Actually there is no proof that Einstein said that. Most believe the quote first appeared from author Rita Mae Brown in her book Sudden Death on Pg. 68 from 1983. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."
It makes me wonder what else in your above statement in questionable. Unions got in to the political arena in 1955? Are you sure about that?
None of this explains your original Drive On comment about anti unions. I still don't get it. Perhaps you can explain it in SFO. I look forward to watching you try.
You want to know why I said DRIVE ON, one because it points out the DRIVE campaign the Teamsters make sound big and important, but it was also to say you and the teamsters are driving the wrong direction you keep passing signs of danger ahead yet you will not stop or turn around you have become trapped in the institutional politic's and cannot see the forest for the trees, it is clear to many of us that you are going to be in a headon collision with reality and the movement will not survive.
I am tired of arguing with a blind follower who does nothing but reprint others lies.
Start educating yourself, I would recommend the series of articles at the link below to start they are as true about the movement as they are about the TWU/IAM/IBT teamsters, the articles point out what should be more than obvious to anyone paying attention but you will probably just attack the messenger as you do anyone who speaks the truth.
It is worth pointing out I do not agree with all is solutions but if his ideals where implemented I would listen to what was being said, as long as the basis of it is democratic control and everyone being elected and recallable then there is hope I would urge folks to get out of election politics but that is just me However since folks like yourself do not even believe there is a problem I will stick to my plan to organize AMFA because even though they have their faults they do offer a new direction with democracy and accountabilty