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Industrial vs. Craft

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You have been on this board for awhile now Brain, and have no doubt watched the back-and-forth over the origins of the ibt drive on AA.

For my part (my opinion) I think the ibt is on the AA property per direct request of the TWU to play spoiler. I base this opinion on the ibt campaigns at UAL & Horizon which at their foundations had a group of mechanics from the airline as the core of that organizing committee. The Committee for Change at UAL, and the Committee for a Real Future, at Horizon. I see no such committee of AA mechanics at American. Further, from some of the ibts most vocal supporters comes word that with just a few phone calls and a quiet info meeting the ibt has guaged the membership interest and launched a full campaign, yet still there is no established ibt organizing committee of AA mechanics. The UAL committee was on its own for months in the begining, and only after submitting a substantial amount of cards did the ibt step in with resources and paid organizers.

As if this wasn't suspicious enough, why hasn't the TWU tried to defend itself against the ibt? why does the TWU make statements only against AMFA yet to this point (AA mechs correct me if I'm wrong) has made no comments against the teamster raid?.

How can a group that just this year signed a "solidarity charter" with the teamsters say absolutely nothing when that group stabs them in the back by raiding them( if it really is a raid )


Additionally, how could the teamsters claim to be true unionists after Hoffa himself made this video just this past June?

I find it sadly amusing that so many at American seem willing to turn a blind eye to what is obviously a farce.

But again that is of course just my opinion.
You know if AMFA had anything to do with labor in this country they could just ask the IBT how they do it....
As AMFA does have something to do with labor, I'm not sure what you're getting at...

What would AMFA ask the ibt?

The AMFA Mistake

For more than 50 years, airline workers enjoyed a level of solidarity and support unmatched in the labor movement. Pilots, Flight Attendants and Ground Workers all shared the same goals: better wages, benefits and working conditions. We also had a common enemy – airline management.

Management spent decades trying to shake our solidarity, but was never successful. Although at times we had our differences, we were able to work them out and our solidarity produced positive results. Our solidarity could not be broken.

Consequently, airline employees received pay, pensions and benefits far greater than workers in other industries, both union and non-union.

In 1998, however, that solidarity was fractured. Lured by lies and fed by greed, some licensed aircraft mechanics decided to break away from all other airline workers.

First at Alaska Airlines and then Northwest Airlines, brother turned against brother, and what management couldn’t do, airline workers did to themselves. We went from a single group of Ground Workers to divisions by classification. The results have been disastrous.

The Raid

In the midst of IAM negotiations with Northwest Airlines in 1998, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) preached that licensed aircraft mechanics were elite professionals who would fare better if they negotiated on their own, without relying on “unskilled” workers. Their propaganda struck a chord with two groups – elitist Mechanics and Northwest management.

During the ensuing representation election between the IAM and AMFA, Northwest Airlines was required to remain neutral. The airline’s management, however, permitted AMFA to distribute hate literature and intimidate voters on company property while expelling IAM Representatives, in violation of National Mediation Board (NMB) election rules.

Northwest knew that AMFA was providing an opportunity to divide their employees and were eager to help crack the wall of solidarity.

AMFA promised the mechanics’ skill would be their strength, not numbers, and offered unprecedented democracy in a mechanics-only union. The NMB, however, forced AMFA to also accept unlicensed Mechanics, Cleaners and Custodians as part of the Mechanic & Related classification.

In reality, the democracy AMFA promised was a myth promoted by its founder and only National Director in the organization’s 40-year history, Olivio Vincenzo Delle-Femine. The association is controlled from the offices of Kevin McCormick, a New Hampshire-based real estate manager who bankrolled the raid and anointed himself AMFA’s non-elected, non-removable National Administrator.

The Machinists Union warned Northwest’s Mechanics that by isolating themselves from the IAM and the rest of labor they would become easy targets for management. Unfortunately, they did not heed the IAM’s warnings and the NMB certified AMFA as the collective bargaining representative for Northwest’s 10,000 Mechanics, Cleaners and Custodians on June 1, 1999.

Northwest Airlines got the divided workforce it yearned for, and they developed a two-stage, multi-year plan to take advantage of their new found luck.

First Contract

Job security and scope provisions are the bedrock foundation of any collective bargaining agreement. The contract AMFA inherited from the IAM prevented Northwest from farming out any maintenance work if a single member was furloughed. Wages and benefits are worthless if there aren’t any workers to earn them.

When AMFA assumed representation of Northwest’s Mechanics, Cleaners and Custodians (MCC), their membership numbers totaled nearly 10,000 and no members were on furlough. That amount of workers was far too large to replace in the event of a strike. Reducing the number of MCC members was the first step in Northwest’s plan.

AMFA’s untrained negotiators had misplaced priorities, and the airline took advantage of their inexperience. Northwest offered the Mechanics substantial wage increases in exchange for eliminating the IAM’s strong scope language. AMFA’s leadership and members were blinded by the dollar signs and failed to realize that when they signed that first contract and allowed the airline to subcontract work while furloughing members, they sealed their own demise.

In spite of AMFA’s claims that it negotiated “iron-clad” job security language, Northwest immediately began the systematic dismantling of its Mechanic & Related workforce. Engine and airframe overhaul work and scheduled maintenance checks were subcontracted to firms around the globe. Line maintenance Mechanics were replaced with vendors.

Furloughs quickly followed the signing of AMFA’s first agreement with a major airline.

Thousands of Northwest Mechanics, Cleaners and Custodians lost their jobs due to a contract AMFA negotiated in early 2001, before the industry downturn caused by 9-11 and before the surge in fuel prices.

Even at carriers where AMFA did not represent anyone their presence was felt. The Northwest contract became the envy of airline management throughout the industry. Soon, other carriers were demanding the same outsourcing flexibility AMFA conceded to Northwest.

By the summer of 2005, the 10,000 members AMFA inherited from the IAM had dwindled to 4,000. It took four years, but the mechanics were isolated by choice, weakened by ignorance and vulnerable by design.

Inevitable Strike

From the signing of the 2001 Northwest-AMFA agreement, the airline began preparing for an AMFA strike. Not because it felt AMFA was militant, but because they were predictable. Just as Northwest fooled AMFA into eliminating job security during their first negotiations, they would now either force a worthless contract on them or bust the union completely.

AMFA’s membership had dwindled to the point they now could be replaced. Additionally, AMFA allowed Northwest to develop relationships with dozen’s of vendors who were prepared and eager to increase their workload.

Northwest watched AMFA back itself into a corner with its “no concessions” mantra and then made their own contract demands, knowing they would be unacceptable to AMFA’s leadership. Either the membership would ultimately accept them, or there would be a strike the airline was eager to accept.

The AMFA proposal to Northwest requires that the IAM membership pay more than double the amount of concessions requested by the company. AMFA's position is that they should sacrifice less at the expense of IAM members.

AMFA was made aware prior to the strike that their position could not be endorsed by the IAM. The IAM attempted to enter into dialogue with the AMFA leadership before the strike, but they did not respond to our inquiries.

On August 20, 2005, at 12:01 AM EDT, Northwest’s 4-year campaign to break the association representing its Mechanics, Cleaner and Custodians was complete.

AMFA declared a strike without allowing its membership to vote on or even see the company’s last, best and final offer. AMFA, the “democratic alternative” to legitimate labor unions, refused to provide its membership the details until after the strike began and they had been replaced. That decision was made by a select few that included a real estate manager and not trained labor negotiators.

Regardless of the strike’s ultimate outcome, the Northwest’s MCC will never be the same. AMFA’s policy of isolation and philosophy of “strength in skill, not numbers” ensured their failure.

Lessons Learned

BusinessWeek once said, “Kevin McCormick has to be the oddest choice to run a labor union.” Not content with the elimination of Northwest’s Mechanics, Cleaners and Custodians, the mastermind behind their destruction continues his efforts to fragment airline workers and break solidarity, all for his personal gain. Firmly grasping an $800,000 a year contract with AMFA, he is not going to let the financial ruin of 10,000 families stop him.

From behind the desk of his New Hampshire real estate office, Kevin McCormick ensured that United Airlines’ Mechanics sacrificed more in their self-imposed isolation than any other employee group at the bankrupt carrier. He negotiated away job security language and permitted United to send aircraft maintenance work overseas, something the previous IAM contract prohibited.

Clearly, United has a strategy to deal with AMFA that is similar to Northwest’s.

McCormick is also pulling the strings of an AMFA-modeled group courting Continental Airlines Flight Attendants. That campaign began with the theft of the IAM's confidential, personal information of Flight Attendants and found its proponents facing a lawsuit for violations of federal and state statutes.

The same lies and promises McCormick made to Northwest Mechanics in 1998 have been resurrected at Continental. But the only winners in a McCormick-led election are airline management and McCormick himself.

The IAM warned Northwest’s Mechanics, but they were seduced by unrealistic promises and thousands of workers and their families have paid a dear price. History has shown, and recent events have confirmed, that the only way to combat airline management is through solidarity and ample resources, which is something independent unions cannot provide. With no support, no political contacts and no resources, AMFA had no weapons to use in their fight with Northwest.

The Machinists Union has our own two-stage, multi-year plan to restore the solidarity so many are working to destroy.

First, the IAM membership must reject all attempts to divide us, whether they come from management or independent unions. Anyone who tries to break our solidarity reduces our strength and does not have workers’ best interests in mind.

Second, we must renew and increase our commitment to organize all unorganized workers at airlines and airline service companies. Workers need strength to survive, and solidarity among all airline workers provides that strength.

AMFA has proven that isolation from the AFL-CIO and its member unions is fatal. Anyone who doesn’t learn from the mistakes of Northwest’s Mechanics is doomed to the same fate.
I find it amusing you would try to float that "story" here on the American Board.

Hasn't the AA mechanic membership done what is suggested?

They have remained "solid" in the TWU, they have not splintered, and yet they STILL are facing concessions, bottom of the industry wages, and the loss of jobs as well as base closures.

Nevermind the hypocritical factor that you would post this as well as champion the ibt who is raiding the TWU.

From your little missive above...

...reject all attempts to divide us, whether they come from management or independent unions. Anyone who tries to break our solidarity reduces our strength and does not have workers’ best interests in mind....

Well now, the ibt isn't part of the AFL-CIO so I guess that make them idependent, and trying to raid the TWU, is breaking the AA mechanics solidarity and reducing their strength. By your own posting then you agree the ibt raid is HARMING the AA mechanics.

And on top of it all, it was written by the IAM.

Thanks for the laugh :lol:
Ousting an Independent

Remember the 1992 firing of the Seham firm as APA’s general counsel? There’s more to this drama, however. Just six months after being dismissed, the Sehams launched a bid to create another independent union for pilots at American Airlines — the American Independent Cockpit Alliance, Inc. (AICA) — with the aid of the McCormick Advisory Group, an administrative support firm that funds start-up “independents.”

According to its website,
“AICA was incorporated in June 1993 . . . and provides all services normally associated with a labor union except collective bargaining. AICA exists to become the certified bargaining representative for the pilots of American Airlines.”​

Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen — the same general counsel that DPA has hired to represent Delta pilots — set up another independent union to decertify its own former client, the Allied Pilots Association (APA), the supposed model for DPA.

In fact, the AICA website refers to Martin Seham’s experience as APA counsel to show his ability to help establish “independent” unions. It does not mention Seham’s dismissal by APA.

The AICA website also talks favorably about the law firm’s representation of management. Of the firm’s lawyers, the site states:
“They have had the experience of sitting on both sides of the table and share one of the greatest aids to negotiated settlements; that is, the ability to put oneself in the other guy’s shoes.”​
That is a fancy way of saying that the firm, while it primarily represents management, attempts to walk on our side of the street but has no allegiance or loyalty to labor or to unions.

The fundamental question is this: Does Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen help establish independent unions to represent labor?

We don’t think so. Simply put, DPA’s law firm acts in a way that seeks to divide and conquer labor and, at the same time, helps management undermine contract standards and set legal precedent that is favorable only to management.

Transform DPA will further examine Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen’s litigation and bargaining work in the weeks to come and provide some examples of how the efforts of DPA’s law firm have harmed pilots and the entire labor movement.

For example, in future issues, you’ll see that the firm has also worked to undermine other AFL-CIO unions like the IAM through their representation of AMFA — similar to its work to undermine the APA after being dismissed as its general counsel in 1992.

Giving up on an ideal situation where your entire union is about the profession, ran by those in the profession, will never go away.
And I can assure that a real craft unionist will never be happy in your peice of crap industrial unions. And Thank God for now they don't have to be silent. Almost like your AFL-CIO advertisements dragging Polltical Figures through the mud will never stop.

You are likely unskilled or appointed and will never give up on riding the backs of the skilled, so I guess it is even.

And you are NOT an A&P mechanic. It is peculiar how you keep with your single craft only mantra, but you are not truly even part of the craft you defend ???

Before you whine about the NMB class and craft, I will remind you that AMFA tried many times to have you excluded from the craft and class. AMFA originally wanted to represent Line A&P mechanics only. Even though they could never convince the NMB to change the classifications to have welders, auto, and other maintenance thrown out, the history at Alaska and Southwest explains their unchanged intentions. As a welder, under AMFA, you will be the first to go.

How's your resume??

Typical lies.
You have nothing to offer but personal attacks and lies.
You might find industrial union stooges that buy into fear, smear, and lies. I am not one of them though.

How pathetic you are.
I bet your are not even in the craft or class.

Sooo, your telling me I lied, and you do have your A&P? You are either an A&P licensed aircraft mechanic or not. Which is it.

I have no problem either way, but despite what some claim, AMFA did in FACT try to remove ALL non A&P LINE mechanics from representation. Their origin and beginning model was to represent ONLY AIRCRAFT MECHANICS. You say I am lying.......lol...... the proof is in the name.

AMFA = AIRCRAFT Mechanics Fraternal Association
And yet another oh-so-typical example of teamster hypocrisy.

You decry independents yet here are the teamsters-independent themselves-aiding another start up independent union,USAPA by way of an alliance. USAPA, who was also represented by Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen, erodes an AFL-CIO union, ALPA to the detriment of the pilots.


The flagrant hypocrisy continues :lol:
And yet another oh-so-typical example of teamster hypocrisy.

You decry independents yet here are the teamsters-independent themselves-aiding another start up independent union,USAPA by way of an alliance. USAPA, who was also represented by Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen, erodes an AFL-CIO union, ALPA to the detriment of the pilots.


The flagrant hypocrisy continues :lol:

Talk about hypocrisy.....lol......YOU are a Teamster dues paying member.... LMAO : )
I have no problem either way, but despite what some claim, AMFA did in FACT try to remove ALL non A&P LINE mechanics from representation. Their origin and beginning model was to represent ONLY AIRCRAFT MECHANICS. You say I am lying.......lol...... the proof is in the name.

AMFA = AIRCRAFT Mechanics Fraternal Association

You argue like a 3rd grader.

So proof is in the name?

ibt = international brotherhood of teamsters

you're an aircraft mechanic not a teamster....I guess the ibt doesn't want you.

Again, thanks for the laugh :lol:
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