May I suggest that you focus a little less time trying to proofread other people's grammar and a little more attention looking at the details which are pretty readily available and which do indeed show the hurdle that faces not only an AA-US merger but even an AA standalone plan in the eyes of AA pilots.
Let me recommend the site It has all kinds of information including pilot rates, retirement plans, mandatory retirements etc.
And, yes, I did exaggerate but only if you believe that AA is going to give its pilots an 8.5% raise in the next 4 months since DL agreed to a raise of that amount with its pilots, followed by 3% in the next 2 years.
Based on that raise, DL's 738 topped out captain will make 22.8% more than AA captains at the same place on the scale. If you look at the 777 rates, the difference becomes 24.4%.
Factor in 320 rates for US east pilots and the difference below DL is 58%.
DL pilots asked for WN rates and they will get them in the next couple years.
Every other network airline pilot group says they hold DL pilot rates as the standard which they expect they should be paid - and that includes AA pilots.
UA hasn't released the contents of its proposed agreement but UA/CO pilots had the same expectations regarding DL rates - and rumors that are dribbling out are that UA agreed to rates very close to DL's.
I haven't read any post by an AA pilot that thinks their wages should stay flat while DL's rates continue to rise; and fewer still don't believe they should move toward DL pilot rates.
If you factor in the difference that AA would have to pay to bring its pilots up to DL rates, AA would need to shell out hundreds of millions of dollars more every year - probably well over a half billion.
If you factor in the increases needed for US pilots to be brought up to DL rates, it could easily add another several hundred million.
If you think Parker can persuade AA pilots to agree to fly for him for the same rates they will get to fly for AA, you are seriously mistaken. If you think they will settle for US rates if other options are on the table, possibly including DL, you again are seriously mistaken.
Now you and all the others that assumed that AA and US would create their own merger plan without considering the rates that it would take to bring AA and/or US pilots up to what are now industry standard rates might want to check w/ the pilots first.
You and the US fan club might also want to huddle around the idea that DL and UA both might have signed pilot wage rates in part specifically to put pressure on AA's reorganization plan as well as on AA/US' ability to pull off a merger.
DL and UA BOTH are happy to have AA pilots demanding higher pay rates.
All the business that AA has taken from UA might quickly come back to UA if AA's pilots decide they aren't interested in flying for term sheet rates.
If AMR's creditors say they cannot offer more money now, why do you or anyone else think they will agree to pay raises in a few months (assuming AA still wants to get out of BK) for 25% (ok 23-24%)?
As much as you and the US fan club don't want to admit it, the airline industry is highly competitive. If DL can pay its pilots 25% more than AA's and 50% more than US', then they will use that as leverage to put pressure on DL.
IF UA can now finally decide they need to pay DL rates, then to expect AA pilots to fly for 25% less than AA, DL, and WN, could indeed result in the AA pilots deciding to just shut the place down and go elsewhere, including selling off AA in pieces.
DL and UA know full well the opportunity they have to cripple AA and to ensure it cannot successfully restructure - and at the same time to make sure the pilots see no desire to work w/ UA if there are other options on the table.
The creditors are not foolish enough to agree to a merger in which the AA pilots will make far less than industry standard knowing the same labor discord that has crippled AA for years has the potential to wipe out their investment in fairly short order.
An AA standalone plan will not happen nor will an AA/US merger occur unless those pay differences between AA and US pilots compared to DL, UA likely proposed, and WN are significantly closed.... and if that happens then the entire business plan that Parker put together in his head will probably come unraveled.
Denying that reality or mocking someone that brings those realities to light only highlights how poorly some people here understand the strategy that is involved in the airline industry.