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Industrial vs. Craft

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Sir, this is not a crew meeting in your hanger in TUL. Other people from other airlines can and should post relevant information on your forum.

Although I have no dog in your fight......yet, I come here to learn what my potential fellow coworkers are thinking. And, this bares repeating, if there is a merger between our two groups, the 3800 Maintenance and Related of USAirways will never allow the Teamsters to represent the combined group.

And with almost 5 years into the IAM pension, you'll see a strong showing for the IAM. That is ....IF.... there is a merger.

If not, good luck to all at AA. I know how it is. We've been there twice.

Didn't we already go over this once & I said i'm fine with the IAM, AMFA or the Teamsters just not the TWU, I'm pretty open minded, I only have a grudge against one Union that has screwed me over & over .....besides it's not that big of a deal what happens even if we get stuck with the TWU because were getting ready to be stuck with a 6 year contract & I will most likely be retired after that so another Union probably won't help me anyway.
Sir, this is not a crew meeting in your hanger in TUL. Other people from other airlines can and should post relevant information on your forum.

Although I have no dog in your fight......yet, I come here to learn what my potential fellow coworkers are thinking. And, this bares repeating, if there is a merger between our two groups, the 3800 Maintenance and Related of USAirways will never allow the Teamsters to represent the combined group.

And with almost 5 years into the IAM pension, you'll see a strong showing for the IAM. That is ....IF.... there is a merger.

If not, good luck to all at AA. I know how it is. We've been there twice.
He doesn't work in the hangar he has one of the cushiest shop jobs around straight days even
It is immaterial whether Dave wants the attention.

You ranted for 2 or 3 days about the security of your identity, then became hypocritical and stabbed him in the back. Can I or we expect those running the Teamsters drive and or the whole organization to be nothing but hypocritical?

And Jim Little works for Jim Little.

Ummm what ?? I said it's important that the company can't PROVE who someone is not that it matters if we know who each other is ...... there is a difference.
That's the difference between you and I. I care for the advancement of my chosen profession, no matter what airline or MRO it is. I realize what happens to you at AA will happen to me at UA and vice versa. Back to the I got mine attitude you and your SCAB friends have. And the I will help my fellow brother that I and the other AMFA supporters have.

Plus you fail to mention I have experience with the ibt. All their lies and games they play. That is why I am here, to WARN my fellow A&P's and related not to make the same mistake CAL and UAL made by voting in the ibt. AMFA is the only way to go. And that is spoken with experience, something you don't have, being in the twu for the last 30 something years.

Ok .... Good luck with that.
Ummm what ?? I said it's important that the company can't PROVE who someone is not that it matters if we know who each other is ...... there is a difference.
No difference if you rat out someone you know on a public forum.
He doesn't work in the hangar he has one of the cushiest shop jobs around straight days even

That's right I started in the Hanger working on 727 but seniority has it's advantages doesn't it. 🙄
Were all going to be in the Hangers in the not to distant future though so i'm gonna enjoy the cush while I can.
No difference if you rat out someone you know on a public forum.

Ok first were talking about the company firing people & now you've jumped to getting people warned on a public forum about Insults or getting banned ...... Dude you don't see the difference. try about a $65,000 dollar difference.
Just act like an adult & if you don't agree with someone agree to disagree your never going to convince the whole world to think exactly like you do so don't worry about it, It won't be the end of the world if they don't.
more than likely nothing is going to change at AA anyway it's been TWU for over 50 years so the odds are dramatically in their favor.
Ummm what ?? I said it's important that the company can't PROVE who someone is not that it matters if we know who each other is ...... there is a difference.

Thanks to your conscious backstabbing, now the company can prove who twu informer is. Nice, just like your SCAB buddies at the ibt.
Thanks to your concious backstabbing, now the company can prove who twu informer is. Nice, just like your SCAB buddies at the ibt.

Dude one alias claiming he knows who another alias is isn't proof that's why I don't get upset when Dave says who he thinks I am, don't worry about it, I'm done talking about this subject clearly you don't get it so let's move on.

Once again you don't even work for AA so please pester someone else.
Ok first were talking about the company firing people & now you've jumped to getting people warned on a public forum about Insults or getting banned ...... Dude you don't see the difference. try about a $65,000 dollar difference.
Just act like an adult & if you don't agree with someone agree to disagree your never going to convince the whole world to think exactly like you do so don't worry about it, It won't be the end of the world if they don't.
more than likely nothing is going to change at AA anyway it's been TWU for over 50 years so the odds are dramatically in their favor.
And you are not interested in helping make a change.
Only helping the TWU third party an election
And you are not interested in helping make a change.
Only helping the TWU third party an election

You caught me Buck your good, I'm secretly a TWU spy their paying me to be here so I'm really not here on my own time, I'm seeking a National job too where I can make the big bucks, I love the TWU .... I'm impressed we'll guess I will give up the charade now you've busted me. B)

talking about Unions is getting old, I'm really interested in getting a decent contract not what Union represents us so much so heading over to the contract talks
You caught me Buck your good, I'm secretly a TWU spy their paying me to be here so I'm really not here on my own time, I'm seeking a National job too where I can make the big bucks, I love the TWU .... I'm impressed we'll guess I will give up the charade now you've busted me. B)

talking about Unions is getting old, I'm really interested in getting a decent contract not what Union represents us so much so heading over to the contract talks
No I never have believed you were paid by the TWU, just playing a an industrial unionism hand and I cannot believe you don't see it.
No I never have believed you were paid by the TWU, just playing a an industrial unionism hand and I cannot believe you don't see it.

If your saying the Teamster drive isn't real i'm not buying it & as I said I am willing to try any Union over the TWU if you think you can actually get enough cards with AMFA then i'm all for it, the AMFA guys don't think the Teamsters have a chance of getting enough cards anyway so what are you worried about.
If your saying the Teamster drive isn't real i'm not buying it & as I said I am willing to try any Union over the TWU if you think you can actually get enough cards with AMFA then i'm all for it, the AMFA guys don't think the Teamsters have a chance of getting enough cards anyway so what are you worried about.
No the Teamsters drive is real. It is so real that the historical collusion between the IBT and the TWU is obvious.
It is immaterial whether Dave wants the attention.

You ranted for 2 or 3 days about the security of your identity, then became hypocritical and stabbed him in the back. Can I or we expect those running the Teamsters drive and or the whole organization to be nothing but hypocritical?

And Jim Little works for Jim Little.

You may need to read all the pages again, the first name drops where going both ways and then Informer did the last name drop so Raptorman49 obviously took offense because yes he did post about anonymity, not sure how you missed that after seeing how meticulously you post. Not sure how to address the hypocritical part though.
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