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Industrial vs. Craft

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Another find on the AMFA attorneys.

(note; there was some court activity on this due to the fact that the poster pretended to be another person associated with the firm. With that, it seems some of the complaints may be over reaching. However, I find it readable strictly on an entertainment value. It was found on the web at http://compasscorrec...oy-your-lawfirm)

So basically you admit that Truth doesn't matter. Ethics and Integrity doesn't matter.
False and over reaching attacks doesn't matter.

All that matters to you is being entertained. And all that takes for you, is posting garbage and childish personal attacks.

Thanks so much for showing more of who and what you really are.

You are far better at discrediting yourself than anyone here could ever dream of doing.
So basically you admit that Truth doesn't matter. Ethics and Integrity doesn't matter.
False and over reaching attacks doesn't matter.

All that matters to you is being entertained. And all that takes for you, is posting garbage and childish personal attacks.

Thanks so much for showing more of who and what you really are.

Lighten up Francis. 🙄 🙄 🙄


You have 398 posts total.

You have -267 hits that say they don't like what you are saying.

And you think you are making a favorable impression for the teamsters or the twu?

Now that's funny!
Simple. The company paid them more than they were willing to pay you. I just have a hard time believing the position that the blame for this falls to the union. This is the fault of the company. It is a conspiracy theory as ridicules as the Apollo Moon landings being shot in the Arizona desert.

At the same time, I do not disagree with your position on trying to separate. It does seem a conflict of interest to negotiate both contracts. That may or may not be actual, but the appearance is certainly there.
Why don't you admit you are ignorant of the issue?

You have 398 posts total.

You have -267 hits that say they don't like what you are saying.

And you think you are making a favorable impression for the teamsters or the twu?

Now that's funny!

And still, you keep reading my posts....That too, is funny.
Everyone likes to watch a trainwreck!

And you sir, are one!

As is AMFA !!

Speaking of which, here is an older article from Bloomberg Business Week on AMFA's own Kevin McCormick. I have said his name a few times. So for those of you who do not know him, here you go. The full article can also be found here.


Labor's Outside Man

Labor leaders typically follow the same arc in their careers, starting with an entry-level job at a unionized shop, rising to a union post at the local and district levels, and then, finally, winning election to the national presidency. Not Kevin McCormick. He operates one of today's fastest-growing unions, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Assn. (AMFA), yet he had never previously even been in a union. Not only that, he works as an outside contractor.

McCormick, 53, fell into organized labor almost by chance. After taking an early-retirement buyout at Polaroid more than 20 years ago, he eventually set up on his own as a financial adviser. One of his clients was a property association whose officers included a Delta Air Line (DAL) pilot. McCormick began advising the pilot on organizing a new union at Delta. That work, in turn, led him in 1994 to month-to-month consulting for AMFA, then just a tiny guild.

He formally hired on as AMFA's national administrator in 1998. He and his 60-employee company, McCormick Advisory Group, are now midway through their second four-year contract with the union, which is valued at $800,000 a year, based on today's membership numbers.

GROWING MEMBERSHIP. McCormick's heretical background hasn't hurt AMFA, however. Since 1998, it has picked up mechanics at United, Northwest (NWAC), Southwest (LUV), and ATA Airlines, swelling its ranks to nearly 20,000 from just 1,500. Soon, it may have more. By mid-June, the National Mediation Board is expected to rule on whether to allow American Airlines' 16,000 mechanics to vote this summer between AMFA and the incumbent Transport Workers Union. AMFA organizers are also distributing petitions at Delta.

As a paid adviser, moreover, McCormick helped install the Professional Flight Attendants Assn. (PFAA) at Northwest Airlines after ousting the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. With McCormick acting as outside consultant, the PFAA is now trying to supplant the Association of Flight Attendants at United.

From Indianapolis, where he's heading AFMA's contract talks with ATA Airlines, and from his consultancy in Laconia, N.H., McCormick talked with BusinessWeek Senior Correspondent Michael Arndt about his role in the American labor movement.

Q: The more-traditional unions in the airline industry don't speak highly of you. In fact, they disparage you as a carpetbagger. What do you say in response?
A: It's because of our success. I know what they're saying about me: "Kevin's only into it because he's going to get a management fee out of it." But quite frankly, when they can no longer defend themselves, they have to lash out and be critical of the other side. It can't be said that Kevin is out there just to line his own pockets. You won't find any marketing material from me on the Internet.

Q: But according to Web sites that your opponents run, you do get paid more the more members you sign up. Do they have it right?
A: Yes, but when the membership rises, we have to increase the size of our staff. Our costs go up. But the cost-per-member declines. It also allows AMFA to know what their administrative costs are going to be because they're set by contract.

Q: How many of your employees work for AMFA?
A: Ten full-time, and then I pull in other staff members when I have a need. AMFA is paying for services they need, not hiring staff and then finding work for them.

Q: In terms of AMFA's cost structure, do members come out ahead vs. what they'd pay at the more traditional unions?
A: Every analysis shows that AMFA enjoys the lowest cost for national administration. We've always tried to be on the conservative side when we measure this. We don't provide legal services, while a lot of unions have in-house legal staffs, so we pull that out, for instance. And AMFA itself has done analysis on what it would cost to do these services in-house and they found that we're no more expensive.
Another thing is, I have a staff that has been involved with AMFA for the last 10 years. They're dedicated to AMFA. They believe in AMFA. That type of loyalty and dedication is something you just can't go out and buy.

Q: You must run into your counterparts from traditional labor. What kind of reception do you get when it's just you guys?
A: Very cordial. Very professional. Their attacks against me are political, to try to defend their position. I understand that. I'm not taking it personally. I've got a job to do. Quite frankly, when people come to us and ask for help, I tell them, "Let it be known, I'm going to be a lightning rod. They're going to come after me." Everybody says, "Fine, let them do it."

wait for it....

Q: What do you say to people when they question whether you should be running a union, given your background?
A: I'm not running a union. I'm managing a union. I've been doing that -- managing things -- for 25 years. Now I have 12 years of labor experience. I think my qualifications speak for themselves.
We're professionals at what we do. We provide the service under the guidance of the national officers. We don't make decisions. Other unions try to put that out there, that we're decision makers. We're not. We carry out the direction of the National Executive Council. They're putting too much emphasis on what they think my control is.

Q: In your view, there's not much difference between administering this organization and any other organization?
A: It's an association, and we're professionals at providing services to associations. But we also have a lot of experience in airline labor.

wait for it....

Q: AMFA has picked up most of its members because people are tired of their old unions. They don't feel like they're getting the best contract. Now that you've become the incumbent at many airlines, I'm wondering if that might become a problem for you -- that you'll be the next bums who are thrown out.
A: That's their right. If we're not doing the job for them, then they should throw us out. Are we perfect? No. But at least the membership gets to control the direction of AMFA, not the leadership.

Wait for it.....

Q: Were you ever in a union?
A: I was in an employee committee when I was at Polaroid in the 1970s. (too funny)

BAM !! There it is. LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: (hope aapitbul doesn't see this. He might break my nose twice : )

Q: Is there an overarching philosophy that guides you in your role in the labor movement?
A: The members should give the union the direction. The union is there to represent the members, period. One of the complaints is that Kevin can't be recalled. Well, unions hire outside attorneys and outside accountants. They can be terminated. Officers who don't do their jobs can be recalled. There are also performance clauses in our contract, and we have to perform in order to maintain our contract. If I don't perform, my contract can be terminated.

Your continued copy and paste of personal attacks while we are in the middle of a ratification vote brought back by the most docile union in the industry is laughable.

What matters is two things,

The Governing Constitution of the Union
Majority Rule without being the Minority.

Fix those two issues, and these perceived personal problems will take care of themselves.

Very few will buy into your personal attacks regarding Lawyers or Advisors of the past.

Why? Because if need be, under the AMFA Constitution, those failing us will be replaced.

Every issue that you believe makes your negative reasoning sound sane in your mind actually sounds a child crying over spoiled milk and nothing more and therefore qualifies as insanity.
Everyone likes to watch a trainwreck!

And you sir, are one!
I was under the impression he was trying to give us insight because he has been there done that as far as changing Unions and Bankruptcy. I appreciate the information he provides it levels the playing field instead of just having input from current AA AMFA organizers. He has been an ACTUAL dues paying represented member.

Your continued copy and paste of personal attacks while we are in the middle of a ratification vote brought back by the most docile union in the industry is laughable.

What matters is two things,

The Governing Constitution of the Union
Majority Rule without being the Minority.

Fix those two issues, and these perceived personal problems will take care of themselves.

Very few will buy into your personal attacks regarding Lawyers or Advisors of the past.

Why? Because if need be, under the AMFA Constitution, those failing us will be replaced.

Every issue that you believe makes your negative reasoning sound sane in your mind actually sounds a child crying over spoiled milk and nothing more and therefore qualifies as insanity.

I am pretty sure these accusations should have been inbound toward the author of this post instead of outbound unless post histories have been altered on which I am taking a negative stance. Too funny.
Lighten up Francis. 🙄 🙄 🙄

So you come on this board pontificating on the importance of truth and integrity, and when some calls you on violations of the very same thing your response is.......lighten up Francis?

This is just another perfect example of the teamsters in action. Hypocrisy at its finest.
I was under the impression he was trying to give us insight because he has been there done that as far as changing Unions and Bankruptcy. I appreciate the information he provides it levels the playing field instead of just having input from current AA AMFA organizers. He has been an ACTUAL dues paying represented member.

You are one of the very few who are positively impressed by this individual.
I will agree with the bold part of your statement above. But that is about it. The history of AMFA for the 35th time was to attempt to EXCLUDE the cleaners from the maintenance class and craft prior to any election. This was standard for ALL AMFA raids. First, declare a card drive, second, petition the NMB to have the cleaners removed from the class and craft, third, loose the chance to have a vote due to a lack of cards, and finally, protest the whole issue again blaming the cleaners for the lack of cards.

They did it over and over again for years. Look it up for yourself on the NMB web site. All the past appeals are there, but it does require some reading. Educate yourself before you call someone a liar. Ignorance is curable my friend. I'm here to help. B)

I do not know what happened at UAL but there was no attempt to remove the cleaners prior to the drive, like I said we do not have cleaners fleet does the job it is a bid postion and they change ever 90 days. The company did not add them on their original submission they add them later to make up for the ones they either willing or where forced to remove You can attempt to read whats on line but really all you see is the readers digest version of what happened I helped write the submission and it was more than a ream of paper plus 2 cd's you only see the rulings for what was disputed anything voluntaruly remove does not show up.For the record we did not blame the cleaners for anything the people add where not cleaners or fuelers they were fleet service the company stole the vote by lying to the NMB.

We turned in 9300 plus cards and there were 14500 people working at the time they add ex TWA folks from PIT,IND & ORD/MID we spent 3 weeks calling and reasearching these folks we found nearly 500 they where all laid off from TWA around the time of the Ozark merger 60 were dead most had rejected going back to TWA over the years we had 80+ guys who had been let go right after 9/11 and did not make probation the company claimed it was reasonable to think these people would get their Job back when the recall list was exhausted at each station where these folks were employeed they did not even call them to see if they wanted a JOB.

The fact is they stole our election from us, there were fuelers listed for LGA we got signed affidavits from three guys saying they where not fuelers and had never been fuelers in all these examples the NMB decided in favor of the company it was not AMFA's attorneys it was a corrupt bueracy. That is why we need to file for a election prior to another merger right now we have the list and can hold their feet to the fire but once a merger is made and a single carrier finding is in place the list is toast.
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