One thing that comes from the beauty of " Democracy ", " Freedom " etc. Just remember the FACT not everyone wants to know or cares anything about the inner workings of Unions & Labor Laws they feel that they pays dues so people will do that for them. I would be willing that there are Hardcore AMFA supporters out there that could quote all kinds of information but if you tried to debate with them the conversation would be done because they never took the time to learn they just listened to people around them, I have seen it first hand on here with the witty one line comments of like "go away" or "you're an idiot". To fault someone for not being like you or Buck is wrong in my opinion. I try to read and learn as much as I can and through my efforts I am 100% sure I have not ran across any templates or outlines or tutorials that say you have to follow this or your opinion or conviction does not count.
When people go to a lawyer paying good money they are not held to someones standard that if they don't know everything the lawyer knows then they are wrong. When you hire an accountant you don't need to know tax laws. Like I said before, to fault someone that doesn't make Union, Labor Knowledge their highest priority or that does not have the same drive or mentality of others is petty.
You may be a computer guru or you may not but I would be willing to bet we could sit down and I could take you through OS knowledge or decompiling/compiling or writing code or dwelling in mysql, linux or OSX blah blah and I would get the deer in the headlight look or take you to some of the tech forums I frequent and you might not be able to converse in a thread because you have no clue if they are arguing or talking about arguments in binary code But! You guys can use a keyboard and mouse like nobodies business.
Good to see you back AC Tynker & great post I absolutely agree, I have no interest in knowing about Unions but know a lot about Amateur Radio, Exotic birds, Computers, Electronics, High tech gadgets etc. etc. We all have different interests, some of us just don't count Unionism as one of them so we pay our dues & expect the Union to handle the details, My Doctor didn't expect me to know Medicine when I picked him, actually my initial criteria for picking a doctor was how hot she was but they kept getting married & moving away so I switched to a male doctor .... LOL