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Industrial vs. Craft

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Exactly .... If there was a major card drive going on at United someone would be on your forum talking about it, get use to the Teamsters dude looks like the Majority at United like them & want to keep them, that's good info to get Teamster cards if I really needed to use it, haven't had to say anything yet to get cards, apparently many people at AA don't care what the Teamsters are about & just want to get rid of TWU.

Ok McCoy, but if you are going to venture out there into other Airlines Forums, please use your spell and grammar checker so you at least represent us in professional manner. Or is that too much to ask of you?
Exactly .... If there was a major card drive going on at United someone would be on your forum talking about it, get use to the Teamsters dude looks like the Majority at United like them & want to keep them, that's good info to get Teamster cards if I really needed to use it, haven't had to say anything yet to get cards, apparently many people at AA don't care what the Teamsters are about & just want to get rid of TWU.

A poster child for the phrase "ignorance is bliss"

Raptor you are off your meds or your rocker but for someone claiming to be a professional you sound like a little lost boy wanting his mommy
Raptor you are off your meds or your rocker but for someone claiming to be a professional you sound like a little lost boy wanting his mommy

Well when I said professional I assumed I was only talking to AA Employee's, I would have never dreamed that other Airline Employee's would be lurking around our forum but ok I will but I'm still pretty freaked out about why other Airline Employee's would be here, to be honest I'm not really interested in what you guys have to say because you don't have a dog in this fight, what we do at AA is non or your concern so your opinion don't really count, I want to talk to AA employee's that have something to gain or lose not other Airline Employee's who can't generate enough interest in their own forum.
Wow you called Dave out like there isn't one person on here that doesn't know who informer is

Well he likes to address people by names instead of Alias's so just thought I would reciprocate ... no big deal, besides i'm sure Dave likes the Attention.
Well when I said professional I assumed I was only talking to AA Employee's, I would have never dreamed that other Airline Employee's would be lurking around our forum but ok I will but I'm still pretty freaked out about why other Airline Employee's would be here, to be honest I'm not really interested in what you guys have to say because you don't have a dog in this fight, what we do at AA is non or your concern so your opinion don't really count, I want to talk to AA employee's that have something to gain or lose not other Airline Employee's who can't generate enough interest in their own forum.

Interesting that you would freak out about why other airline employees would be here on this forum, but when a UAL and CAL Airline Division appointed Rep show up in Tulsa, you embraced them and passed out their cards without hesitation or questions about motives.

Very strange, that would you hold some in contempt and others you believe and repeat anything they tell you, yet both are from the same Airline.?? :angry2: You live in one confused and mixed up world McCoy.
Well when I said professional I assumed I was only talking to AA Employee's, I would have never dreamed that other Airline Employee's would be lurking around our forum but ok I will but I'm still pretty freaked out about why other Airline Employee's would be here, to be honest I'm not really interested in what you guys have to say because you don't have a dog in this fight, what we do at AA is non or your concern so your opinion don't really count, I want to talk to AA employee's that have something to gain or lose not other Airline Employee's who can't generate enough interest in their own forum.

Sir, this is not a crew meeting in your hanger in TUL. Other people from other airlines can and should post relevant information on your forum.

Although I have no dog in your fight......yet, I come here to learn what my potential fellow coworkers are thinking. And, this bares repeating, if there is a merger between our two groups, the 3800 Maintenance and Related of USAirways will never allow the Teamsters to represent the combined group.

And with almost 5 years into the IAM pension, you'll see a strong showing for the IAM. That is ....IF.... there is a merger.

If not, good luck to all at AA. I know how it is. We've been there twice.
Interesting that you would freak out about why other airline employees would be here on this forum, but when a UAL and CAL Airline Division appointed Rep show up in Tulsa, you embraced them and passed out their cards without hesitation or questions about motives.

Very strange, that would you hold some in contempt and others you believe and repeat anything they tell you, yet both are from the same Airline.?? :angry2: You live in one confused and mixed up world McCoy.

I know why their here Dave they work for the Teamsters & their here to Raid the TWU, because AA Mechanics are angry over these concessionary contracts & asked them to come, nothing strange about that, the Teamsters are raiding several Unions & winning at that.
Everyone knows why there here in Tulsa Dave ..... where have you been ??? Haven't you been paying attention to whats going on at the base ?? come by the Cam building next week & I'll show you what's going on the Teamsters are everywhere in there.

By the way Chris Moore does not work as a Mechanic he is a paid Teamster organizer so really he works for the International not United anymore than Jim Little works for AA
Well he likes to address people by names instead of Alias's so just thought I would reciprocate ... no big deal, besides i'm sure Dave likes the Attention.
It is immaterial whether Dave wants the attention.

You ranted for 2 or 3 days about the security of your identity, then became hypocritical and stabbed him in the back. Can I or we expect those running the Teamsters drive and or the whole organization to be nothing but hypocritical?

And Jim Little works for Jim Little.
Ok so let me get this straight your in an American Airlines forum pushing for AMFA even though it's not even the company you work for & at your company United you had AMFA & kicked them to the curb in favor of the Teamsters WTF
Dude are you on meds ?? Why the hell are you in an AA forum ?? I wouldn't even think about lurking around another Airlines forum that is totally pointless shouldn't you be working your a$$ off at United & in the United Airlines forum to get AMFA back now that you through them out ?? You definitely have to much time on your hands! You have some Issues dude that kind of freaks me out .... Nothing personal,

Seeing as you don't have a dog in this fight your comments have suddenly taken on a lot less meaning to me, you could have made that more clear from the beginning, ok so there really aren't many posters in here & now i'm finding out that several of them don't even work for AA ...... LOL this just gets better & better. :lol: :lol:

That's the difference between you and I. I care for the advancement of my chosen profession, no matter what airline or MRO it is. I realize what happens to you at AA will happen to me at UA and vice versa. Back to the I got mine attitude you and your SCAB friends have. And the I will help my fellow brother that I and the other AMFA supporters have.

Plus you fail to mention I have experience with the ibt. All their lies and games they play. That is why I am here, to WARN my fellow A&P's and related not to make the same mistake CAL and UAL made by voting in the ibt. AMFA is the only way to go. And that is spoken with experience, something you don't have, being in the twu for the last 30 something years.
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