Sir, this is not a crew meeting in your hanger in TUL. Other people from other airlines can and should post relevant information on your forum.
Although I have no dog in your fight......yet, I come here to learn what my potential fellow coworkers are thinking. And, this bares repeating, if there is a merger between our two groups, the 3800 Maintenance and Related of USAirways will never allow the Teamsters to represent the combined group.
And with almost 5 years into the IAM pension, you'll see a strong showing for the IAM. That is ....IF.... there is a merger.
If not, good luck to all at AA. I know how it is. We've been there twice.
Didn't we already go over this once & I said i'm fine with the IAM, AMFA or the Teamsters just not the TWU, I'm pretty open minded, I only have a grudge against one Union that has screwed me over & over .....besides it's not that big of a deal what happens even if we get stuck with the TWU because were getting ready to be stuck with a 6 year contract & I will most likely be retired after that so another Union probably won't help me anyway.