What is incredibale and criminal is that the Bankruptcy Laws allow for a Corporation to file Chapter 11 with no threat of Chapter 7 Liquidation present and $4.5 Billion in cash. Then the Corporation uses the same laws to demand over reaching concessions from employees. Then the Corporation Qualifies for financing they would even make this McAdoo scenario even possible or legal.
And then other criminal aspect side of the Union and the AFL-CIO also stealing from the employee paychecks, claiming to be the watchdog that will prevent this type of activity to begin with.
Does anyone else see something very wrong and sinister about this so-called economic system? Or do I just have a bad attitude this week?
I have been saying this since the first legacy carrier went into BK twice back in 2002, (US Airways). And I went on the DL boards, and UA boards, and AA boards shutting this at the roof tops! I had a front row seat in all this mess,got baptized in it, and experienced it first hand. Couldn't do a damn thin in BK.
BK was US Airways trump card and Jerry union-buster Glass was heading the management clan at US Airways when all this "union-busting" contracts began. The laws in BK protect corporations, and judges can throw out contracts. US Airways employees still are the lowest paid of the legacy carriers, and have the worst labor-relations going on a decade now. Some of those employees that are posting on this board are so accustomed to the torment that they are desensitized by it.
This BK crap will permeate into local and state governments who can also go into BK and wipe out government worker contracts. This movement is all about busting unions and bringing workers into slave labor contracts by forcing labor to either take the "last offer" or risk abrogation just because those in control have made mistakes and can't are unable to honor the contracts that they negotiated. That's why my mantra is a "deal is never really a deal" because the trump card for corporations is a Chapter 11 reorganization where all bets are off!
AA just happens to be the last legacy in this industry to go into BK...where have you been when all this was going on this past decade with US Airways, DL, UA, NW, CO? Can we see it???...hell yea!
The entire Airline labor industry has given up hundreds of billions of dollars in concessions, job losses over the past decade. And the employees can't change jobs, because the current economy has no jobs to absorb these folks. Heck, US Airways f/as are no longer in BK, haven't been in 7 years, aren't permitted to go into bk again, and the f/as needed a federal mediator to negotiate a T/Afor pete's sakes , and that mediator basically told them that they can't push US Airways any further for increases and better working conditions???....what's that about???? What happend to the right to strike????
Doesn't exist! The mediator basically told the f/as group at US Airways, you need to send out this T/A to your members NOW. Meanwhile, the f/as still are the lowest paid even with this T/A pending a vote.
The sacrifices given haven't translated to anything for labor except the "same old/ same old"...and the fat cats get richer, call the shots, and boldly go where no one else has gone with their arrogance.
US Airways wrote the book on how do screw labor in BK, and AA unions are nuttts to think they will get any kind of better deal with Parker..in light of the fact that US Aiways employees have never had such a thing.. just demonstrates the desparation in all these folks who have no protections whether inside or outside BK, whether union or not.