I am not sure I understand your point related to a welder and your apparent confusion on the definition of skilled worker.
There are Department of Labor Standards and National Mediation Board Standards regarding definitions of skilled workers, but these are Federal Government Standards. The one standard that I go by the most is how often an A&P Licensed Mechanic brings me either his broken tool/wrench or his custom tool/wrench and/or his G-Job from home and wants me to fix/weld it for them. Why don't they just weld it themselves? Why would a skilled A&P seek the services of the unskilled welder?
Orville, Wilbur, and Charley built and flew an Airplane long before the Federal Government A&P even existed. not just built mind you, but also flew it without a licences.
Another not so glorious truth is that every non-licensed Machinist and Welder that is surplused on the Tulsa base has gone to the hangar, did our job without a license, and to my knowledge not one has failed to successfully do the job correctly and many times, better than the hack he/she replaced that had a license.
Please explain in more detail your confusion, and I will try to clear it up for you.
Maybe they don't weld it themselves because they don't have a Welder (machine) at home & are not authorized to use AA welders, whereas you ARE authorized to use AA welders. If AA welders would let me use their equipment when I needed something welded I surely would.