contracts in the Industry, We all had our chance to stand up to the company and the majority chose to cower down and give the company what they wanted. So live with it untill the next contract
KCFlyer said:
Which corporation in the city do they feel is greedy?
LA is not a corporation. They're blaming the city council and managers for not negotiating fairly.

Passengers who fly AA will support us if we do or don't have a "FLU", this holiday season. They all know that the AMR executives are greedy. AMR showed their true colors when the story leaked about the 45 executives, pensions.

It's obvious pax will support us. If I recall you have already "booked away" on Delta!

I voted NO on the concessions and I will vote NO again and again and again. The first vote was a NO and it should have stayed. But no our SELL OUT UNION PRESIDENT and THE NATIONAL OFFICERS decided it was best to extend the vote an extra day, after AA begged them to do it. This is a direct violation of the APFA Constitution and Bylaws. John Ward still hasen't reponded to my letter on how much $$$ he took to sell us out.

I think you're a little out-of-touch with your passengers and how they think.

Quite frankly, if I pay to fly on your airline during the holidays, and a flight attendant sickout causes a cancellation to my flight or causes me to be late to my destination, WHY would I have ANY reason to support the AA flight attendants? Sure, your customers are supportive and understanding UNTIL your job actions cause problems on their flight. Watch and see how long your customers will be supportive then.

From a common passenger's perspective, YES, Carty was a shmuck for trying to coax concessions out of the flight attendants while still giving retention bonuses to the executives. And most of all, he was a shmuck for trying to hide it. But any of your passengers who know anything about the struggles at AA right now are ALSO aware that Carty is gone. And that's really about all the common AA flyer knows or cares about.

Your airline is in trouble. Last time I checked, AA is still losing money. The only way your airline will get healthy and start recalling employees is if they start making money. Remember, it was financial losses that led to all this downsizing in the first place. A sickout by the flight attendants may sound like a great way to exact your revenge on AA, but in the larger picture, it only does more damage to you in that it causes your airline to lose MORE money. They won't recall flight attendants just to cover a sickout. Or if they do, they'll soon lay them off again, because once the holiday sickout is over, they're again left with too many flight attendants. Not to mention all the more money that AA just lost during the sickout. So help me understand how a sickout is beneficial to the flight attendants or AA? If it's a statement you're trying to make, then I think there are a lot more constructive ways to make it.

And don't delude yourself in to thinking you have your customers' support if you want to do a sickout. You don't. Quite frankly, if you are responsible for screwing up a customer's holiday plans because you and your co-workers decide to play sick, the customer could CARE LESS about your cause. If anything, they'll turn against you. Don't make the innocent customer, who's paying your bills by flying AA, the pawn in your game against management. Find some other way, but don't make the customer the victim here. Trust me on this one.

Fly safe, bro.

Then do us a favor and write a letter to AA Executives and tell them to start treating their employees will respect. Maybe if the pax of AA start to do this they will listen to reason. You're only one of millions who fly on AA each year. The people I have spoke to will support us. If pax "book away" and they loose more $$$, then AA will listen. Sometimes in this industry this is what it takes. I don't like to do this to our pax, but It's not always about the people who fly on us. We have to watch out for our careers and future, just like you do. 😉
LA is not a corporation. They're blaming the city council and managers for not negotiating fairly.

So I guess I'm missing how that is construed as "corporate greed".

Passengers who fly AA will support us if we do or don't have a "FLU", this holiday season. They all know that the AMR executives are greedy. AMR showed their true colors when the story leaked about the 45 executives, pensions.

Don't confuse a guy who is "captive" in DFW as "supporting your cause". Here's a little known fact you might find useful...99.9% of the customers of any given airline don't know the name of it's CEO, unless they read the inflight magazine. And even then, it's iffy.

It's obvious pax will support us. If I recall you have already "booked away" on Delta!

You call that support? I call that just another month more before you'll see any changes in your compensation package. You need revenues to create profits to allow the company to even consider improving your compensation. Yet you somehow view that as a "win". Or do you ordinarily use a .38 to cure a headache?

I voted NO on the concessions and I will vote NO again and again and again. The first vote was a NO and it should have stayed. But no our SELL OUT UNION PRESIDENT and THE NATIONAL OFFICERS decided it was best to extend the vote an extra day, after AA begged them to do it. This is a direct violation of the APFA Constitution and Bylaws. John Ward still hasen't reponded to my letter on how much $$$ he took to sell us out.

Just thank your lucky stars that your sellout union president will go to bat for you and other FA's who might "feel ill" over the holidays. In a non-union workplace, you'd not be allowed back on the property.
KCFlyer said:
So I guess I'm missing how that is construed as "corporate greed".
That's because you line in Kansas. 😀

Thank your lucky stars you don't work for a greedy compnay.

wrx said:
I don't think the people who operate this BB would want to get involved, it would be a waste of their time.
They will comply with a subpoena for those records because they do not have deep enough pockets to get involved in a long drawn out legal battle with AMR.

You can't fire, demote or take corrective action against an employee who calls in sick.

They sure can if they can prove, using records from this web site, that you helped organize or promote this unsanctioned sickout.
wrx said:
They're blaming the city council and managers for not negotiating fairly.
The MTA is an autonomous governmental agency which is separate and independent from the Los Angeles city government. Its board is composed of members appointed by the many municipalities in the Los Angeles area as well as by the county board of supervisors.
TWAnr said:
They sure can if they can prove, using records from this web site, that you helped organize or promote this unsanctioned sickout.
The key words in your remark are "if they can prove." I'm not organizing any sickout at AA. I'm just all for it to happen. My key words are "not organizing any sickout." Sorry pal, hoping that AA f/a's get fired for a sickout so you can be recalled isn't going to happen.

FYI, AA can't fire us for being sick. If we supply a doctors note for actually being sick, nothing they can do!! Remember this...Doctors-Patient records are confidential, just like Attorney-Client.
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