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Cwa Approves Contact

How soon will we know how many current mainline ato agents will become express agents?
I guess that it will not take long to announce which ones. That way the F/S agents will know that the "upstairs people" are getting the same deal they are being offered.....mainline express. I still will vote NO if F/S TA makes all but 7 cities mainline express. The fat lady may still get to sing.
diogenes said:
How soon will we know how many current mainline ato agents will become express agents?

In about 45 days.
Hawk said:
We will honor the buyout.
Hawk, I saw it posted somewhere that ALL the labor groups have to agree to their own respective concessions in order to get the buyouts from the company.. Is this true ??? If it is, I would suggest CWA members DEMAND their cash TOMORROW !! Looks to me like the company succeeded in buying votes...
I wish that the CWA could have negotiated a better deal earlier on, instead of waiting as long as it did. ALPA, AFA, IAM should have all done the same.

Shame on us for listening to some of the yahoo's that tried to convince us otherwise. There was no bargining power in this scenario.

Congradulations to those CWA folks who had the courage to do want needed to be done at this point.

I feel sorry for the IAM, and what is coming down the pike towards them. This little pocket of discontent here at this chat room is far from reality, far from what the majority feel, and it has been once again proven by vote results.

US Airways can be a viable business, and many of us want just that. We are not scared, weak, etc., in fact we are strong enough to disregard the fools around here who try day and night to paint a much different picture.

As Continental was able to get through their decade plus of nightmares, we can too! Hang in there, better days can come our way in time. We do not have to follow in the the footsteps of EAL. and this puts us one step closer to avoiding that fate.

Happy Holidays to all!

USFlyer said:
Agents Approve Contract at US Airways
Washington, D.C. - US Airways passenger service agents, members of the Communications Workers of America, have ratified changes to their contract with US Airways to help the troubled airline as it seeks to emerge from bankruptcy.
The settlement was approved by a 60 percent vote in an Internet and telephone ratification process under the aegis of the American Arbitration Association.
insp89 said:
Hawk, I saw it posted somewhere that ALL the labor groups have to agree to their own respective concessions in order to get the buyouts from the company.. Is this true ??? If it is, I would suggest CWA members DEMAND their cash TOMORROW !! Looks to me like the company succeeded in buying votes...
Hawk, Use your Head, Anybody ?? Is this true or NOT ?
insp89 said:
If it is, I would suggest CWA members DEMAND their cash TOMORROW !!

Unfortunately the CWA can't demand anything. The contract states "The company will establish an application period, which will be at least 45 days during which time the employees may apply for the early out program." The company isn't bound to any time frame, so who knows when they will begin the application period, or end it. Then you have a transition period that can take up to 15 months to actually get bought out. Some agents wanting the buyout may have to wait a couple years to get it. :down:
D M G said:
Unfortunately the CWA can't demand anything. The contract states "The company will establish an application period, which will be at least 45 days during which time the employees may apply for the early out program." The company isn't bound to any time frame, so who knows when they will begin the application period, or end it. Then you have a transition period that can take up to 15 months to actually get bought out. Some agents wanting the buyout may have to wait a couple years to get it. :down:
How PATHETIC :down:
Hawk said:
We will honor the buyout.

Who is we? How dry will the ink be on the CWA contract before you guys start breaking or reinterpreting such? It seems you guys are already reinterpreting the ALPA contract with regards to deadhead pay. What else?
And you wonder why so many are negative or hesitant?
You know what? When the compnay does not honor this contract and comes back for more, I will be laughing and laughing and laughing at all those who voted this in and start whining about being asked for more. Buy out? What freakin buyout? Do you really think your going to see it? People will be "awarded" a buy out ON THE COMPANY'S TIME LINE. Remember that early ejection clause folks cause it's going to bite ya in the rear. Bend over cause here it comes again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hawk, since when has the company "honored" anything worth a damn lick. I know one thing - I have yet to see a contract ride out it's duration. Wanna know why? DING DING DING Cause the company needed more.

Puke on Bronner, Lakefield, and all the fat cats in CCY that didn't have to freakin refinance their homes to get through these trying times.

CWA stinks .... the company stinks and I hope both parties get what they deserve. I guess CWA gets their expenses paid by the company.
goodstew said:
can't belive 60% of voters fell for it...what is the track record for the company living up to any agreement? (Except senior management...)

good luck - how many times can you be fooled?

No one fell for it...we've seen thousands of customers try to belittle the PERSON that can and is willing to help them for years just to save $5.00. To watch the handwritting on the wall was most painful. Did your CEO's care, I don't think so. Yes, thousands of American jobs just went down the outsourced toilet. I hope that every passenger that spent 1/2 hour today to get someone to resolve their problems finds a cheap solution, I hope that everyone that books online will save their 5,000 mileage points, I hope that everyone that spent 5 hours booking their reservation on line fills gratifide that they saved $5.00. I bargained in good faith 3 years ago in hopes that the company would survive. The only ones surviving are the filthy perosites that feed off of others in the airline industry. The CWA members had NO choice. Walk away with something, or, walk away with nothing. Either way, the company demanded that we walk away..They just can't stand English speaking people for some reason that I don't understand.
Hawk said:
We will honor the buyout.
When Pigs Fly, whoops, what was I thinking? This is the airline that allows pigs to fly in first class.