Through out your entire rant, you never mention the corporations who are the ones profiting from our losses and turmoil. Not just the airlines and their top brass and boards, but the hired lawyers, national administrators and the other charge by the hour professionals hired out by the independent unions. While we lost money at UAL, Seeham, McCormick, and Delle, stole away with hundreds of thousands of our dues dollars.
1.4 million members is not an under representation, but a means to fight. You are just stuck in the "but I am so special" frame of mind. As a Teamster, I am proud to have Garbage Collectors, Truck Drivers, Construction Workers, and Pilots as my brothers in the fight. Believe it or not, there is STRENGTH in numbers.
There was no twist or manipulation on this. I simply highlighted WHAT YOU WROTE. If you disagree, don't write it in the first place.
I wish you and I were standing face to face. Judging on this latest babble of yours, I would definitely call you anti union. This whole post was completely anti Union.
At the same time, while you beat up the Jim's on your post (but I doubt you would do that to their face), you are completely at ease with the fact that in his last year as self appointed national director, Delle made more money than both of the leaders of the TWU and the IBT combined. All this as AMFA had only a minor fraction of the members, and was on the down hill slide. Yes, Delle, thankfully has retired, and Marty is gone. But they did their intended damage to our industry first. If nothing else, they will always be the ones known for the men who destroyed the airline union solidarity. McCormick did exactly what he was paid to do. Weaken ALL the airline Unions.