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Is USAirways hostile takeover Of AA for Real?

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Thanks, Pit.

It's really not hard to make an honest appraisal of the AA situation if one is willing to set their personal biases aside and look at the situation thru the eyes of its each AA/AMR constituent and then recognize one's own biases probably don't represent what is best for the whole.

From the beginning of this AA drama (which has played out for years but which hit is peak w/ the BK filing), I have asked 2 questions about this situation and those who want to come to the conclusion about what is best would do well to ask the same two.

1. Are you (or I) willing to allow AMR to pursue the best option, including a standalone option which gives AA and its constituents the opportunity to give it "one more try" to compete in the US airline industry?

2. If an AA standalone option is not viable, are you (I) willing to seek the best option for AA and its people, even if that means something other than my (your) personal desires?

Most definitely, I would love to see DL pick up some of assets - if not as much of the compAAny that they can pick up - as long as the parts of AA that DL can't use are placed in the hands of someone who will use those assets and not just toss them aside.

Because AA is a viable operating airline, there is nothing in its operation that can't be used by one airline or another. The key in any deal - including AA standalone or AA/US is to make sure the maximum amount of AA's people and resources can be preserved in any transaction.

But I have also said from the beginning that the best outcome for AA is a standalone plan - because based on business history and principles, that absolutely is true. Mergers and asset sales do involve risks.

But if AA's pilots and other labor groups come to the conclusion that they cannot or will not work for the terms AA proposes, then you have to look for a solution that allows them to pursue their best interests - even if it means with another company.

For those who think an IAG or TPG investment will solve the problem, I'd like to hear how. How is IAG - which has a limited ability to invest in AMR going to bring labor peace to a company that they cannot control? How is and IAG or TPG investment going to lift AA employee labor rates to levels that AA labor expects? What is the basis for improved revenues or reduced costs which would form the basis for increasing AA employee pay levels? There is no reason to think that AA is going to get any more revenues because of an investment from a oneworld carrier than they could under their present joint venture agreements.

An IAG investment doesn't do anything to bring an end to the labor discord that has wracked AA for years and would likely only be eliminated with massive pay raises that are not supported by AA's current business plan.

Those who want to look to AS or B6 or WN or any other non-network carrier, what evidence is there that they would acquire or merge with a network carrier which has a very different business plan than their own and expect to succeed. Those companies all succeed because they know what they do well and don't try to do a bunch of other things, including be something they are not.

For those who think Wall Street is only interested in pushing labor rates to the bottom of the barrel, you might check out pay rates, esp. for pilots using the site above since it is very easy to do, and see that many of the successful airlines pay their employees as much or more than the airlines that continually have labor discord, including AA and UA for much of the past decade.

Wall Street wants predictability and to earn a profit, including on the investments they make in the airline industry which is highly capital intensive.

Wall Street is quite happy to see airlines pay their employees well IF that pay translates into stability and profitability at least as good as those airline's peers.

Arguing that size is bad because AA couldn't make it work is not exactly logic that will win the argument.

Shall we argue that east coast hubs don't work or flying to continental Europe doesn't work because one carrier can't make it work?

Whether people want to admit it or not, among network airlines - which is the peer set for AA and which WN is not in, DL has achieved labor peace better than its peers and it has done so while paying its employees industry average or better wages. DL also has the highest market cap in the US airline industry - meaning it has the capacity to offer more in equity to the creditors, is reducing its debt levels and paying down as would be necessary in an AMR merger, and is generating revenues and revenue improvements as good as or better than its peers.

By any reasonable industry metric, DL IS running as good or better of an airline than its network carrier peers.

And despite what some have tried to assert, there is no hard evidence that would stop AA and DL from combining the majority of their operations given antitrust laws - as applied throughout all types of industry which have long been more consolidated than the airlines. And notably, the same antitrust issues that would affect AA/DL at NYC would also affect B6 at JFK and AA/US at DCA.
If a merger or asset sale becomes reality, there are few truly clean transactions, esp. if you consider creating the size necessary for AA to effectively compete against DL and UA.

If DL is interested in all or part of AA, they cannot be ruled out as a very serious contender.
Well pal, you can count me in as another one!

He's about the only poster on this topic that makes any sense and obviously isn't looking for a "savior" like the many of you who blindly go down that salvation path many times over, for quite a few years now.

Ok there Bull. The difference here is that you truly do have a hidden agenda, which is visible to most. You are looking out for the AFA dues income in order to protect your own. If the merger takes place, all of your perks go up in smoke. When a has been of the past becomes so vocal all of the sudden, its pretty easy to figure out what's going on. Yea, I know you are looking out for the membership, the ones that booted you out.....Right.
Funny that I don't see any of your former crowd that has much if any good to say in your favor. I spoke to a few on your group, and couldn't come up with any fans either.
From WT:
"Most definitely, I would love to see DL pick up some of assets - if not as much of the compAAny that they can pick up - as long as the parts of AA that DL can't use are placed in the hands of someone who will use those assets and not just toss them aside."

This is absurd. No one can cherry pick the best assets and expect the carcass to survive. The hub and spoke model is intricately related to the point that small marginal profits are generated from thin markets. Generally 80% of the routes are not profitable stand alone but removing those spokes simply makes the remaining ones assume that role.
All of AA's hubs (just like every other airline's) have the potential to be profitable under one business model or another, if they cannot be profitable under AA's - or AA labor decides it is not willing to work for AA wage rates.

There are clear benefits from AA's network working as a whole, each part benefitting the other, today - but those same kinds of benefits can be created when mergers or asset transfers happen with other companies.

IF B6, for instance took over AA's ORD operation, they would gain benefits that would strengthen B6's existing operation and add value to what they already have, even if there is some loss of synergy between parts of AA's network.

It is not meaningful to speculate at this point what parts of AA might or might not be transferred - but the point is that there are multiple possibilities and there are also limitations with many if not all of those same scenarios, including AA/US.
From WT:
"Most definitely, I would love to see DL pick up some of assets - if not as much of the compAAny that they can pick up - as long as the parts of AA that DL can't use are placed in the hands of someone who will use those assets and not just toss them aside."

This is absurd. No one can cherry pick the best assets and expect the carcass to survive. The hub and spoke model is intricately related to the point that small marginal profits are generated from thin markets. Generally 80% of the routes are not profitable stand alone but removing those spokes simply makes the remaining ones assume that role.
The main question here is just why would he " love" to see Delta pick these assets up? A person who claims to have no affiliations with a company that puts a rise in his shorts? Either this guy is working for someone who has a financial interest in DL, or he is just a poor lonely wanna be airline anal- list. Of coarse DL did just cherry pick the best of PA, leaving the carcass to die, so he figures that it would be ok again.
Hey WT, since you went back 7 years to mention me, did you just happen to be that Delta777 dude? He was an arrogant know it all just like you, and seems to have gone into hiding for a long time......
Doesnt Delta have a forum? Why is someone talking about Delta 24/7 on AAs Forum? I think I saw a Delta section on here somewhere? Since i dont work for delta i dont really feel the need to go on deltas forum, maybe i will check it out but i doubt ill have time to post anything. I KNOW I wont have the time or interest to stay on it 24/7. Maybe a retiree or something, maybe someone who was fired from AA? Maybe its a very wealthy person with nothing else to do? Yea Right!!
Doesnt Delta have a forum? Why is someone talking about Delta 24/7 on AAs Forum? I think I saw a Delta section on here somewhere? Since i dont work for delta i dont really feel the need to go on deltas forum, maybe i will check it out but i doubt ill have time to post anything. I KNOW I wont have the time or interest to stay on it 24/7. Maybe a retiree or something, maybe someone who was fired from AA? Maybe its a very wealthy person with nothing else to do? Yea Right!!

Totally agree ,good post . Many on here tire of the legthy posts. Delta has its own board !! Quit being Jimmity Cricket twirling your cane.
US employees are the lowest paid among network carriers,

Again you need to check your information in regards to the passenger service group at US and while we are at it DL agent group is a bottom feeder in the industry
....but it is ok for US employees to squat on the AA board touting how they will save AA?

On average, US employees are indeed the lowest paid among network carriers. It's a fact of life, and since the FAs and TWU personnel have voted for their contracts, a fact not lost on the pilots whose actions at AA will likely determine the future of the company.
He loves to post on every airlines section, and somehow it all reverts back to Mother Delta. Nobody can match them in anyway ever, as they are his superior being. Take a look at the signature at the bottom of his posts. Some blah blah crap about excellence in aviation. Sort of absurd for a guy who left the airline 4 years ago. I guess its kind of like not being able to get over an ex wife or something. Either that, or I suspect that he is doing some PR work for someone........
....but it is ok for US employees to squat on the AA board touting how they will save AA?

On average, US employees are indeed the lowest paid among network carriers. It's a fact of life, and since the FAs and TWU personnel have voted for their contracts, a fact not lost on the pilots whose actions at AA will likely determine the future of the company.

Stop being such an over educated Jackass already will ya. Nobody at US is looking or claiming to be saving anyone. It's all about a stronger solidified company for EVERYONE.
I know you want AA to go it alone and stay far behind Delta, and you want US to fade away leaving DL with the entire east coast. Get a life already, you are one pathetic guy (edited).

You never did answer my question in regard to you being Delta777 in your previous life. It had to be you, same style stuff proclaiming Delta superiority on every airlines board.
And you didn't answer my question as to why you or other US people should be allowed to spend time on the AA forum arguing about why an AA/US merger would be good for you (couched as everyone even though the AA side has far from expressed agreement about a desire to merge with US) but other people with other people cannot share their opinion.

You also did not answer the two questions that would indicate your true intents:

From the beginning of this AA drama (which has played out for years but which hit is peak w/ the BK filing), I have asked 2 questions about this situation and those who want to come to the conclusion about what is best would do well to ask the same two.

1. Are you (or I) willing to allow AMR to pursue the best option, including a standalone option which gives AA and its constituents the opportunity to give it "one more try" to compete in the US airline industry?

2. If an AA standalone option is not viable, are you (I) willing to seek the best option for AA and its people, even if that means something other than my (your) personal desires?

... because we know full well you really don't want AA people and constituents to make the decision is best for them.

You will also note that I have never said that I think any option is best other than an AA standalone plan - which you most certainly don't want to happen.

Because someone can provide the facts in a discussion that prove your points to be invalid doesn't make them an ass; it simply means your arguments are not sufficient.

More importantly, I am simply sharing online the types of discussions that are happening behind closed doors.

You don't want to hear them because you don't want to admit that AA people might have a better plan for themselves than US which might include a standalone plan and you aren't about to admit that even if it becomes apparent that AA cannot restructure successfully on its own - likely due solely to labor discord or the creditors' perceived risk of destruction of value in the company due to labor discord - that other options behind US might be better.

When you are ready to admit that AA's best outcome might not include US, then perhaps we might come close to being on the same page.

You have spent months arguing that US is the best outcome for US while I have simply highlighed a number of options - but have acknowledged that the best option is an AA standalone plan, and if that doesn't happen, then there will be other next best options, one of which MIGHT be US.

And no, I have not ever used the name Delta777, know who it is, or even paid any attention to them.
So you know whats being discussed behind closed doors? That right there pretty much let the cat out of the bag on your end.
As far as US people being on the AA boards, this involves their long tem well being so you should be able to understand that one. I think that you will find some AA folks over on the US boards as well, with some getting deeply involved with some union discussions, and no they are not pilots.
because I know how corporations work, not a pipe dream in someone's head.

The cat hasn't gone anywhere.

yes, there are people with various allegiances all over each boards... that's the way it works here.
Ok there Bull. The difference here is that you truly do have a hidden agenda, which is visible to most. You are looking out for the AFA dues income in order to protect your own. If the merger takes place, all of your perks go up in smoke. When a has been of the past becomes so vocal all of the sudden, its pretty easy to figure out what's going on. Yea, I know you are looking out for the membership, the ones that booted you out.....Right.
Funny that I don't see any of your former crowd that has much if any good to say in your favor. I spoke to a few on your group, and couldn't come up with any fans either.
She doesnt work for the AFA and doesnt get paid by them.
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